空洞骑士Hollow Knight v1.4.3.2 (Steam) CE Table 修改CT表 (2020-1-4 测试可用 Tested)
本帖最后由 wyxls 于 2020-4-26 10:12 编辑原贴:https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?t=9870
1. 原版Table对护符有详细的数据编辑,包括是否已经获取、是否已经装备、护符槽占用数等,但缺了5个护符的内容,我给补上了,现在可以对全护符进行编辑修改
请注意,对护符进行修改编辑是存档级的。比如将噬魂者占用护符槽改成0,当前存档的噬魂者护符槽占用数则会永久被修改为0,当然可以参照原来的数字改回去2. 鉴于太多人邮件询问修改器下载,我就特地更新说明一下。本帖转发的是一个叫CheatEngine的修改器的数据文件,需要使用该软件搭配加载才能正常使用,个人不提供任何下载该软件的途径。软件官方地址:https://cheatengine.org/
请自行下载Cheat Engine,要联系我请发邮件:[email protected],站内消息基本不看
- nothing can hurt you. enemies attack, spike terrain, hot water... etc.
- you can press numpad0 and numpad+ together to toggle the script on/off.
carefree melody 100%
- the same as if the charm "Carefree Melody" is equipped. the difference is this script has a 100% activation rate.
- health still drop when damaged but you won't die.
full soul
- you can focus/cast spell right away after loading game, even though the soul jar may still appear as empty.
- soul jar won't be drained when you focus or cast a spell, and it would be filled with one successful hit.
focus full heal key
- hold CapsLock key and focus to heal yourself to max health with 1 charge.
damage multiplier
- every damage the enemies suffered would be multiplied by the specified multiplier.
- x? can be changed via the entry. default: x3, can be changed by editing the script, line 3.
slash no recoil
- you won't recoil back when you slash an enemy.
- yet to obtain the "Steady Body" charm, they may have the same result...?
slash speed multiplier
- there's no cooldown between each slash, and every slash's speed would be multiplied by the specified multiplier.
- x? can be changed via the entry. default: x2, can be changed by editing the script, line 3.
slash range mod key
- hold CapsLock key and attack and the slash's range would be multiplied by the specified multiplier.
- x? can be changed via the entry. default: x2, can be changed by editing the script, line 3.
- works with normal slash and "Longnail" charm equipped.
nail art instant charge
- hold the slash key/button for a split second, release and the nail art would be executed immediately.
- for "Dash Slash", just tap the slash key/button during dashing, and the nail art would be executed immediately after you finish the dash.
- the reach of your slashes increased as if you have "Longnail" charm equipped. i.e., you don't need to equip the "Longnail" for its increased reach.
mark of pride
- the reach of your slashes increased as if you have "Mark of Pride" charm equipped. i.e., you don't need to equip the "Mark of Pride" for its increased reach.
- have the effect of the charm "Grubberfly's Elegy" even if you're not in full health, without the need to equip it.
fury key
- hold Shift key and slash, and the slashes would have the visual effect of the "Fury of the Fallen".
- don't know if it has the added damage applied.
dash instant cooldown
- as title says.
- you can virtually do a continues dash by meshing the dash key/button.
ignore shadow cloak cooldown
- the shadow cloak would still appeared to be re-charged after a second, but you can actually keep using the shadow dash continuously regardless of if it's re-charged or not.
inf. air dash
- as title says.
inf. double jump
-as title says.
walk key
- hold CapsLock key and move to walk.
- you can change the walk speed via the entry custom walk speed. default 4, can be changed by editing the script, line 3.
- game's default walk speed is 6.
sprint key
- hold CapsLock key and move to walk.
- you can change the walk speed via the entry custom sprint speed. default 16, can be changed by editing the script, line 3.
- you'd have the sprint animation when you use the sprint key, unless you're in a dark place and have the lamp with you.
equip charms key
- allows you to equip charms without using the bench by holding "~" key when you press the game's equip key in the Charms menu.
- some charms still need the bench to take effect.
ignore notches
- you can keep equipping charms at will regardless of the current notches you owned.
- if you've used up all the notches already, you need to un-equip one of the charms first, then you can add more at will.
- if you have more charms equipped than your current notches support, the game may force you into Overcharmed occasionally, usually when you've just earned a new notch or the game has just force un-equip one of your charms. when that happens, just visit a bench, un-equip and re-equip one of the charms and it should be fine then.
dash soft unlock
wall jump soft unlock
double jump soft unlock
dream nail soft unlock
super dash soft unlock
- all these 5 scripts allows you to use the skills without actually obtaining them in-game first.
- you can still obtain them normally in-game with these scripts activated.
map compass
- you can find yourself in the map and mini-map without equipping the "Wayward Compass" charm.
挺好用的,游戏是个好游戏,就是太受苦了,我是白宫跳不过去了,又想看剧情= =,无奈呀
感谢!不知道7.0能不能用 wuxiemenyouping 发表于 2020-1-6 20:04
挺好用的,游戏是个好游戏,就是太受苦了,我是白宫跳不过去了,又想看剧情= =,无奈呀
朽木の白哉 发表于 2020-1-7 11:48
我自己测试的版本就是7.0,Cheat Engine版本太低反而会用不了,因为里面用到一些Lua的新功能 感谢分享,去试试效果
NB啊楼主 6666666666666
aer gzdf hxdfh sdfh
感谢分享,去试试 感谢分享