Stop Wasting My Time - WotC 加快游戏速度的MOD
Speeds up the game by removing pointless pauses and other time-wasters. All changes are purely cosmetic. UPDATED TO SUPPORT WAR OF THE CHOSEN! For a version that doesn't require War of the Chosen, see here Combat changes: Removed 1-2 second pause after: Shooting, throwing grenades, abilities, etc. Getting a kill Going into cover Reanimating corpses and unburrowing chryssalids Enemies are revealed Removed enemies randomly pointing for no reason Removed some unskippable Bradford voiceovers: 1, 3, and 6 turns remaining warnings Civilians dying warning Removed 33% slowdown of enemies not being attacked during overwatch slowmo (enemies being attacked are unaffected)steam创意工坊 常年最多订阅的MOD 让你烦躁的心 得到治愈
本帖最后由 zimus 于 2020-12-8 14:19 编辑
将解压后的文件夹放到游戏目录XCOM 2\XComGame\Mods\下,没有Mods文件夹自己建一个,然后启动XCOM 2\Binaries\Win64\Launcher\目录下的ModLauncherWPF.exe,加载启用mod
Install by extracting files to Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Mods
...or use Nexus Mod Manager! 感谢分享52 这个有用吗?
能解决技能过多(视野相关的技能尤其卡) 最高等级准将 50+技能 卡顿的问题吗? 感谢分享