t543379721 发表于 2020-8-24 19:06

十字军之王3开发日志#38 | 8/18 王朝遗产展示

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牧游社 牧有汉化翻译
CK3 Dev Diary #38 - Legacy Showcaserageair, Design
Greetings! It's been a while since the Dev Diary about Dynasties, and we're thinking that you might be interested in what the other Dynasty Legacies have in store. That way you have some time to plan which Legacies you’d like to play with first, and perhaps even theorycraft a bit!大家好呀!距离之前讲王朝Dynasties的开发日志已经有段时间了,我们就想着或许你们会对我们准备的其他王朝遗产Dynasty Legacies感兴趣。这样的话你们就会有时间提前想好先玩什么遗产,或者甚至先脑补一遍啦。
As mentioned in the Dynasty Dev Diary, you have to carefully choose between using your powers as Dynast or saving up for Legacies (or strike a careful balance). Unlocking Legacies are a very long-term goal, but can radically alter the way you play the game. Because Legacies are permanent, the bonuses they convery are generally not as powerful as those you get from Lifestyles - on the other hand you can count on them for the rest of the game! And they apply to every member of your dynasty.我们在王朝的开发日志中讲过,你必须谨慎选择到底是在在位时就把各种点数花光,还是说把它们存起来留待解锁遗产(又或者是在两者之间寻求微妙的平衡)。解锁王朝遗产是相当长期的目标,但它能够根本性地改变你的游戏思路。由于遗产都是永久性的,所以它们所带来的加成通常没有生活方式的加成那样强力——但换个角度来看,你在游戏接下来的时间里都能指望着它们的保佑!而且它们还对王朝里的全部成员都生效。
Depending on how you play, you'll unlock varying amounts of Legacies each game. If you carefully plan every child's marriage it's possible to complete several tracks - but even so, the first one you choose is usually the one that will truly define your Dynasty, as you struggle your way to the top!取决于不同的游玩方式,你在每局游戏里所能解锁的遗产的数量也完全不同。如果你对所有后代的婚姻大事都认真考量的话,是有可能能够解锁完多条路径的——即便如此,在你奋斗向上的道路上,你所选择的第一条路径通常会对你的王朝起到决定性的作用!
The cost of Legacies is static, and each step in a track gets progressively more expensive. The first step costs 1000 renown, and the last one costs 5000. While most tend to unlock one full track before moving on (as the bonuses get progressively more powerful) it's a legitimate strategy to pick up some of the cheaper ones first.解锁遗产的花费是固定的。在某条路径上每新解锁一项遗产,所需花费也会随之逐渐增加。解锁第一项遗产需花费1000点声望,最后一项则需花费5000点。虽然大部分玩家都习惯性地先解锁完一条路径的全部遗产,然后再转向其他路径(这是由于一条路径上的加成会越来越强力),但是先解锁一些不同路径中比较便宜的遗产也是种合理的策略。
Let's briefly go through each track.让我们简单浏览一遍不同的路径吧。Warfare战争
战士家族 花费:1000
世代好斗 花费:2000
扈从传统 花费:3000
祖传战技 花费:4000
私人部队 花费:5000
The Warfare legacies mold your Dynasty members into competent knights and powerful commanders. The ideal choice for a true warmonger, or someone who wants to stalwartly defend their rightful lands.战争Warfare遗产将使你的王朝成员成为训练有素的骑士和能力高超的指挥官。对于战狂或者是那些想要坚定捍卫合法领土的人来说,这是个理想的选择。
Personally, I find that the Warfare Legacy track does really well when playing in an area where you're likely to get attacked, such as when playing Tribal, or in the crossroads between India and the Middle East.个人而言,我觉得如果身处于那些很有可能被攻打的地区,走战争遗产的路径还是很有利的,就比如说在玩部落政体的时候,或者是身处印度和中东之间的十字路口。
The first Legacy, House of Warriors, makes every Dynasty member have additional +2 Prowess skill, as well as increasing the effectiveness of Knights by 15% for landed members. A very powerful early-game Legacy, and the only one that objectively increases your military might.第一项遗产是战士家族House of Warriors,会使所有王朝成员获得2点额外的战斗能力Prowess,同时还会为所有领主成员麾下骑士提高15%的作战效率。这对游戏早期阶段来说是相当有用的遗产,而且也是唯一一项能够客观提升军事实力的遗产。
Generational Belligerence reduces the cost of going to war by 20%, primarily making conquest and third-party Claim wars easier to declare (warring for your own Claims is always cheap, but declaring wars for someone else's is expensive). A good Legacy for those that want to grow their realm early.世代好斗Generational Belligerence会降低20%的开战成本,主要会使征服战争和第三者宣称的战争更为容易发动(为自己的宣称发动战争都还是非常便宜的,但为其他人宣战就很贵了)。这对于那些想要在早期就扩张国土的玩家来说是项相当好用的遗产。
Squire Traditions makes all members gain 10% more Martial lifestyle experience. You'll see similar bonuses in other trees for other Lifestyles. All of these are generally great to have, and stack with the bonuses you get from education.扈从传统Squire Traditions会让全部王朝成员都多获得10%的军事生活方式经验。你也能在其他遗产树里看到类似的生活方式加成。开启这类遗产通常都挺好的,它们能够与你从教育中获得的其他加成叠加起来。
Inherited Tactics is a fantastic Legacy for winning wars, as it gives your dynasty members +5 Advantage while leading armies. As you'll eventually experience, Advantage is the main deciding factor in wars. Having an extra +5 is truly huge, but of course - your enemies could always recruit your family members and use them as commanders against you…祖传战技Inherited Tactics这项遗产极其有利于打赢战争,因为当你的王朝成员在指挥军队的时候,它能够给这些成员+5的优势Advantage。你很快就能切身体验到优势是战争中的决定性因素,而有着额外+5就真的是无比巨大的优势。不过当然啦,你的敌人也有可能会招募你的家族成员来当指挥官,然后用他们反过来对付你……
Finally, the Private Army Legacy unlocks an additional slot for Men-at-Arms. This is not to be underestimated, as there are no other sources of additional Men-at-Arms slots except for increasing your tier. Additionally, it also gives you access to the 'House Guard' regiment - a special regiment of Heavy Infantry MaA that is free, but takes up one MaA slot and can’t have its size increased. This makes even a lowly Count of your Dynasty able to field quite a formidable force, while you as a mighty Emperor might instead opt to use the extra MaA slot for an additional unit of Armored Horsemen!最后的私人部队Private Army遗产会解锁一个额外的武装兵士槽位。千万不要低估这个槽位,因为除了提升爵位等级外就没有其他机会获得额外的武装兵士了。另外它还会解锁“家族卫队House Guard”兵团。这是一个由重装步兵武装兵士组成的特殊兵团,而且还是免费的,不过要占用一个武装兵士槽位,部队规模也不能扩大。有了这个兵团,你王朝里身份再卑微的伯爵也能够组建起一支实力相当的部队,不过你作为强大的皇帝,反而可能会用这个额外的武装兵士槽位来多建一支装甲骑兵!**** Hidden Message *****That's it for this Dev Diary! I hope you have fun figuring out what you want to go for first!这就是本期开发日志的全部内容。希望你们在思考如何迈出第一步的过程中找到乐趣!

翻译:斯普特尼克 黑夜龙人 莱恩希德伯爵校对:阿尔法一世 三等文官猹中堂

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谢谢LZ分享 {:3_153:}~

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