新闻转自 http://www.lingaoyi.com/games/ea-readying-need-for-speed-threesome/EA今天较早时间确认了年度赛车续作《极品飞车13:变速》(Need for Speed: Shift)《极品飞车:在线》(Need for Speed: World Online)《极品飞车:氮气》(Need for Speed:Nitro)即将09年登场。其中《极品飞车13:变速》登陆PC、XBOX360、PS3、PSP平台,《极品飞车:在线》独占PC平台(不排除只在亚洲市场运营),《极品飞车:氮气》将会独占任天堂平台WII、DS。
Electronic Arts shifting gears on 'Need for Speed' racing game franchise
The new games, expected to be released later this year, are "Need for Speed Shift," a first-person racing simulation for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360; "Need for Speed World Online," a multiplayer action-driving game for the PC; and "Need for Speed Nitro," an arcade-style racing game developed by EA Montreal for the Nintendo Wii and DS.
其中Need for Speed Shift是第一人称赛车模拟游戏,平台为PS3和XBOX360
Need for Speed World Online是多人动作驾驶游戏,平台为PC
最后是Need for Speed Nitro,一个有着街机感觉的赛车游戏,平台为WII和DS
EA details Need For Speed revamp
The new, revamped Need For Speed will be making a multi-pronged attack on the marketplace, with three different games aimed at varying audiences - Need For Speed: Shift will be aimed at the core gaming audience, Nitro at more casual players, and World Online will be a free game, based, shockingly, online.
Shift will see a release on the Xbox 360, PS3, PSP and PC, and looks like it will be the most traditional of the three games. Developmental duties will be handled by Slightly Mad Studios, with focus moving away from the whole underground racing thing and more towards driver realism.
Nitro, for Wii and DS, is being developed over at EA Montreal and is, predictably, a more casual affair. EA is being rather hush hush on this one, but does a promise a unique, eye-catching graphical style.
Finally there is the 'Play 4 Free' World Online, a game that appears to follow the Battlefield: Heroes revenue model. Players will have to customised their licensed vehicles before taking them online. As it stands, Asia will be the first territory to receive the game, with the West hopefully not being too far behind. EA Black Box and EA Singapore are currently hard at work on this one.
据说Need For Speed: Shift是给核心玩家准备的,最接近以前的极品飞车系列,但是工作室的重点会从以前的地下赛车模式转移到驾驶的真实感当中去,这里说是平台是Xbox 360, PS3, PSP 和 PC
最后WORLD online 据说是免费游戏,玩家需要设计改造自己的车来上网比赛,亚洲可能是最先拿到游戏的地区
http://i39.tinypic.com/281d161.jpg 哇~~极品终于可以玩内室视角了~ 等等网络极品看好玩不 又搞真实感?晕。。。 新作可以車內了?!! 画面看上去好像很强大?
PS3版得吧? 车舱内那张真像GT5~ LS同感呐 发现他们越做越像了 NFS8以后的几部作品越来越快餐了,12我只玩了一半就删除来 一年一度的显卡测试器,烧硬件的绝佳物品…… 看上去感觉不错啊!但是按照配置杀手级别的极品飞车系列来说,这次又会把游戏配置提高到一个什么样的高度呢 一年一度的显卡测试器, 感觉赛车游戏都开始同化了,,, 还是先期待那个网游的吧~ 我只想知道会有法拉利么........ 又在提醒我们该换块新的显卡了…… 感觉就是在中国发网游版,国外发单机版,呵呵,两头赚钱 唉。。。我的机器看来是跟不上的了。。 中国街...