FIFA21 FMM补丁导入和编辑工具v1.0.6【05月01日更新】
本帖最后由 【KO】 于 2021-5-1 22:29 编辑由国外网友制作的一款FIFA21补丁导入工具,这是第五个版本v1.0.6,5月1日更新,主要针对FIFA21制作补丁和添加补丁的工具。
- Batch exporting of DDS legacy assets nowsupports conversion to PNG, TGA, and HDR- Made a small optimisation to avoid amemory copy when reading resource data- Updated various third-party dependencies- Added support for importing and exportingof MovieTexture2Asset files from the right-click context menu of the dataexplorer- Added support for importing from, andexporting to, MP4, AVI, and MKV containers with various video and audio codecswhen importing or exporting MovieTexture2Asset files- An open texture editor will now refreshthe displayed texture, if the texture is imported from the right-click contextmenu of the data explorer- A custom icon is now shown forTrueTypeFontAsset files on the data explorer asset list, instead of the genericicon- Tab headers should now update morereliably (displaying the * when the asset being edited is modified)- Added importing and exporting support forAtlasTextureAsset files, as well as a visual editor to view them- A custom icon is now shown forTrueTypeFontAsset files on the data explorer asset list, instead of the genericicon
- Tab headers should now update more reliably (displaying the * when the assetbeing edited is modified)
- Added importing and exporting support for AtlasTextureAsset files, as well asa visual editor to view them
- Bug fix for the BIG editor not opening when Windows is using a Turkish locale
- Added support for importing and exporting LuaRunnerCompiledLua assets
请问我的1.0.6空载可以进入游戏,但一加补丁就进不去游戏,游戏显示启动了闪一下没了,不管什么补丁都试了,请问是什么原因,求个解决办法。 多谢分享