chinagarrison 发表于 2009-2-7 10:57


原帖链接 作者:Antistar

chinagarrison 发表于 2009-2-7 10:58

Here is a list of weapons that can be modified; and which Mod Kits can be applied to them. Unique variants of these weapons can be modified in the same fashion as the standard variants:

.32 Pistol
- Silencer

Chinese Pistol
- Auto-Fire Mechanism
- Extended Magazine
- Laser Sight
- Silencer

10mm Pistol
- Auto-Fire Mechanism
- Extended Magazine
- Laser Sight
- Silencer

.44 Magnum Revolver
- Laser Sight
- Scope
- Silencer

10mm Submachine Gun
- Extended Magazine
- Laser Sight
- Scope
- Silencer

Combat Shotgun
- Auto-Fire Mechanism
- Extended Magazine

Assault Rifle
- Extended Magazine
- Laser Sight
- Scope
- Silencer

Chinese Assault Rifle
- Extended Magazine
- Laser Sight
- Scope
- Silencer

Hunting Rifle
- Extended Magazine
- Scope
- Silencer

Lever Rifle
- Laser Sight
- Silencer

Sniper Rifle
- Extended Magazine
- Laser Sight
- Silencer

To modify a weapon, take it - plus one or more applicable Weapon Mod Kits - to a Weapon Mod Workbench. These special workbenches resemble the regular variety, but are coloured orange rather than blue. They can often be found near regular workbenches, and are more reliably found in high population centres and military outposts.

Step One when using a Weapon Mod Workbench is to select which type of weapon you want to modify. (If you cannot see the desired weapon immediately, click on 'Next Page' until it is displayed.)

Step Two is to select the precise weapon you want to modify. (This step is needed in case you are carrying, for example, a modified Assault Rifle and an unmodified Assault Rifle - so you can choose which one to modify.)

Step Three is to select which Weapon Mod Kit to apply to the specified weapon - as long as you are carrying an appropriate Kit. At this point you can also choose to dismantle a previously modified weapon and receive back both the weapon and any Mod Kits that had been used on it. There is a chance, however, that recovering a Mod Kit will fail and the Mod Kit will be destroyed. The higher your Repair skill, the more likely you are to successfully recover Mod Kits. (This is a percentage chance equal to 50 plus half of your Repair skill).

Note that the condition of the weapon you are left with after modifying it is dictated by your skill at Repair (in the same fashion as the weapons constructed at regular workbenches).

Your Pip-Boy will keep track of the modifications added to a weapon by appending its display name with the appropriate initials for each Mod Kit (as described above). For example, a 10mm Pistol with a laser sight and silencer attached will be listed as '10mm Pistol (LS, SI)'.

chinagarrison 发表于 2009-2-7 10:59

Weapon Mod Kits can be found in the Wasteland - particularly amongst military supplies - but be prepared for an intensive search: they are not common. Some Raiders, Talon Company Mercenaries and Regulators are also known to carry Mod Kits - but again, they are rare and highly prized. Moira Brown, Flak and Shrapnel, and Lucky Harith carry (and periodically restock) some Mod Kits, but they are not cheap.

Lever Rifles are non-unique, less powerful versions of Lincoln's Repeater. Some Raiders carry them, and they can be found in some gun cabinets. Flak and Shrapnel and Lucky Harith also sell them.

44 Magnum Revolvers are no longer scoped by default - they need to be modified with a Scope Mod Kit like any other weapon that can have a scope attached.

ffix8 发表于 2009-2-7 11:08


chinagarrison 发表于 2009-2-7 12:00


nweiss 发表于 2009-2-7 15:29


夏日午觉 发表于 2009-2-7 15:37


yannlq 发表于 2009-2-7 16:16

很强大~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 收下

zhanghecyy 发表于 2009-2-7 16:20

回复 8# nweiss 的帖子


1、天堂瀑布 武器商店的角落
2、独立要塞 1层某角落

spp333x2002 发表于 2009-2-7 17:39

要裝在哪裡呀 我裝了之後工作台選項還是一樣呀

wei25639941 发表于 2009-2-7 18:58

很卜错      收下了

hslsummer 发表于 2009-2-7 19:42


zhanghecyy 发表于 2009-2-7 20:42

好吧,最明显的 “橙色工作台”在航母城市场,进门右手台阶下

bugybq 发表于 2009-2-8 14:24


goodjoe 发表于 2009-2-8 15:38


85644210 发表于 2009-12-3 19:36


bunny3oh 发表于 2009-12-5 14:05

支持楼主 支持楼主 支持楼主

sep23 发表于 2009-12-5 23:28


[email protected]


moon00597304 发表于 2009-12-6 07:20

这才是 好东西啊

sep23 发表于 2009-12-6 22:27


chinagarrison 发表于 2009-12-7 06:13


pointwu 发表于 2009-12-7 11:20

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 二道贩子的计划:武器配件大改造!!!自己装消音器、激光器、加长弹夹、瞄准镜吧!