8.20CT附件:lol感谢感谢感谢感谢感谢感谢 这个怎么用呀 邻村达人 发表于 2020-8-22 16:18
谢谢分享 回盾是哪个呀 66666666666666 怎么用啊啊啊啊 怎么用啊这个
怎么用大佬 感谢感谢感谢感谢感谢感谢 感谢楼主分享啊,看看怎么使用 咋找到的地址 不知道是哪个功能开了会崩溃游戏 nb感谢!!!!!!!! 老哥,总是游戏崩溃 好几个功能用不了 下载试试啊啊
看看好不好用 这是楼主从外网搬运的
启用武器指针。开枪。滚动浏览指针列表。查找BulletSpeed。radius 可修改武器攻击速度和爆炸范围 radius200就能炸全图 有点爽的 666666666666666 npnp:handshake 感谢楼主 xiexie11111111111
怎么用啊 谢谢大佬
求汉化翻译,功能都不知道是什么https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/hishis/forum-master/public/images/patch.gif 这是外网的原话 感兴趣怎么用就去翻译吧
Increase Movement
Increase Jump
No Reload
Weapon Pointer
Player Pointer
Aim Assist
Server Pointer (thanks @Cake-san)
A lot of stuff doesn't have a real impact when changed due to client vs server.
However, the two useful ones inside of the Weapon Pointer are Radius and BulletSpeed.
You can set your rocket/grenade area of effect to the entire map by setting Radius to 100.
BulletSpeed of 200 is really just useful for the rocket launcher so that it hits something faster and blows up.
You can set the range of the flame thrower using AttDis if you'd like.
Have fun! Happy explosions.
How to use this cheat table?
Install Cheat Engine
Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
Keep the list.
Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1