乔治-华盛顿 发表于 2020-12-21 16:59

【搬运mod】WORLD AT WAR (Akula) 加强防御学的mod

本帖最后由 乔治-华盛顿 于 2020-12-21 16:59 编辑

Current Build: v1.2.6.9 当前版本:v1.2.6.9【翻新】
Tuning Pack
Major Changes:

[*]Gameplay has been divided into three battle stages:

[*]Battle Stage I (BS1) emphasizes on infantry, light armor, artillery and building defenses for the next stages.

[*]Battle Stage II (BS2) revolves around medium tanks and medium assault guns. Off-map bombardment abilities will be available to destroy the enemy forces.

[*]Battle Stage III (BS3) is the final battle stage, unleash formidable heavy tanks and heavy assault guns. Powerful off-map bombardment abilities will be available to decimate the enemy forces.

[*]战斗阶段 I (BS1) 只能使用 步兵, 轻型载具, 轻型曲线武器(迫击炮、小山炮、75炮)以及 防御工事.

[*]战斗阶段 II (BS2) 解锁中型坦克和中型火炮(105、152、B4之类的). 地图外轻型火炮支援技能.

[*]战斗阶段 III (BS3) 是最后一个阶段, 解锁所有剩下的终极载具以及武器. 列车轨道炮支援射击一类的重型火炮支援解锁.

[*]All factions have been reworked from scratch. However, no faction is ridiculously overpowered. You can enjoy and win games, whichever army you choose, although they all have different play styles as reflected by History.
[*]所有阵营已被重新制作. 但没有一个阵营过于OP. 无论你选择哪个阵营, 你都能享受游戏,每个阵营都有其不同的游玩风格.

[*]Destruction animations for the environment have been enhanced, which makes the game more immersive.
[*]损毁动画增强, 提高沉浸感

[*]All buildings have been reworked, especially ambient buildings can now withstand more damage without collapsing.
[*]所有建筑增强, 特别加强了中立建筑, 现在中立建筑在倒塌前能够承受更多的伤害了(也就是更肉了).

[*]All units have been reworked for game balance and real time History (Though game balance is priority).
[*]为了游戏平衡和历史史实, 所有单位强度重新制作 (但游戏平衡还是首要问题, 意思就是此mod并非是真实系mod).

[*]Player can directly control the army's veterancy and economy by using a new base building known as "Supply Yard". It is available for all factions.
[*]玩家可以通过新的基地建筑 "Supply Yard" 直接控制单位老练度(类似一代的国防军练度升级)以及资源增长(用弹药油料换人力或者弹药换油料). 所有阵营都有.

[*]Many new units have been added, e.g. Sherman Jumbo, T30 Heavy Assault Tank, British Churchill 'Black Prince', Panzer IV Ausf. F1, SU-100, 25 Pounder, Knights Cross Holders, Snipers and Vehicle Recovery Half-tracks for all factions, Concrete Bunker, Pantherturm, New Hull Down animations for British and OKW, Trench Network and Concrete Blast Wall for all factions, Tank Riders for USA and Soviets etc.
[*]增加了许多新单位(无新模型, 还是缝合怪), 比如谢尔曼巨无霸, T30重型突击坦克, 邱洁尔'黑王子', 四号F1, SU-100, 25磅火炮, 铁十字突击队, 狙击手以及载具残骸回收车, 混凝土碉堡, 地堡加豹豹炮塔超级加倍, 给大嘤和西德做的新挖地动画, 战壕网(在基地建筑里的新战壕, 巨几把肉)和混凝土墙壁(这玩意在TAP里也有), 老美谢尔曼和苏联T34上面可以坐人了.

[*]All commanders and their respective abilities have been reworked.
[*]所有指挥官技能翻新, 可能和原有的不大一样, 有些指挥官会变得很苏服.

[*]Certain commander abilities (e.g. heavy tanks, artillery & air support) can be unlocked through upgrades from the base buildings.
[*]某些特定指挥官的特殊技能 (比如B4和152榴, 以及其它一些东西) 可以通过基地升级来获得.

[*]Tanks are powerful, but without infantry support you cannot dominate the battlefield.
[*]坦克非常强, 但没有步坦协同仍旧是一只'鸡'.(强还是强, 不过靠一辆坦克独领风骚还是八行的)

[*]Halftracks can heal troops, repair vehicles and can be set as forward retreat points. In addition, special vehicle recovery halftracks can recover destroyed vehicles for all factions.
[*]所有半履带运输车史诗级加强, 可作为医疗补员修理撤退点来部署在战场上(缺点就是美军救护车无了, 开局也造不了这个半履带车). 另外, 特别回收半履带车可以回收被损毁的坦克残骸.

[*]All support units (including at-guns, and light infantry support guns) can retreat.
[*]所有支援单位现在可以T回家了 (AT, 小山炮之类能动的) .

[*]All support units (including at-guns, light infantry support guns, mortars, and immobile heavy artillery guns) can camouflage.
[*]所有支援单位现在可以原地隐身了 (AT, 小山炮, 75炮, 迫击炮 ,88炮 ,105等等玩意儿) .

[*]All heavy artillery units have been reworked. They have longer ranges, longer barrages and more suppression, but cost munitions.
[*]所有重型火炮支援单位重做. 现在他们有更长的射程, 更持久的火炮打击以及更强的压制能力, 但是费弹药, 很多很多的弹药(完整的一次火炮打击基本都是100弹药).

[*]Most On-map Artillery shells and rockets (Launched from units on map) can cause criticals to enemy vehicles. Therefore, a well-placed barrage from a self-propelled gun can bring an entire armored assault to its knees!
[*]简而言之火炮和火箭弹威力史诗级加强, 受够了原版的小水管威力了吗? 尝尝这个八坦克们! 另外小心你的弹药存量.

[*]Numerous defensive structures have been added to all factions. Tank traps and other barricades can now be built without commander abilities.
[*]现在所有阵营都能修建大量防御工事了. 反坦克桩以及其它工事现在就算没有对应的指挥官技能, 也能建造了.

[*]New Skins have been added for certain units which are unable to use custom skins.

[*]Demolition charges are available for all factions, they can kill masses of infantry, destroy bridges and buildings alike, and also cause criticals to vehicles.
[*]单位放置的遥控炸药史诗级加强, 所有建筑桥梁工事单位坦克载具只要一个炸药全部飞天.

[*]In addition to killing infantry, Goliaths can also destroy bridges and buildings, and inflict criticals to vehicles.

[*]Weapon Racks have been added to all factions.

[*]More than 250 custom icons have been added for the new abilities and units

[*]AI has been tweaked to give an intense and challenging experience.


[*]The most versatile fighting force of all.

[*]React to enemy tactics, anytime and anywhere on the battlefield.
[*]快速反应, 快速动员.

[*]Upgrade resource caches into strong Observation Posts to hold key territories.
[*]圆点上的盖子可以升级成前线基地, 能补人造东西.

[*]Their main strengths are versatility, maneuverability and air superiority.
[*]对了还有米帝传统艺能 空 中 支 援.


[*]The most defensive faction of all, with wide array of defensive emplacements.
[*]所有阵营中最肉的, 专业防御战100年.

[*]Have some of the best infiltration units and tactics, to cause harassment behind enemy lines.
[*]拥有最好的敌后渗透战术(我们大嘤的突击队其实藏在每一个中立建筑里, 只要长官一声令下), 偷得对面吗都没了.

[*]Hull down your tanks to make your defensive lines formidable.
[*]所 有 坦 克 都 能 挖 地 (装甲车八行).

[*]Their powerful artillery and air superiority abilities can repel any attacker.
[*]大嘤的火炮和空军 行.


[*]Call in wave after wave of infantry and tanks to overwhelm the enemy.
[*]苏军传统艺能 人 海 突 击 战术.

[*]Upgrade resource caches into strong Observation Posts, to reinforce your troops and continue the push.
[*]圆点上的盖子可以升级成前线基地, 能补人造东西.

[*]Deploy large formations of heavy tanks and assault guns, along with super artillery to crush the enemy.
[*]坦克也可以海, 还有B4/152任选其一哦.

[*]Have Soviet air force on station, to support the ground operations.


[*]The most balanced faction of all which supports both defensive and aggressive playstyles.
[*]最平衡的阵营, 可辅助, 可快攻, 可防御, 可进攻.

[*]Hull down your tanks to set up mobile defenses.
[*]所 有 坦 克 都 能 挖 地 (装甲车八行).

[*]Destroy your enemy with well-placed Blitzkrieg attacks.

[*]Compliment your playstyle with powerful off-map abilities.
[*]最草的列车轨道炮支援, 你可能扛的过一发, 但你扛得过10发吗?(是真的有很多发) 赶紧T走吧.


[*]Have a defensive playstyle with a variety of fortifications at your disposal.
[*]防御学比大嘤菜一点, 但还是比其他阵营好.

[*]Hull down your tanks to fortify key defensive positions.
[*]所 有 坦 克 都 能 挖 地 (装甲车八行).

[*]Your patience will reward you with Germany's finest troops, tanks and equipment.
[*]只要能熬到后期, 你就出头辣.

[*]They lack in direct air support capabilities, and rely more on powerful artillery abilities.
[*]缺少强力的空中支援, 更依赖强大的火炮.


Current Build: v1.0.2.7 当前版本:v1.0.2.7【翻新】
Gamemode Pack

重要!此Gamemode包只能用于WORLD AT WAR (Akula) 的mod上,

但单独的WORLD AT WAR (Akula)的Tuning包可以搭配其它Gamemode包使用, 比如空投Gamemode.

Major Features:

[*]There are eight different Game Modes in this pack.

[*]WORLD AT WAR (Akula): AN

[*]WORLD AT WAR (Akula): AN

[*]WORLD AT WAR (Akula): AN

[*]WORLD AT WAR (Akula): AN

[*]WORLD AT WAR (Akula): VP

[*]WORLD AT WAR (Akula): VP

[*]WORLD AT WAR (Akula): VP

[*]WORLD AT WAR (Akula): VP


[*]WORLD AT WAR (Akula): 歼灭战 [战斗阶段1]

[*]WORLD AT WAR (Akula): 歼灭战 [战斗阶段2]

[*]WORLD AT WAR (Akula): 歼灭战 [战斗阶段3]

[*]WORLD AT WAR (Akula): 歼灭战 [硬核模式]

[*]WORLD AT WAR (Akula): 胜利点 [战斗阶段1]

[*]WORLD AT WAR (Akula): 胜利点 [战斗阶段2]

[*]WORLD AT WAR (Akula): 胜利点 [战斗阶段3]

[*]WORLD AT WAR (Akula): 胜利点 [硬核模式]

[*]The Three battle stages are further described below:

[*]Battle Stage I (BS1) emphasizes on infantry, light armor, artillery and building defenses for the next stages.

[*]Battle Stage II (BS2) revolves around medium tanks and medium assault guns. Off-map bombardment abilities will be available to destroy the enemy forces.

[*]Battle Stage III (BS3) is the final battle stage, unleash formidable heavy tanks and heavy assault guns. Powerful off-map bombardment abilities will be available to decimate the enemy forces.

[*]战斗阶段 I (BS1) 只能使用 步兵, 轻型载具, 轻型曲线武器(迫击炮、小山炮、75炮)以及 防御工事.

[*]战斗阶段 II (BS2) 解锁中型坦克和中型火炮(105、152、B4之类的). 地图外轻型火炮支援技能.

[*]战斗阶段 III (BS3) 是最后一个阶段, 解锁所有剩下的终极载具以及武器. 列车轨道炮支援射击一类的重型火炮支援解锁.

[*]High Camera Zoom is enabled for all Game Modes.

[*]Blue silhouettes of units have been removed from the game UI for greater immersion.
[*]单位蓝框被移除, 为了更好看和沉浸感.

[*]Intel Bulletins, Decals and Victory Strikes have been disabled.

[*]All Victory Point Game Modes support 500, 1000 and 2000 Points.
[*]所有胜利点模式都支持500, 1000和2000点数的设置.


Game Modes Description:


[*]"BS1" stands for "Battle Stage I".

[*]It is standard annihilation game with some AI tweaks.

[*]Player is provided with basic infantry in the start of the match which is later augmented with light armor.
WORLD AT WAR (Akula): 歼灭战 [战斗阶段1]

[*]"BS1" 意味着 "战斗阶段 I".

[*]这是一个标准的歼灭战游玩方式, AI有一些改动.

[*]玩家在开局会自带一些步兵, 之后会免费送你几辆轻型载具.(看屏幕左上角, 会有倒计时)


[*]"BS2" stands for "Battle Stage II".

[*]Player starts with 110 Command Points and 50 extra Fuel.

[*]Player needs to destroy all enemy bases to win.

[*]Player is provided with basic infantry and support weapons in the start of the match which are later augmented with medium and light armor.
WORLD AT WAR (Akula): 歼灭战 [战斗阶段2]

[*]"BS2" 意味着 "战斗阶段 II".


[*]玩家在开局会自带一些步兵和支援武器, 之后会免费送你几辆轻型和中型载具.(看屏幕左上角, 会有倒计时)


[*]"BS3" stands for "Battle Stage III".

[*]Player starts with 125 Command Points, 200 and 150, extra Munitions and Fuel, respectively.

[*]Player needs to destroy all enemy bases to win.

[*]Player is provided with basic infantry and support weapons in the start of the match which are later augmented with heavy and light armor.
WORLD AT WAR (Akula): 歼灭战 [战斗阶段3]

[*]"BS3" 意味着 "战斗阶段 III".


[*]玩家在开局会自带一些步兵和支援武器, 之后会免费送你几辆轻型和重型载具.(看屏幕左上角, 会有倒计时)


[*]"HC" stands for "Hardcore".

[*]This mode is designed for players who are looking for a serious challenge.

[*]AI will show no mercy, and will try its best to overwhelm you.

[*]Player needs to destroy all enemy bases to win.

[*]Player is provided with basic infantry in the start of the match which is later augmented with light, medium or heavy armor depending on the battle stage.
WORLD AT WAR (Akula): 歼灭战 [硬核模式]

[*]"HC" 意味着 "硬核模式".

[*]AI毫不手软, 会用所有的单位技能来碾碎你.

[*]玩家在开局会自带一些步兵, 之后在每个战斗阶段迭代时都会有免费单位来增援, 轻中重型单位皆有(但AI也有而且更多).


[*]"BS1" stands for "Battle Stage I".

[*]It is standard victory point game with some AI tweaks.

[*]Player is provided with basic infantry in the start of the match which is later augmented with light armor.


[*]"BS2" stands for "Battle Stage II".

[*]Player starts with 110 Command Points and 50 extra Fuel.

[*]To win player either needs to control majority victory points or destroy all enemy bases.

[*]Player is provided with basic infantry and support weapons in the start of the match which are later augmented with medium and light armor.


[*]"BS3" stands for "Battle Stage III".

[*]Player starts with 125 Command Points, 200 and 150, extra Munitions and Fuel, respectively.

[*]To win player either needs to control majority victory points or destroy all enemy bases.

[*]Player is provided with basic infantry and support weapons in the start of the match which are later augmented with heavy and light armor.


[*]"HC" stands for "Hardcore".

[*]This mode is designed for players who are looking for a serious challenge.

[*]AI will show no mercy, and will try its best to overwhelm you.

[*]To win player either needs to control majority victory points or destroy all enemy bases.

[*]Player is provided with basic infantry in the start of the match which is later augmented with light, medium or heavy armor depending on the battle stage.

胜利点模式除了胜利点外, 其它同歼灭战模式.


乔治-华盛顿 发表于 2020-12-21 16:59

提取码:**** Hidden Message *****

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乔治-华盛顿 发表于 2020-12-21 17:15

本帖最后由 乔治-华盛顿 于 2022-7-21 01:03 编辑链接:s/1TNTjea8nTVlkG17iPuXCgA链接:s/1lUEM0wms45uMt6IFcUeR4w链接:s/1_Gzr8ROPviJedovZggC4kg链接:s/1TSgfLC6w18QWqqdS_3YzaA链接:s/1IlpY4jXZ0hFmgZD9-MS2Qg链接:s/1CAsE7hdHygudhQl3kbkpYA
提货码楼上有售 都是同一个
(Update v1.3.0.1/


(Update v1.3.0.0)

[*]Inconsistent veterancy bonuses of certain vehicular units due to the last past have been addressed.

[*]Minor UI related issues have been fixed as well.

(Update v1.2.9.9)

[*]The issue of Vickers K LMG unlocking (for Infantry Sections) without the required Commander ability has been addressed.

[*]British Stand Fast and Vehicle Crew Repair abilities' recharge times have been increased to 45 and 60 seconds, respectively.

[*]OKW Vehicle Self-Repair ability recharge has been increased to 60 seconds as well.

[*]M4 Sherman 'Firefly' Tank Destroyer fuel cost has been decreased from 135 to 120 fuel.

[*]Commandos can now employ 'Hit the Dirt!' tactics for superior protection against incoming fire.
[*]突击队现在能使用Hit the Dirt技能来抵抗敌军火力了

[*]Fallschirmjägers can now be upgraded with two MG42 LMGs and can utilize them for Suppressive Fire.

[*]Rangers can now Button Vehicles using their M1918A2 BARs.

[*]Royal Engineers can use Volley Fire ability.
[*]皇家工兵能使用Volley Fire技能了

[*]Abandoned buildings are now repairable by engineering units of all factions.

[*]Recovery rate of all recovery half-tracks has been increased by approximately 20%.

[*]Repair rate of dedicated engineering units from Repair Stations and Base Buildings has been increased by approximately 20%.

[*]Repair rate of Area Repair ability (of half-tracks) has been decreased by approximately 30%.

[*]British Stand Fast ability's emplacement repair rate has been decreased by approximately 15%.

[*]Non-dedicated engineering units such as Conscripts, Panzergrenadiers, and Panzerfüsiliers have slower repair rates as compared to specialized engineering units.

[*]AI controlled anti-air units can now destroy aircrafts owned by human players.

[*]Engine damage related critical probability has been marginally increased for on-map heavy artillery shells.

[*]Effectiveness of AI controlled Railway Artillery has been slightly decreased.

[*]All non-incendiary artillery shells cannot damage infantry units protected by Trench Network.

[*]Area damage of P-47 and Hawker Typhoons Rocket Strafes has been marginally increased.

[*]Effectiveness of Phosphorus weapons have been slightly improved. They will kill infantry more readily.

[*]Certain animations of heavy explosions have been reworked for improved immersion and performance.

[*]M10 and M36 Tank Destroyers HVAP Shells ability cost has been increased from 20 to 30 munitions.

[*]M1 57mm Anti-Tank Gun APDS Rounds ability cost has been decreased from 30 to 25 munitions.
[*]M1 57mm反坦克炮的APDS技能成本从30弹药降至25弹药

[*]APDS Rounds ability (of QF-17 Pounder AT Gun, M5 AT Gun, and BS-3 Field Gun) time duration has been increased from 30 to 45 seconds. Subsequently, its cost has been increased from 25 to 40 munitions.

[*]High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) Shells abilities of OKW tanks recharge time has been increased from 15 of 30 seconds.

[*]Barrage abilities of most on-map rocket artillery units cost at most 80 munitions.

[*]Churchill AVRE '290mm Petard Mortar Attack' ability and Sturmtiger '38cm Rocket Attack' ability costs have been decreased to 80 and 100 munitions, respectively.

[*]Infantry and team weapons retreat pathing to forward retreat points has been improved.

[*]US and Soviet Observation Post upgrades now cost 200 manpower and 20 munitions.

[*]Minesweeper upgrades (of engineering units) have been reworked into a Support Package upgrade which provides a minesweeper as well as improves repair ability.

[*]Repair time of destroyed base buildings has been increased by 1.5 times.

[*]A4 Comet missing projectile animation issue has been fixed.

[*]Universal Carrier Crew Repair and Improved Crew Repair abilities cost has been increased from 5 to 10 munitions.

[*]Blendkörper 2H Frangible Smoke Grenade cost has been increased from 10 to 15 munitions.

[*]Assault Grenadiers can now throw Blendkörper 2H Frangible Smoke Grenades.

[*]Incendiary weapons can slowdown infantry and vehicle units by up to 50% of their optimal speeds. Additionally, incendiary weapons effectiveness against infantry has been slightly improved.

[*]OKW individual unit upgrades require the respective unit to be present in an "in-supplied" territory.

[*]All forward production buildings can no longer build units if they are not located in an "in-supplied" territory.

[*]British Glider-borne Commando HQ can no longer produce Commando units before it has safely landed. Additionally, it cannot produce Field Medics anymore.

[*]Riflemen M1 Garand rifles' damage against infantry has been slightly improved, especially at medium to close range.

[*]The combat efficiency of standard issue weapons of team weapon crews has been considerably increased.

[*]Osttruppen Combat Cover Bonus passive ability's UI animation has been reworked.

[*]Coordinated Barrage abilities now fire 15 instead of 20 shells, but their recharge time has been decreased from 150 to 110 seconds.

[*]Mod's localization and UI has been updated.

(Update v1.2.9.8)

[*]Half-tracks can no longer simultaneously Distribute Medical Supplies and Area Repair vehicles.

[*]Panzer II "Luchs" now displays correct UI animation for Prioritize Vehicles ability.

[*]Minor UI related bugs have been fixed.

(Update v1.2.9.7)

[*]The deployment limits of US vehicles are now unaffected by the disembarkment of their vehicle crews.

[*]M4A3(105) Sherman Bulldozer now has a Bunker Busting Barrage ability which is unlocked at veterancy 1.

[*]M4A3(105) Sherman Bulldozer Tank's cost has been readjusted to 360 manpower and 120 fuel.

[*]Sturmpanzer IV "Brummbär" and M4A3(105) Sherman Bulldozer shells have marginally increased lethality against infantry.

[*]Aircrafts' health and armor has been slightly increased. Additionally, all anti-air weapons have been marginally nerfed against them.

[*]British recon aircrafts from Artillery Cover and Command Vehicle Air Support abilities can now be destroyed by anti-air weapons.

[*]The missing ground impact animation of Jagdpanzer IV's explosive shell has been re-added.

[*]Vehicle speeds will decrease when crushing objects. The magnitude of this decrease is dependent on the physical properties of crushed objects.

[*]Handbrake toggle ability has been added to Sdkfz 251: 17 flak and infrared half-tracks.

[*]Mark Vehicle abilities now increase received damage and accuracy to targeted vehicle by 25%, respectively.

(Update v1.2.9.6)

[*]P-47 and Hawker Typhoons Rocket Strafe can now temporarily disable vehicles. Additionally, their damage has been slightly increased against heavy tanks.

[*]British Artillery Cover ability can now temporarily disable vehicles for 10 instead of 5 seconds.

[*]Field Artillery Logistics upgrades now decrease the cost of Direct Fire Attack ability (of B-4 Howitzer) as intended.

[*]Vehicles will now correctly receive Light Cover Bonus when near light cover.

(Update v1.2.9.5)

[*]Movement profiles of all vehicles have been tweaked with respect to their masses.

[*]Infantry and vehicle units now have speed penalties when crossing water bodies, and terrain covered with heavy snow and mud.

[*]All tanks and static anti-tank guns have slightly increased reload times, while mobile anti-tank guns' reload times have been marginally decreased.

[*]Fire rates of mortars and light infantry support guns have been slightly decreased.

[*]Vehicles in heavy and light covers are harder to hit. Moreover, vehicles in heavy cover receive less damage from enemy fire.

[*]Heavy tanks are now more resilient against heavy artillery shells, rockets, mines, demolition charges, and Goliaths.

[*]On-map heavy artillery barrages have greater probability of damaging a vehicle's engine as compared to inflicting other criticals.

[*]Projectile velocities of all tanks have been reworked, i.e., tank destroyers generally have faster projectile velocities.

[*]Jagdpanzer IV's main gun projectile is now similar to that of Panther tank.

[*]Veterancy levels have been added for officer units of all factions.

[*]All dedicated flak vehicles and emplacements can now suppress infantry units.

[*]Veterancy 5 suppressive fire capabilities of Knight's Cross Holders and Kübelwagen have been marginally improved.

[*]M2 Smoke Pots ability has been added to M8 Greyhound.

[*]M23 Smoke Screen Grenade ability of Riflemen has been improved.

[*]Trench Networks no longer boost infantry units' movement speeds.

[*]Mines are now more lethal against infantry units. They can temporarily suppress nearby infantry on exploding as well.

[*]Animation issues of anti-tank mine deployment abilities of M20 Armored Car and SdKfz 251 half-track have been resolved.

[*]The Regiel anti-tank mine's cost has been increased from 35 to 40 munitions.

[*]Direct Fire Attack ability of B-4 Howitzer now costs 40 instead of 30 munitions.

[*]Sherman Firefly Tulip Rocket Strike ability's cost has been decreased from 80 to 60 munitions. But it now does less damage against heavy armor.

[*]S-mines Warning Signs will be automatically removed once the mines have been cleared or detonated.

[*]"Heavy Artillery!" warning message (in Fog of War) has been removed from AI On-map artillery units.

[*]Issue pertaining to Soviet Merge ability not working on support weapons has been addressed.

[*]New symbol icon has been added for POMZ Flare Trip Mine.

[*]Hull-Down Mode animation issue for British and German vehicles has been fixed. Additionally, Hull-Down now only increases vehicles' target acquisition range by 5 meters.

[*]German Command Post Bunkers and Soviet Forward HQs can no longer garrison units.

[*]German Command Post Bunker upgrades now cost 200 instead of 150 manpower.

[*]US and Soviet Observation Post upgrades' cost has been increased from 200 to 220 manpower.

[*]All medic and repair engineer/sapper upgrades now have a fuel cost of 10.

[*]Campfire will heal out-of-combat infantry units 25% faster.

[*]Medics of all factions now have faster healing rates as compared to the healing ability of half-tracks.

[*]Emplacements, static anti-tank guns and artillery units, Soviet Repair Station, Landmattress MRL now require munitions along with manpower resources for deployment.

[*]2cm Flak 38 Emplacement manpower cost has been increased from 220 to 250.

[*]Manpower cost of all self-propelled guns and rocket artillery units has been slightly increased.

[*]Several UI related issues, and other miscellaneous bugs have been fixed.

(Update v1.2.9.4)

[*]British Mortar Emplacement now has less scatter when deploying smoke.

[*]Minor UI related issues caused by the previous update have been fixed.

(Update v1.2.9.3)

[*]Demolition charge now requires 10 seconds to implant and has a 30 seconds cool down. The squad is more vulnerable during the implantation process. Additionally, if the squad gets pinned, they will abort the process.

[*]Switchable High Explosive rounds of anti-tank guns, assault guns, and tank destroyers can now inflict damage to garrisoned units.

[*]Special abilities of HMG teams (all factions) can also inflict damage to garrisoned units. These abilities no longer have veterancy requirements but their costs have been slightly increased.

[*]Goliaths now receive 50% more target accuracy from enemy fire when moving. This change is intended to encourage more tactical gameplay.

[*]Panzergrenadiers and Panzerfusiliers can now repair damaged vehicles and structures.

[*]Volksgrenadiers and Knight's Cross Holders passive self-heal veteran ability's animation issue has been resolved.

(Update v1.2.9.2)

[*]Squad formations of infantry in cover have been tweaked. Infantry will preferably stay in position (assigned by the player) by avoiding unnecessary dislocation, especially during combat.

[*]The territory capture and revert rates of light vehicles have been improved.

(Update v1.2.9.1)

[*]Jagdpanzer IV's veterancy 5 has been reworked. It now dramatically increases the crews' accuracy when the tank is static.

[*]The auto-canons of Panzer II 'Luchs' and 222 Armored Car have increased damage potential. Their effectiveness against blobbed infantry has been improved.

[*]251/17 Flak Half-track's area damage (from flak) has been increased against infantry.

[*]AI can no longer deploy Base Defense Artillery Overwatch ability at the start of a match.

[*]Dispatchment time of vehicle reinforcements at the start of a match has been considerably decreased. This effect all Game Modes.

(Update v1.2.9.0)

[*]Destroyed HQ now decreases manpower supply by 75% instead of completely seizing it.

[*]High explosive shells of anti-tank guns and tank destroyers have 25% greater chance of hitting infantry units.

(Update v1.2.8.9)

[*]Fixed a rare issue where when a Wehrmacht player recrews an MG42, it does not show Ambush Camouflage upgrade even though it is enabled.

[*]Minor UI bugs have been addressed.
[*]解决了些许轻微的UI bug

(Update v1.2.8.8)

[*]The Sprint ability provides an anti-suppression effect that last for a short period of time - 1.5 seconds. This effect is only applied if the squad is not pinned.

[*]The defensive bonuses of Sprint ability now only applied if the infantry unit is on the move.

[*]Hit the Dirt ability's defensive bonus has been decreased from 50% to 25%.
[*]Hit the Dirt技能的防御加成现在从50%下调至25%

[*]Officers Charge ability now incurs damage penalty of 15% instead of 20%.

(Update v1.2.8.7)

[*]The damage and penetration profiles of grenades have been reworked to be consistent against buildings and vehicles. Standard fragmentation grenades now have lower damage and penetration probability against vehicles.

[*]Tommy Gammon Bomb's damage to vehicles has been decreased by 25%.

[*]Suppression of Paratroopers' Suppressive Fire, Combat Engineers' Volley Fire, Stormtroopers' Tactical Advance, and Shock Troops' Fire Superiority abilities has been improved.

[*]Shock Troops Fire Superiority ability UI icon has been updated.

[*]Vickers HMG has Sustained Fire as one of the veterancy 1 abilities, while its weapon range increase bonus now requires veterancy 3.

[*]HMGs' Sustained Fire, Armor Piercing Rounds, and Incendiary Armor Piercing Rounds abilities now have increased suppression.

[*]HMGs' Armor Piercing Rounds and Incendiary Armor Piercing Rounds abilities cost has been increased from 15 to 20 munitions.

[*]Sprint has been added as a veterancy 1 ability to MG42 and MG34 HMGs.

[*]Half-tracks and observation posts can now spawn weapon pickups on ice.

[*]Mines can be built on undamaged ice.

[*]When Hit the Dirt ability is active on an infantry squad, it will receive 50% less accuracy from enemy fire.
[*]当步兵单位的Hit the Dirt技能启用时,将减少被击中的概率大概50%

[*]While Sprint ability is active, infantry squad will be more harder to hit if they are moving.

[*]Land Mattress MRL's veterancy bonuses have been reworked. Its range has been increased from 135 to 160 meters, while its scatter has been decreased by approximately 20%.

[*]Land Mattress MRL's White Phosphorous Barrage ability now requires veterancy 1.

[*]T34 Calliope's veterancy 2 and 3 bonuses have been swapped. It now requires veterancy 3 for increased maximum range.

[*]OKW leFH 18 Howitzer's veterancy bonuses have been tweaked. It now receives maximum range bonus on veterancy 3.

[*]Cap limits of Land Mattress MRL, Panzerwerfer 42 MRL, BM-13 Katyusha, "Stuka zu Fuß" Half-track have been increased by one.

(Update v1.2.8.6)

[*]Infantry and team weapons' suppression threshold and recovery rate have been increased.

[*]Penal Battalion Last Man Stand passive ability has been improved.
[*]改进了惩戒营小队被动技能Last Man Stand的效果

[*]All vehicle abilities related to speed bonuses have been tweaked and improved.

[*]Sprint abilities now provide a 20% damage decrease to infantry units.

[*]Damage penalty to friendly infantry due to officers' Charge abilities has been slightly decreased.

[*]Heavy cover and light cover decreases suppression by 60% and 20% for infantry, respectively.

[*]For hardcore Game Modes, AI on-map artillery units can now barrage in enemy base.

[*]Infantry units will now receive only 25% additional damage instead of 200% when they are engaged in building and repairing processes.

[*]Rare issue where Concrete Blast Wall does not block line of sight has been addressed.

[*]Concrete Blast Wall now provides heavy cover to nearby infantry units.

[*]Issue pertaining to Target Weak Point abilities of Pak40 and Pak43 missing shots frequently has been resolved.

[*]Sandbags and Barbed Wires (including Reinforced ones) now have increased health.

[*]UI details of Tank Rider passive ability and upgrade have been updated.
[*]更新了Tank Rider被动技能和升级图标的UI细节

1807108396 发表于 2020-12-22 19:40


yang118624 发表于 2020-12-22 19:41


xinqing696 发表于 2020-12-23 22:20


xn113 发表于 2020-12-24 14:42


风之殇2012 发表于 2020-12-24 20:42


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zwqh666 发表于 2020-12-26 18:01


mygold 发表于 2020-12-28 15:42


qq2516512 发表于 2020-12-30 09:15


态、_____度 发表于 2020-12-30 09:19


xiaolongfeifei 发表于 2021-1-1 22:10


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1464080619fG 发表于 2021-1-3 11:48


bhx981537 发表于 2021-1-3 12:10


9349478 发表于 2021-1-3 15:53


272393548 发表于 2021-1-4 02:36

ORLD AT WAR (Akula) 加强防御

yoyotv323 发表于 2021-1-4 09:36


leadertwo 发表于 2021-1-4 16:25


好飘逸的猪 发表于 2021-1-4 20:52


abidng_yygy 发表于 2021-1-6 13:01


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xn113 发表于 2021-1-8 18:05


wlzyl 发表于 2021-1-8 18:23


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rocky123 发表于 2021-1-14 12:47


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