Posted 19th Jan 2009 02:15 PM by Medievaldragon diii.nethttp://www.diii.net/gallery/data/500/thumbs/cain-journal2.jpgAt BlizzCon 2008, Blizzard announced the new Diablo III class: The Wizard. We were able to play the game demo at the Anaheim Covention Center, with three classes available including the Barbarian and the Witch Doctor. The Wizard looked like a merge of the Assassin and Sorceress class. The Witch Doctor seems to take traits of the Necromancer with the Wall of Zombies.
This makes me wonder if the remaining classes to be announced will be mock ups of the previous classes, merging some of their traits and skills. One of our fans, jgoldcaptain, tried to convince me of a possible new class based on some sketches shown within Deckard Cain’s Journal. A Paladin-like concept art in full armor, a large sword and winged-spaulders.There is another sketch showing a Warrior with skeletal spaulders, and curiously, his chestplate resembles that of Tyrael in the front page of the Diablo III website. Paladins followed the Light.
Paladin Class
The Knights of Westmarch who felled the armies of mighty Leoric are pure at heart and closely follow the teachings of Zakarum, the Religion of the Light. A battle-ready warrior for whom faith is a shield, the Paladin fights for what he believes to be right. His steadfastness gives him powers to bestow blessings to his friends and wreak cruel justice on foes. There are those who call the Paladin an overwrought zealot, but others recognize in him the strength and goodness of the Light.
Traits and Abilities
http://www.diii.net/gallery/data/500/thumbs/cain-journal1.jpgPaladins use holy magic as gifted by the High Heavens. They maintain strictly ordered lives, constantly upholding the cause of Virtue and Light. They must never succumb to worldly temptations lest they risk being deceived into following “false lights” - demons masquerading as Heavenly beings.
Paladins may use their skills to increase their prowess with sword and shield, as well as cast blessing “Auras” on themselves and to any who join them. They are particularly skilled against the undead, as they know many holy incantations effective against these types of creatures.—Source
Assuming there is a connection between this Paladin-like sketch’s breastplate and Tyrael, we could assume that with Tyrael corrupted (if he is corrupted), the paladins of the Light may have been corrupted as well? Would this Zealot class be some sort of Death Knight equivalent with healing and curse abilities? ... In Diablo: The Sin War Trilogy, Sanctuary’s humanity is revealed to be descendants of the progeny of rebel angels and demons with Rathma being the son of Angel Inarius and Lilith. After Lilith betrayed Inarius by attempting to control their progeny - as a ultimate weapon against Heaven,Inarius modified the Worldstone to depower their children. As time passed, Humans came to be. With the Worldstone destroyed, it is possible that humans might slowly recover their angel and demon ancestry’s latent powers. Thus, we might expect darker versions of previous Classes.
Ruined City of Ureh
It is intriguing that Cain’s Journal ends with a concept art of Ureh, followed by an uncomplete sketch of the Diablo III logo. Only the fiery III shows up, as if at some point the logo will be updated to slowly reveal the “Diablo” part. This brings to me a vibe of a puzzle.
This is what is told on the last page of Cain’s Journal:
It seems we are cursed. Even in victory, we face defeat.Although the heroes destroyed Baal, the angel Tyrael has delivered grave news.An object of great power that he calls the Worldstone was held in secret at the mountain’s summit, and it had been corrupted by Baal.He believes the only option open to him is to destroy it.I know too little of this Worldstone and what powers it may hold to guess what might come of this, but I fear our actions may scar the world in ways we cannot know.I pray Tyrael is making the right choice.
http://www.diii.net/gallery/data/500/thumbs/cain-journal13.jpgAs soon as you turn this last page, you see the concept art of Ureh and the uncomplete logo of Diablo III. Could we have been hinted here by any chance? Could the destruction of the Worldstone have weakened Sanctuary’s shield leaving it open to both Heaven and Hell? In Diablo: The Sin War Trilogy by Richard A. Knaak, the Worldstone was originally atoned by Angel Inarius to shield Santuary’s presence from Heaven and Hell, effectively cloaking it from being discovered by both planes. With the Worldstone destroyed, the shield protecting Sanctuary has been torn away like a veil. Could this have caused Ureh to have shifted back into the physical plane with the Worldstone’s barrier protecting Sanctuary gone?
Other thoughts coming to mind, at the end of Diablo: The Kingdom of Shadow, the crystals of Light and Shadow built by the King were destroyed. This killed the King, but his daughter is still alive, or better said unliving, within ethereal Ureh. The destruction of the crystals hurled ethereal Ureh back to its limbo plane between Heaven and Hell. One thing is unaccounted for, however. Whatever happened to Quov Tsin, the greedy Vizjerei mage? He is trapped within ethereael Ureh. With over 20 years of isolation, Quov Tsin might have learned enough from Ureh’s library to attempt to shift Ureh back to the physical plane. However, Tyrael may have inadvertently easened up the task by destroying the Worldstone. What terrors await adventurers within the halls of Ureh?
在2008暴雪嘉年华上,blz公布了一个新的d3职业:wizard。在Anaheim Covention 中心,我们试玩了也包括barbarian和witch doctor在内的三个职业的游戏demo。游戏中wizard看起来像是一个刺客和女巫的混合体。而witch doctor的魔法wall of zombies(僵尸之墙?)特点也和男巫很相似。
假设这个圣骑士模样的战士穿的胸甲和tyrael有联系,那么是不是随着tyrael的堕落(假如他会的话),这个光明圣骑士也堕落了?会不会原本的狂热信徒现在成了一个拥有治疗和诅咒力量的死亡骑士?...据《Diablo:The Sin War》三部曲中所述,混沌避难所中的人类,是天使Inarius和Lilith的儿子Rathma身边的恶魔和背叛天庭的天使们的子孙后代。Lilith背叛了Inarius,他尝试控制人类,来作为一个对抗天庭的终极武器,在他背叛失败之后,Inarius修改了世界之石使人类的力量减弱。随着时间的退役,人类的力量逐渐削弱了。但是随后世界之石毁灭了,于是人类有可能缓慢的恢复在他们血液中潜伏的天使和恶魔祖先的能力。所以,我们也许可以期待看到一个以前职业的黑暗版本。(一个黑暗阵营的死亡骑士?)
Ruined City of Ureh(乌瑞废墟)
《凯恩的日记》结尾提到一个Ureh,跟着是一个未完成的Diablo III logo的素描,这点很吸引人。logo中只有一个火的“III”,好像过些时候这个logo才会被慢慢地更新到出现“Diablo”字样。这给我的感觉好像是一个待解的谜题。
一翻到这一页,你就能看到一个Ureh的废墟和一个“Diablo III”的未完成logo。这是个暗示么?世界之石的毁灭会不会使得混沌避难同时对天堂和地狱敞开大门?在Richard A.Knaak所著的《Diablo:The Sin War》三部曲中,世界之石是天使Inarius为了赎罪所造的一个保护混沌避难所的结界,有效地使其存在于天堂和地狱的关注之外。随着世界之石的毁灭,混沌避难所就像被揭去了面纱。是保护着混沌避难所的世界之石的毁灭导致了Ureh变成一片废墟吗?
我还有其他想法,在《Diablo:The Kingdom of Shadow》结尾处,国王建造的光明水晶和阴影水晶被毁坏。于是国王死了,但是他的女儿还活着,或者说像一个无生命体一样游荡在虚无的Ureh废墟。水晶的毁坏使Ureh变成了天堂和地狱的遗弃之地。还有一件事没有交代,Quov Tsin怎么样了?贪婪的Vizjerei法师呢?他被困在虚无的Ureh了。20多年的与世隔绝,也许Quov Tsin从Ureh的图书馆中能找到把Ureh从虚无状态恢复成原样的方法。然而,tyrael毁了世界之石,也可能不小心这就把Ureh的恢复化为泡影了。在Ureh的大殿中,什么样的危险在等着冒险者呢?(作者猜测d3可能会出现Ureh的场景)