[FitGirl Repack]赏金奇兵3 V1.4.11.R35885.F + 3 DLCS + OST + ARTBOOK
本帖最后由 830105 于 2020-11-4 17:19 编辑Desperados III: Digital Deluxe Edition v1.4.11.r35885.F + 3 DLCs + OST + ArtBookGenres/Tags: Strategy, Tactics, Isometric, 3D, Pausable real-time
Companies: Mimimi Games, THQ Nordic
Languages: RUS/ENG/MULTI10
Original Size: 13.7 GB
Repack Size: from 5.3 GB Repack Features
[*]Based on Desperados.III.Money.for.the.Vultures-CODEX ISO release: codex-desperados.iii.money.for.the.vultures.iso (14,555,971,584 bytes)
[*]All 3 DLCs are included and activated
[*]Bonus soundtrack recoded from WAV to MP3 (Lame/Extreme preset); Missing bonus ArtBook (122 MB) added
[*]100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation
[*]NOTHING ripped, NOTHING re-encoded
[*]Selective Download feature: you can skip downloading and installing of bonus content (OST + ArtBook) and voiceover packs you don’t need
[*]Significantly smaller archive size (compressed from cumulative 13.7 to 5.3~6.9 GB, depending on selected components)
[*]Installation takes: ~4 minutes on 8-threads CPU; ~8 minutes on 4-threads CPU
[*]After-install integrity check so you could make sure that everything installed properly
[*]HDD space after installation: up to 19 GB
[*]Language can be changed in game settings
[*]At least 2 GB of free RAM (inc. virtual) required for installing this repack
This repack is HEAVILY backwards compatible with my previous repack of D3. You can rehash the following files to save up to 4 GB of traffic:
It is not found any file specified forISArcExtract{:3_124:}
这个3个DLC都能玩了? 这个版本好,三个dlc都可以进。 x谢谢分享。。 谢谢楼主辛苦分享
楼主辛苦分享 谢谢大佬分享 好,就等这个呢
这些原画哪里来的 好评 redownload must?? 支持一下~~~~~~~~ 安装期间遇到上述问题,是由于没有安 谢谢您的分享! 请问论坛专区有英语语音包下载吗?还是原声设定集包 看看呢{:3_118:}~ 谢谢您的分享! 多谢分享~~~ 感谢楼主热情分享66666666666666666666666666666