【暗黑破壞神 II + 毀滅之王】【收藏版】英文原版光盤鏡像+ 台灣松崗繁體中文原版鏡像
本帖最后由 moistine 于 2021-2-11 10:21 编辑【收藏版】【英文版】【CD光盤】【原版鏡像】
此資源為暗黑破壞神II及其資料片毀滅之王的原版光盤鏡像。一樓提供英文原版CD光盤鏡像,二樓提供台灣松崗繁體中文CD光盤鏡像。 經測試,游戲可以在Windows10上順利安裝(安裝時請注意選擇“兼容模式”)。
安裝過程較繁瑣...... 一次加載所有鏡像可幫助你告別安裝過程中的“換碟手酸症”。
游戲提供連綫功能,除了惯有的Ipx,MODEM,以及 Direct Link外,Blizzard 設立了一个Server,可供玩家通过Internet,和世界的其它地方的戰友一同作戰。
1、使用虛擬光驅軟件(如:Daemon Tools),挂載CD鏡像:Diablo_II_Install.mds;
3、在彈出的安裝界面按照英文提示安裝:點擊“INSTALL DIABLO II”>>>點擊“FULL INSTALL”;
CDKEY:暗黑破壞神II(Diablo II) CDKEY:
7BMZ-KR7H-BPBV-2JDW暗黑破壞神II-毀滅之王(Diablo II Lord Of Destruction)CDKEY:
https://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/static/image/hrline/3.gifhttps://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/static/image/hrline/3.gifhttps://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/static/image/hrline/3.gifhttps://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/static/image/hrline/3.gif 下載:https://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/static/image/hrline/3.gifhttps://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/static/image/hrline/3.gifhttps://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/static/image/hrline/3.gifhttps://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/static/image/hrline/3.gif文件校驗:文件: Diablo_II_Install.mds
大小: 486 字节
MD5: 909FCD0F7F5844D09A29FF6708F32A3C
SHA1: 834D2BF672AF9A502630F2448542F7B38D324F6B
CRC32: FC6ED41C文件: Diablo_II_Install.mdf
大小: 585172896 字节
MD5: C9F7C56EDE5FCDEA4192D85396A90073
SHA1: 6D1EF99A500CC48BAA2B34C2AD2A31C84A80D9F6
CRC32: 02AFC128文件: Diablo_II_CINEMATICS.mds
大小: 486 字节
MD5: 588444950789E5DAA0D2D10D14D46A0E
SHA1: EDA04DA3BE1EBDFCAD6540EB24FED28642619017
CRC32: 0924B595文件: Diablo_II_CINEMATICS.mdf
大小: 509654880 字节
MD5: 97CC46EB410F90B6C1C852188D8908DD
CRC32: 7029A707文件: Diablo_II_PLAYDISC.mdf
大小: 701147664 字节
MD5: 31112BA1EFEDCCEA81D8BE53B28689BE
SHA1: CE055632BD23B23985E43AD4E8804306A8A3E404
CRC32: 17AA9396文件: Diablo_II_PLAYDISC.mds
大小: 514 字节
SHA1: 52831C767D76206383694770F60E90EA250FBF79
CRC32: 13F835E7文件: EXPANSION.mds
大小: 514 字节
MD5: CE094C4127734997CB7EFC613432727B
SHA1: C30F05DFC2E10FD5FF10A83D025F2AAC74404910
CRC32: 59F87F7F文件: EXPANSION.mdf
大小: 618082080 字节
MD5: AF59FAAF92B47C7506E1CB82C0E6A2AD
SHA1: BC0E321AA9227D6B50214737CC9D792C559F7F38
本帖最后由 moistine 于 2020-1-12 08:22 编辑
另附:Diablo II 台灣松崗繁體中文原版CD鏡像
安裝用CDKEY:暗黑破壞神II(Diablo II) CDKEY:
7BMZ-KR7H-BPBV-2JDW暗黑破壞神II-毀滅之王(Diablo II Lord Of Destruction)CDKEY:
文件校驗列表:文件: CINEMATICS.mdf
大小: 508688208 字节
MD5: 399770C28DDA6BB78ECFD8F0520FDFA9
SHA1: FCA918E2A547C642B45DFFA84DE982D0AD7458C6
CRC32: 6A841626文件: CINEMATICS.mds
大小: 486 字节
MD5: 8D4FF2E4F95B547746B0B58D1BB90729
SHA1: 60B7F3C086DB9DFC945E64DBD5C958A41C746025
CRC32: 6BAB2873文件: EXPANSION.mdf
大小: 611542224 字节
MD5: 3AC32B5890F2A511D0EC86AA5271F02F
SHA1: 5798C7F1F76059FE17095C0D93CB4CA87255C73B
CRC32: 53991FE9文件: EXPANSION.mds
大小: 20514 字节
MD5: 7794E0256A4BC6DE479337BA8B5D2CCA
SHA1: C629BB0C57E430E05E30CD1B3F1216F82006A004
CRC32: B6E04FF2文件: INSTALL.mdf
大小: 635771472 字节
MD5: AFCB595D3EC78C54B1F3B4D33B249A87
SHA1: 37296D3ED57E38815B2CC6ACE563CEFF3B7FDD62
CRC32: 79736232文件: INSTALL.mds
大小: 486 字节
MD5: EA67F66E0184BC2D27C2DB157F8964FF
SHA1: 11F445D00D557B737870A4D36EDB2371A873D524
大小: 729861408 字节
MD5: C00135F0E5E38E172524BA3B3895AB50
SHA1: D7BDA5E037FDFB48E855929FA1F6D4A050BE0BCC
CRC32: E5C94716文件: PLAYDISK.mds
大小: 24378 字节
MD5: A827AED73D0AE4463F9E6332B9F0EE7A
SHA1: 182F0F787F383DF340245C40204E9C39CAF6B5AA
CRC32: 57D67885 本帖最后由 moistine 于 2021-1-5 10:48 编辑
補充測試圖(測試環境:Windows 10):
Q:Windows 10系統可安裝運行嗎?A:經測試,可以完美運行於Windows XP、Windows 7、Windows 10系統;最简单的做法是:打上最新的升級補丁“LODPatch_114d.exe”;該114d補丁自帶免CD功能,你無需挂載“資料片”光碟,即可游玩。详见“14楼”;該114d補丁解決了Windows10系統各种兼容性問題;提供官方補丁下載:
链接:https://pan.blacksheepgame.com/s/1Wr-mv5OVjp-QJMCINqz68A 提取码:jk5j
答:不推薦小白安裝MOD,經典MOD推薦"Median XL"
A:快捷方式“快捷方式”“目标”添加“ -w”
Q:Win 10系统游戏快捷方式添加“ -w”后,依然无法运行,无法存档?
Q:Win 10系统怎么用全屏模式运行?
A:快捷方式“兼容性“,兼容模式“WindowsXP(service pack3 ) ”或SP 2;
Q:进入游戏时提示插入“资料片”光盘,但已经加载了要求的光盘?A:已知升级到V1.14d版本后无需光盘,详见“14楼”;1.11及之前版本需用Deamon Tool加载Mds/Mdf格式的“资料片”光盘;已知加载ISO格式光盘可能会没有效果,原理未知https://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/static/image/hrline/3.gif
GLIDE-Wrapper官网地址:http://www.svenswrapper.de/ 本帖最后由 moistine 于 2020-2-13 09:59 编辑
接3楼,继续这里只涉及“Glide Wrapper”使用方法、注意事项因为“我好难”,所以只是引用“Dr.Disaster”、“Sven Labusch”的原文看完她们吧,可以解决绝大部分“Glide Wrapper”问题{:3_131:}
Glide Wrapper 101 - by Dr.Disaster
After successfull tests of Sven Lubasch's D2/LoD GlideWrapper I decided to make a summary how toget it up and running.In case you wonder why I did not put this under General forum Sven statedthat his Glide Wrapper was exclusivly written to be used with D2/LoD andnothing else. You can try it with other games that support Glide but Sven givesno guarantee at all.- Extract and copy all files from the ZIP archive into your D2/LoDinstallation folder. If you want to get detailed information about individualoptions keep the TXT files.
- Start the Glide Wrapper setup program glide-init.exe and select thelanguage you like to use. Then select "OpenGL-infos" and hit the"Query OpenGL-infos" button. This will check if there may beincompatability issue with your hardware.
The info screen at the bottom is a display of the TXT file content. Scrollthru it if you want further details on something.
If OpenGL parameters seem to be ok you can hit the "Test" buttonright away to see a test screen.
After a successfull test continue to the next step.
- Let's check thru the menus Settings, Renderer and Extensions.
Don't worry, if the menus look different for you. The setup program adjuststhem depending on the results of the OpenGL info query.
"window mode" let's you switch D2/LoD from window to full screenmode and back while the game is running. Also in window mode "capturedmouse" will keep your mouse pointer trapped(!) inside the game window! Nomore mishaps by overshooting borders
Sidenote: When you do not run both game and wrapper setup at the same timeAlt-Tab does not work in fullscreen mode. You'll have to use Strg-Esc to switchto your desktop or other apps.
Attention! The refresh-rate shownin the screenshot is specific for my old trusty CRT monitor!
Verify that your monitor supports the selected refesh-rate by running"Test". Most modern LCD or flat screens use a refresh-rate of 60 sobest select "60" or "auto".
Vertical sync keeps the system from rendering more screens per second thanthe selected refresh-rate can display. By the given screenshot my system isfixed to render 85 pictures per second. Toggling VSYNC off results into 400+pictures per second. It plain saves system resources.
On the right side of this menu the wrapper setup makes a guess on how muchRAM should at least be allocate to your texture memory setting. The buffer sizedefaults to 1024x1024 which is a quite good value. Keep it.
With the other settings shown you most likely won't need to adjust yourin-game gamma and contrast at all.
The next screenhots was taken without running the OpenGL query to show allavailable extension.
When you have run the OpenGL query the list is reduced to the extensions yourgfx driver does support.
The selected extensions above work fine with my nVidia GeForce.
With a none-nVidia card you may need to activate more or other extensions.
Make sure to Test all your selections made! When satisfied hit Quit to saveyour settings.
- Start the D2/LoD Video Test program and either run or skip gfx tests.
On the next screen you will now see the previously missing 3dfx/Glide modeentry. Select it and hit OK.
- Start D2/LoD as you always did and enjoy the now silk-smoothed game
Kudos go to T-hawk who gave the crucial hint about 3dfx and Glide.
And sing a little...
Glide me thru the tombs
Let me zing along jail bars
Let me see what thing is like
In abaddon and marsh
In other words, mold my land
In other words, baby bliss me
Fill my sight with glow
Set me high for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please paint true
In other words, I love you
Sven has released an update for his wrapper that offer some improvementsrunning windowed mode and figuring out the best memory settings for your gfxhardware.
With newer games requiring gfx driver updates to work properly you mayencounter your old wrapper settings do no longer work or seem to perform badly.This happend to me while switching from nVidia ForceWare to nVidia Detonator, apure software change. I found that now these extensions provide the bestperformance:
Of course this is for nVidia GeForce only!
None-nVidia users may need to use the Test button and the ingame /fps commandfor the best results.
Update May/2010
it's up and running fine. Now run D2VidTst and select gfx mode "3dfxGlide".
Check in-game by entering
that D2/LoD does use Glide mode
If the game screen is distort, unreadable or choppy after startup prollyone of the wrappers Extensions interferes with your gfx driver. Try disablingone after another and recheck within the game.
With new Windows OS's going for 64 Bit it seems additional configurationsteps are needed to get D2/LoD running in 3dfx Glide mode.
Users of Vista and Windows 7 64 Bit mayneed to add these settings to the D2/LoD startup shortcut properties:
-> xp sp2 compatability: Check
-> disable desktop composition: Check
-> disable visual themes: Check
-> run as admin
On rare configurations the game may refuse to run in 3dfx Glide mode - althoughyou set it correctly under D2VideoTest - and/or won't show anything in thenormal full screen mode. If you encounter this you can add some command lineswitches into the games startup shortcut. Add
alone to force the game to use 3dfx Glide in the default full screen modeor use
-w -3dfx
to get 3dfx within a window.
Finally you should check an option within the global 3D settings of yourgfx driver.
Look for an option called "Texture-Clamp". It should show these threesettings:
"Hardware" (which normally is the default)
"Off" and
"use OpenGL Specification"
The recommended setting to run the game is "Off". In case"Off" does not work well - i heard that some new gfx cards on themarket got problems here - select "use OpenGL Specification".
- Dr. Disaster
Frequently asked questions - by Sven Labusch
1. If I use the wrapper with Diablo2, the framerate drops downsignificantly (to somewhere around 1 fps), and possibly in wrong colors, too.
The wrapper uses OpenGL and that's why it is necassary, that the computer hascorrectly working OpenGL-drivers. There are multiple possibilities why thewrapper isn't able to work correct together with the driver.
Solutions I have found so far:
- reinstall the gaphics-drivers
- if you have more than one monitor attached: deactivate the secondary ones inthe display-properties.
For older graphic-cards it's possible that there are no OpenGL-drivers at all.In this case, there helps only a complete exchange of the card.
2. the wrapper runs, D2 has a correct image, but the framerate is exact thesame as before.
in general the wrapper has a problem: from the point of view of the wholesystem (the complete computer), the wrapper is only additional load. Toincrease the framerate instead of decrease it, the wrapper tries to distributethe load more to the graphic-card. But if the graphic-card is the reason, whythe framerate is low (a 3GHz-system with a Riva128 for example), then it's notsurprising, if the framerate with the wrapper is lower than without it.possible solutions:
- find out, what is the slowest part of the computer, and change it with abetter one: an 3GHz processor and a GF5900 are useless if there are only 64MBmain-memory, for example.
- install newer/other drive. There are several components (like thegraphiccard) for which there are more than one driver, and the newest isn'tever the best...
- background-applications can reduce the performance,too. Viruses, worms andtrojans, too, of course.
- if the game runs in window-mode via "-w"-parameter, make sure thatthe "-3dfx" parameter is included in the shortcut: otherwise D2 usesneither Glide nor Direct3D.
3. I am playing in single-player and the framerate won't go over 25fps!
That's normal in single-player:the framerate is capped at 25fps. If you want to play your local heros at higher framerates, you have to host a multiplayer-game (it's equal if open bnet or tcp/ip).
4. I'm playing in multi-player-mode, but with the wrapper the framerate won't go over 60fps!
It seems that the monitor is set to a refreshrate of 60Hz. It might be, thatthe monitor is not able to work with higher refresh-rates (like TFT-displays),or it is the "60Hz-bug" of Win2K/XP.
Some display-drivers have tools to avoid this problem, or you might choose inthe wrapper-frontend, what refresh-rate to use. But this depends on thehardware and drivers.
5. The framerate is higher than 60fps, but it stays at (f.e.) 90fps. Butother people have a even higher framerate with worse hardware (f.e. 200fps).
In general, the display driver caps the framerate at the monitor-refresh-rate.That's quite normal: why to render 200 frames per second, when only 90 of themcan be displayed? (110 of them are totally wasted) Beside of posing, thisprovides the possibility to see, how much additional load the computer canhandle, before it becomes choppy.
This framerate cap is called "vertical synchronization" and can bede-/activated via the display-properties.
6. sometimes the display is dimmed.
The wrapper had no chance to set the gamma-ramp.
solutions I have found so far:
- reset gamma or contrast in the game
- try to find out, if a background-application sometimes tries to access thedisplay and disable it.
- reinstall the display drivers
- take a look, if the display drivers support some kind of brightness-control
- if supportet by the opengl-driver: activate shader-gamma in the front-end
7. I have installed some mods for the game, does the wrapper work with them,too?
I have programmed the wrapper for the original version of the game, 'cause Idon't have the time to test it with every single mod. That's one thing you haveto do by yourself. But as far as I can see, I can say:
the wrapper should work with EVERY mod, or with other words: the mods shouldwork with the wrapper as good as without it.
I have only tested the wrapper in combination with the chaos-empire-mod and thesnej-mod, and there I haven't seen any incompabilities. There were no complainsfrom "official" side,too.
I have tested the "d2-accelerator", too (and I haven't seen anyfaults,too). But I have heard of problems with the mod itself.
8. I have installed the wrapper, runs well, but can I boost it even more?
In general,if the wrapper is running with the standard-settings, you canimprove the performance with the "texture memory" parameter.
What setting is best depends on the hardware. I think the following guidelinesseem to be quite well:
on graphic-cards that support 8-bit-textures (f.e. all Geforces and Radeonsince 8500):
texture memory= real video-memory / 4 * 3
on any other graphic card:
texture memory= real video-memory / 8 * 3
9. I'm playing with the wrapper in windowed mode and everytime I open theinventory, the mouse jumps to the wrong place.
The problem is based on the fact, that the game itself wasn't started withWindow-capability. Make sure that in the link you used to start the game, theparameters "-w" AND "-3dfx" are included.
"c:\games\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe" -w -3dfx
10. Vista:
If I start the wrapper, only a black screen/window appears and in the upperleft corner of the screen some characters are shown one by another.
Please make first sure, if the Aero-Glass theme is activated. If it is so,please first try to deactivate it.
In the start-link of Diablo2 you can set, that at game-start the Aero-Glasstheme will be deactivated automatically. And at ending the programautomatically activated again:
in the properties of the D2-start-link go to compatibility, set there the markat 'Disable desktop compositing'.
11.in general, but seems to appear only on newer graphic-cards:
with the wrapper, the image will be shown only in pieces/not at all, but videosmight run.
Please first try to deactivate all extensions in the wrapper-config menu.
But there are many reports that it was already successfull, to disableGL_EXT_vertex_array alone.
12.Concerning Diablo2 v1.14!By version 1.14, Blizzard made some changes at the game program. To setthe video mode manually, it is now explicitly neccessary to use the commandline parameters!
So if you want to use the glide wrapper, you have now to add the parameter -3dfx in the properties of the D2 shortcut.
Last actualisation:5.17.2018
你怎么这么棒!非常感谢! 本帖最后由 十年又来 于 2020-1-28 16:55 编辑
1.14既然是最新版,但是不支持高分辨率补丁?而且不支持任何MOD的情况下, 为何不推荐1.13呢?另外补上升级补丁就完美了,只有原版没更新过是不行滴 楼主好人一生平安 感谢分享,不过我安装之后好像不能免CD,打了1.14d补丁也没用诶
具体表现 每次开机第一次打开游戏 总是没反应,进程中会有Diablo II.exe,但是游戏不启动,再次点击游戏,依然提示Insert Expansion Disc,而且即使挂载Expansion 能进游戏但 不能多开,寻找解决办法中。
可能是光盘版太原味了,多开啥的都有限制 非常感谢! 本帖最后由 moistine 于 2020-2-26 19:52 编辑
kansokusha 发表于 2020-2-9 15:45
具体表现 每次开机第一次打开 ...
1、打了1.14d补丁就可以直接游戲,見2樓測試圖---運行的是1.14d版本,系統為WIN 10;2、其它游戲版本,只要加載MDF/MDS“EXPANSION”光盤,也可以正常進入游戲。加載ISO格式“EXPANSION”光盤可能無法正常進入游戲,會提示“插入EXPANSION光盤”。補充:該游戲在Win xp、Win 7、Win 10系統下都已經安裝測試過一遍,都可以完美運行!!!-多開?
安装后 任何补丁都打不上 提示错误,应该是版本不对,你只提供了暗黑2的 CD母盘,没有提供暗黑2 毁灭之王的母盘 本帖最后由 moistine 于 2020-2-25 19:01 编辑
wonwhs 发表于 2020-2-25 16:46
安装后 任何补丁都打不上 提示错误,应该是版本不对,你只提供了暗黑2的 CD母盘,没有提供暗黑2 毁灭之王的 ...
根据你提供的游戏图片,以及图片左下角显示的游戏版本“v 1.00”,可以知道,你没有安装“资料片”
你好,仔细看遍安装攻略后,找到说明,英文版 毁灭之王安装成功。
但是安装好1.14d补丁之后,虚拟光驱退出EXPANSION.mds,无法登陆游戏,提示载入光盘(EXPANSION DISC)
本帖最后由 moistine 于 2020-2-26 19:57 编辑
wonwhs 发表于 2020-2-26 13:10
你好,仔细看遍安装攻略后,找到说明,英文版 毁灭之王安装成功。
但是安装好1.14d补丁之后,虚拟光驱退出 ...
3、进入安装完毕的《暗黑破坏神2》游戏目录,如 “D:\Diablo II”,粘贴复制的三个文件;
好游戏,谢谢{:3_104:} 繁中版...谢谢了 请问繁体中文版安装后,可以打楼主给的最新1.14D补丁吗 本帖最后由 moistine 于 2020-12-29 08:58 编辑
ckmop 发表于 2020-12-28 23:30
汉化补丁链接: https://pan.blacksheepgame.com/s/1ANIq-8BJtjZqArDjOuE-gA 提取码: spkf
解压密码:sobad15734 wonwhs 发表于 2020-2-26 13:10
你好,仔细看遍安装攻略后,找到说明,英文版 毁灭之王安装成功。
但是安装好1.14d补丁之后,虚拟光驱退出 ...
1.12a就可以免CD了。 支持下面的格式! :loveliness: 效验无误 555555555555555555 本帖最后由 Yangzi233 于 2024-2-12 22:06 编辑
顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶 这个资源真牛批,很难得的资源 好资源一定要保存到网盘。谢谢楼主啦! 感谢分享