kyoukomadoka 发表于 2021-11-11 23:31


本帖最后由 kyoukomadoka 于 2021-11-11 23:39 编辑

Bandai Namco Removes Denuvo Protection From Soulcalibur VI
In the list of games from which it was removed Denuvo, another replenishment – Bandai Namco removed problematic protection from the game Soulcalibur VI.

Let me remind you that this game was present in the list of games from Intelhaving processor compatibility issues Alder Lake… Recently, the publisher has already removed protection from Ace Combat 7, Tekken 7 and Soulcalibur 6. Most likely, Denuvo will soon be removed from Code Vein and Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker as well, since they are also on the “problem” list.

The EXE file of the game has been reduced by as much as 419MB.

在Denuvo被移除的游戏列表中,另一个补充——Bandai Namco从游戏《SOULCALIBUR VI》中移除了有问题的Denuvo保护。

让我提醒你,这个游戏出现在Intelhaving处理器兼容性问题Alder Lake的游戏列表中……最近,Bandai Namco已经移除了Ace Combat 7、Tekken 7和Soulcalibur 6的保护。
最有可能的是,Denuvo将很快被从《CODE VEIN》和《Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker》中删除,因为他们也在“问题”名单上。


[*] Modified – SoulcaliburVI/Binaries/Win64/SoulcaliburVI.exe (-419.23 MiB)

athena201 发表于 2021-11-12 10:25


wood021 发表于 2021-11-20 23:16

对比之前的 .exe和最新版的 .exe ,大小差很多,应该是去 D了

aby_009 发表于 2024-6-19 11:09

挖个坟,steam db如果没去tag,商店没写是不是还有d?

22年买的code vein,steam脱扒发现还是进不去,d应该还挂着吧...
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