以下是暗黑破坏神官方网站发布的剧情小说:1:原罪之战:天赋神权。(原:The Sin War: Birthright)
2:原罪之战:毒莽之鳞。(原:The Sin War: Scales of the Serpent )
3:原罪之战:蒙面先知。(原:The Sin War: The Veiled Prophet )
4:恶魔之灾(原:Demonsbane )
5:黑暗之路(原:The Black Road / Diablo I )
6:血之传奇(血的传说/血王的遗赠 原:Legacy of Blood / Diablo II )
7:阴影王国(原:The Kingdom of Shadow / Diablo II )
8:蜘蛛之月(原:Moon of the Spider )
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the sin war 原罪之战(1-3部,第3部不完整)
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demonsbane 恶魔之灾
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legacy of blood 血之遗产
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the black road 暗黑之路
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the kingdom of shadow 暗影王国
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demonsbane 恶魔之灾 中文版(PDF)
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the sin war 原罪之战 中文版 未完(1-6章)
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legacy of blood 血之遗产 中文版 未完 (1-5章)
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legacy of blood 血之遗产 中文版 未完 (6-9章)
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MOON OF THE SPIDER 蜘蛛之月 中文版 (1-3章)
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1:原罪之战:天赋神权。(原:The Sin War: Birthright)
2:原罪之战:毒莽之鳞。(原:The Sin War: Scales of the Serpent )
3:原罪之战:蒙面先知。(原:The Sin War: The Veiled Prophet )
4:恶魔之灾(原:Demonsbane )
5:黑暗之路(原:The Black Road / Diablo I )
6:血之传奇(血的传说/血王的遗赠 原:Legacy of Blood / Diablo II )
7:阴影王国(原:The Kingdom of Shadow / Diablo II )
8:蜘蛛之月(原:Moon of the Spider )
原罪之战发生在 Tristram陷入黑暗(暗黑一代)之前的3000年。三本书相互关联。
黑暗之路的故事发生在一年左右的时间。 Kabraxis在游戏刚开始的时候被解禁,并且在一年之后(在书的最后)被击败。在那一年快结束的时候书中叙述了 Tristram最近被diablo摧毁了。迪卡凯恩也讲述了Tristram被毁坏了已有近4年。所以Tristram是在Kabraxis 被释放之前堕落的,但是真正的讲述了Tristram被“拯救”的暗黑破坏神1代游戏却发生在此部小说的中间,在 Kabraxis被击败之前。
血之传奇的故事与暗黑2代要么同时要么就有一点点提前,并且包括了diablo进入神秘避难所(AranochArcane),同时也结束于此。这说明了它发生在暗黑2的英雄进入鲁高因(Lut Gholein)或者在英雄们仍停留在罗格营地的时候,这取决于与黑暗漫步者(diablo)的时间差。
阴影王国的故事发生在蜘蛛之月之前,但是没有提到世界之石,所以假想故事发生在它被摧毁之前(然而MotS特别的提到了世界之石的摧毁)。Zayl从Ureh到Westmarch旅行而且很想是穿过了罗格修道院(显然是去westmarch的唯一道路如果穿过the twin sea的话,Zayl很像是这么做了)。暗黑2的故事中有着安达瑞尔和许多其他魔鬼在路上,并且没提到一个充满危险的旅程,这次旅途不像发生在暗黑2的故事里面,但Zayl当时的确在ureh。这更像Zale在暗黑二的故事之后从ureh到westmarch旅行,而这又意味着阴影王国与暗黑2的故事和世界之石的毁灭同时发生。
This is the chronological order of all the Diablo novels.
The Sin War: Birthright
The Sin War: Scales of the Serpent
The Sin War: The Veiled Prophet
The Black Road / Diablo I
Legacy of Blood / Diablo II
The Kingdom of Shadow / Diablo II
Moon of the Spider
The Sin War happens 3000 years before the darkening of Tristram (Diablo I). Each book is in direct relation to each other.
Demonsbane happens 600 years before the Horadrimcapture the Prime Evils and therefore before the Dark Exile. (TheHoradrim capture the Prime Evils a long time before the darkening ofTristram in Diablo I).
The Black Road story expands over a year. Kabraxis isunleashed at some point at the beginning of the book, and over a yearlater (at the end of the book) is defeated. Towards the end of thatyear's gap it is stated that Tristram was recently destroyed by Diablo.It is also stated by Deckard Cain that Tristram was corrupted fornearly four years. So Tristram fell before Kabraxis was released, butthe actual Diablo I game where Tristram is 'saved' happens in the middle of this novel, before Kabraxis is defeated.
Legacy of Blood is parallel with or slightly before Diablo IIand involves the , ends with Diablo (the Wanderer) enteringAranochArcane Sanctuary. Which means it happens just before the DiabloII hero enters Lut Gholein or while the hero is still at the RogueEncampment, depending on the time gap following the Wanderer.
The Kingdom of Shadow happens before the Moon of theSpider but no mention of the Worldstone, so it is assumed that thisbook also takes place before it is destroyed (whereas MotS specificallymentions the destruction of the Worldstone). Zayl traveled from Ureh toWestmarch and would have likely to have had to pass through the RogueMonastary (apparently the only path to Westmarch if traveling throughthe twin seas, which Zayl likely would have done). With Andariel andmany other demons out and about during DII, and no mention of ahazardous journey to Westmarch, it is unlikely that he was travelingduring the events of Diablo II, but was actually in Ureh at the time.Its more likely that Zayl left Ureh to travel to Westmarch after Diablo II, which means that The Kingdom of Shadow must have happened parallel to Diablo II and the destruction of the Worldstone.
Moon of the Spider takes place after the Worldstone is destroyed in Diablo II.It also talks about Zayl's past in the city of Ureh, placing this bookas a direct sequel to The Kingdom of Shadow (no time gap is given,however). 谢谢了,谢谢了,好好学习学习. 看看暗黑小说,谢谢分享 暗黑小说,谢谢分享 中文的有出实体书没??? 就是在找这个,谢谢LZ,非常感谢 如果能拍成电影,更好了~ 很喜欢暗黑。。。如果有书肯定会好好看~~~ 太多了,
看晚蚊都睡了。 谢谢了,谢谢了,好好学习学习. 1111111111111111111111111