求助大佬们老婆怀孕到日期必定难产死亡应该如何修改? 论坛上的那个存档修改方法也试过了,找不到 flag="birth_mother_will_die",对比其他怀孕的存活的人发现有个 flag="birth_will_go_smoothly" ,但是加上了也必死{:3_146:} 本帖最后由 mwqmark123 于 2020-9-14 11:27 编辑转载 52论坛haozhewen123 提供的方法。
https://bbs.52pcgame.net/forum.p ... hlight=%B1%D8%CB%C0
这个是怀孕的时候决定的,可以在 game/events/birth_events.txt里改:
birth.3011 = {
type = character_event
title = birth.3001.t
desc = {
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
exists = scope:child_2
desc = birth.3011.desc_twin
desc = birth.3011.desc
theme = death
left_portrait = scope:child
right_portrait = scope:child_2
trigger = {
has_character_flag = birth_mother_will_die
这里就是流产事件。这个FLAG由 game/common/character_interactions/pregnancy_events.txt里添加:
pregnancy.0001 = {
hidden = yes
immediate = {
random_list = {
200 = { #All goes smoothly!
#Less likely if health is bad
modifier = {
health <= fine_health
add = -10
modifier = {
health <= poor_health
add = -15
#More kids means less risk of complications!
modifier = {
add = 5
any_child = {
even_if_dead = yes
count >= 2
modifier = {
add = 5
any_child = {
even_if_dead = yes
count >= 4
#More likely if you have sacred childbirth
modifier = {
factor = 2 # Religious doctrine focusing on providing a sanitary birthing chamber and supplied should have a substantial impact on birth complications.
faith = {
has_doctrine = tenet_sacred_childbirth
#More likely if the Dynasty has the Kin legacy
modifier = {
factor = 1.5 # So too should constant care of pregnant/birthing mothers.
has_dynasty = yes
dynasty = {
has_dynasty_perk = kin_legacy_3
add_character_flag = {
flag = birth_will_go_smoothly
days = 270
10 = { #Pregnancy ends prematurely
trigger_event = {
id = pregnancy.2101
days = { 80 120 }
3 = { #Child dies during delivery (this triggers when the birth "should" have gone down, since we don't want to create the baby)
trigger_event = {
id = birth.3001
days = { 180 200 }
2 = { #Mother dies
modifier = { #to keep players from dying excessively
add = -2
is_ai = no
add_character_flag = { #Flags blocks other birth events
flag = birth_mother_will_die
days = 270
modifier = { #to keep players from dying excessively
add = -2
is_ai = no
modifier = {
add = -2
health >= fine_health
感谢大佬! 我去研究研究...这个也就是说已经怀上的除了读档没别的办法了吗? 试试沙发的 方法 ! elmage 发表于 2020-9-14 11:30
感谢大佬! 我去研究研究...这个也就是说已经怀上的除了读档没别的办法了吗? ...
意思是,你会不会难产死,在你怀孕的时候就已经决定好了,所以你哪怕读档,也改变不了事实 elmage 发表于 2020-9-14 11:30
感谢大佬! 我去研究研究...这个也就是说已经怀上的除了读档没别的办法了吗? ...
你可以把难产事件备份一下,在删除难产事件,或者修改后读取 没有怀孕特质之前的档
本帖最后由 elmage 于 2020-9-14 12:03 编辑
按照大佬的思路找出来一个方法貌似成功了,我把自动存档里面的难产死亡的那个事件暴力删除了,不知道有没有什么未知影响,目前老婆还活着{:3_148:}就是 triggered_event={ 开头的那个
mwqmark123 发表于 2020-9-14 11:18
转载 52论坛haozhewen123 提供的方法。
https://bbs.52pcgame.net/forum.p ... hlight=%B1%D8% ...
modifier = {
add = -2
health >= fine_health