MSI Afterburner 4.6.0 Beta 11 (14248)
AfterBurner 4.6.0 Beta 11Added fan control support for AMD Adrenalin 2019 drivers family. Please take a note that AMD Adrenalin 2019 drivers adjust fan speed in PWM duty cycle mode but fan speed monitoring is provided in RPM only, which means that you cannot read back exact programmed fan speed in %. Due to this limitation, MSI Afterburner is reporting fan speed as % of maximum RPM instead of real fan duty cycle when default AMD auto fan control is in use. So monitored fan speed % can slightly mismatch programmed fan speed curve if you’re using default AMD automatic fan control.
为AMD Adrenalin 2019驱动程序系列增加了风扇控制支持。请注意,AMD Adrenalin 2019驱动程序在PWM占空比模式下调整风扇速度,但风扇速度监控仅以RPM提供,这意味着您无法以%为单位读回精确编程的风扇速度。由于此限制,当使用默认AMD自动风扇控制时,MSI Afterburner报告风扇速度为最大RPM的百分比而不是实际风扇占空比。因此,如果您使用默认的AMD自动风扇控制,则监控的风扇速度%可能会略微不匹配编程的风扇速度曲线。
Fixed low-level GPU usage monitoring for AMD Polaris GPU family. Software SMC registers offset is no longer hardcoded, offset detection algorithm is more future proof now. Please take a note that it will not fix zero GPU load issue when “Enable unified GPU usage monitoring” option is enabled. This option implementation is based on low-level DirectX performance counters, which require OS and display driver WDDM versions to match. Current AMD drivers are WDDM 2.5 so this performance counter is only working when you’re under WDDM 2.5 OS (Windows October Update). If you’re under older OS version, this performance counter won’t work unless you downgrade to WDDM 2.4 driver (18.9.3 or older).
修复了AMD Polaris GPU系列的低级别GPU使用情况监控问题。软件SMC寄存器偏移不再是硬编码,偏移检测算法现在更具前瞻性。请注意,启用“启用统一GPU使用情况监控”选项后,它不会解决零GPU负载问题。此选项实现基于低级别DirectX性能计数器,这需要OS和显示驱动程序WDDM版本匹配。当前的AMD驱动程序是WDDM 2.5,因此只有在WDDM 2.5 OS(Windows 10月更新)下时,此性能计数器才有效。如果您使用较旧的操作系统版本,除非您降级到WDDM 2.4驱动程序(18.9.3或更早版本),否则此性能计数器将无法运行
Now CPU topology info (i.e. each logical CPU mapping to physical CPU package and core) is displayed in system info window
Now mandatory MSI Afterburner installation option is greyed out and cannot be unchecked during installation
现在,强制MSI Afterburner安装选项显示为灰色,并且在安装期间无法取消选中
Now 64 –bit Visual C++ 2008 runtimes are also installed by MSI Afterburner installer. This should fix the issues with inability to open OC Scanner window on the system with no runtimes installed (typically no RTSS installed)
64–bit Visual c++2008运行时现在也由硬件驱动程序安装。这应该解决的问题无法打开OC扫描器窗口系统上未安装运行时(通常没有安装废物转运站)
Right anchor voltage/frequency curve adjustment mode (<Ctrl> + point drag) is now working properly when maximum voltage limit is greater than the maximum point voltage
Updated database entries with final subsystem IDs for MSI 2080Ti Lightning family
更新数据库条目与MSI 2080Ti闪电家庭的最后子系统id
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