tangzulie 发表于 2019-3-31 07:56

全活动MOD 求人太难 自己找到了


a372015994 发表于 2019-3-31 08:51


q453247143 发表于 2019-3-31 10:19


会飞的榔头 发表于 2019-3-31 10:45

楼主发个 感谢:):)

chentao12002 发表于 2019-3-31 10:59


№壹__生♂后知 发表于 2019-3-31 11:04

求啊 肯定的哇

jhk31200 发表于 2019-3-31 11:17


元气海牛 发表于 2019-3-31 13:08


八伏天 发表于 2019-3-31 13:47


会计师大姨夫 发表于 2019-3-31 14:10


593725822 发表于 2019-3-31 16:22


渴望死亡の小丑 发表于 2019-3-31 18:30


a1261557040 发表于 2019-3-31 18:41

跪求大佬给一个啊   [email protected]

42083436 发表于 2019-3-31 19:01

[email protected]大神来一个谢谢

heyinghua 发表于 2019-3-31 19:03

[email protected]

423134 发表于 2019-3-31 19:07

[email protected]

火龙炎 发表于 2019-3-31 19:08

本帖最后由 火龙炎 于 2019-3-31 19:10 编辑


我是个名字 发表于 2019-3-31 19:18

我这里之前找到一个 作者最后更新是3.8号 我现在打开显示没有了 你们打开看看有没有https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterworld/mods/584?tab=files


我是个名字 发表于 2019-3-31 19:23

我是个名字 发表于 2019-3-31 19:18
我这里之前找到一个 作者最后更新是3.8号 我现在打开显示没有了 你们打开看看有没有https://www.nexusmod ...

要和朋友联机一起打 必须都打上同样mod才行

我是个名字 发表于 2019-3-31 19:28

我是个名字 发表于 2019-3-31 19:18
我这里之前找到一个 作者最后更新是3.8号 我现在打开显示没有了 你们打开看看有没有https://www.nexusmod ...

Here's a spreadsheet with all quests included in this mod. Quests that are part of the AT elder preview might not have the correct monster stats until they're officially released on PC.

"Where Sun Meets Moon", "Every Hunter's Dream", "Greeting the Gluttons", "USJ: Gold Star Treatment", and "Timberland Troublemakers" are low-rank quests and are listed in the 1?category under "Optionals". All other modded quests are in the 10?category.

All players need to have the mod installed if you want to do these quests together. Please don't shoot an SOS flare in one of the modded quests as it could make other people's games crash when they tried to load into the map.

The loot tables (as well as the gold reward and HR points) for all quests are identical to the ones used for their corresponding event quests. However, quests for AT elders that haven't been released on PC yet won't award any tickets to make sure that their gamma armor sets and layered armor deliveries don't get unlocked before their official release (the loot tables will be updated to include the tickets as the AT elders get released).

This mod replaces these optional quests?. They shouldn't be used to unlock anything in the game, but if you notice that any of them are used for a chain of quests, you might need to uninstall the mod and do the default quest to unlock further quests in the chain.

Additional Note:

AT fights for monsters that haven't even been announced for PC yet (Lunastra, and especially Nergigante) probably aren't finalized yet, so certain mechanics or moves from the console quests might be missing

Known Issues:

Although you can unlock the Drachen layered armor delivery after beating the modded version of "A Visitor from Eorzea (Extreme)", you won't unlock the guild card title until you finish the real event quest once
The unique text messages during "A Visitor from Eorzea (Extreme)" don't show up
The Great Jagras in "The Greatest Jagras" and the Lavasioth in "The Name's Lavasioth!" don't have access to their new moveset, nor do they drop decorations during the fight
The initial cutscenes in "Gaze Upon the Dawn" and "Keeper of the Underworld" are missing
The final cutscene in "Gaze Upon the Dawn" cannot be skipped


Choose a quest pack from the `Files` tab, extract the file, and copy its nativePC folder to your Monster Hunter World directory. All quest packs are compatible with each other, so if you want more than one, you can merge their `nativePC` folder.

Alternatively, if you only want to install certain quests, download the file with all quests, then use this spreadsheet to figure out which files you need to copy to your own nativePC folder


Delete the following folders if you want to delete all modded quests:


If you only want to delete a few quests, use this spreadsheet? to figure out which files you need to remove from your nativePC folder

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查看完整版本: 全活动MOD 求人太难 自己找到了