本帖最后由 zyzerg 于 2019-6-19 09:37 编辑来源~https://fearlessrevolution.com/v ... bloodstained#p93540
undead (无敌,会锁定最小生命值)
- health still drop when being hit but you won't die.
- min health allowed can be changed via the entry. default: 1, can be changed by editing the script, line 3.
ignore mp (无限蓝)
- you can always use Shards and Techniques regardless of your current mp.
- mp still drop when using Shards and Techniques until it reaches zero.
- may not work on all occasions for now. will update when needed.
highlighted item (好像是编辑物品数量,我也没试)
- allows you to edit the quantity and max stack of the highlighted item.
- there are many GRAY pointers there, I've yet to test what they are for. feel free to test around and report.
66666666666666 6.83使用无效 使用无效