本帖最后由 啊先生 于 2019-1-12 17:25 编辑Project Hospital - Patch 11
Hi all, before jumping straight to the usual release notes - happy new year everybody and big thanks to all the new players that joined us during the winter sale and especially to everybody who still took their time to send us bug reports, it really helps, especially when trying to catch some of the rare issues!
Patch 11 - Project Hospital 1.0.14826
- Fixed a regression: hidden error in doctors with no workspace causing patients of a specific department to keep waiting forever
- Fixed characters from events sometimes allowed to despawn over midnight while the event is still running
- Fixed ambulances sometimes stuck on despawned patients
- Fixed an error causing patients to get stuck when leaving an examination with technologists while they don't have a doctor
- Fixed doctors in rare cases stuck reserved by a patient who has already left
- Fixed a hidden error in case of switching doctor's skills during surgery
- Fixed nurses stuck with stretcher when their patient got despawned (race condition with paramedics?)
- Fixed nurse stuck in an animation when reserved right after delivering food
- Fixed exam tables with blocked stretcher access point not causing the room to be unusable
- Fixed wrong price evaluation when building walls over walls in nw-se direction
- Fixed a rare case of patients getting up from ambulance stretcher on arrival
- Fixed janitors leaving carts behind when their department gets closed
- Fixed patients not transported away from closed departments in a couple of specific cases (like waiting for a bed, still physically at another department)
- Fixed a couple of procedures not available in some situations (plasmapheresis, antidiarrheals)
- Fixed a few typos in texts
- Added another fallback pass to pathfinding - stuck patients will ignore access rights instead of getting completely stuck
医院计划 - 补丁11
大家好,然后直接跳到通常的发行说明 - 祝大家新年快乐,非常感谢所有在冬季促销期间加入我们的新玩家,尤其是那些仍然花时间向我们发送错误报告的人,这真的很有帮助,特别是当他们试图捕捉一些罕见的问题!
补丁11- 医院计划1.0.14826
- 修正了回归:没有工作空间的医生隐藏错误导致特定部门的患者永远等待
- 修复事件有时允许在事件仍在运行时在午夜消失的事件中的字符
- 固定的救护车有时会困在沮丧的病人身上
- 修正了在没有医生的情况下与技术人员一起离开检查时导致患者卡住的错误
- 修复了医生,在极少数情况下卡住了已经离开的病人
- 修正了在手术过程中切换医生技能的隐藏错误
- 修复了当病人沮丧时担心担架的护士(与护理人员的竞争状况?)
- 固定护士在送完食物后保留动画片
- 修复了担架访问点被阻止的检查表,不会导致房间无法使用
- 修正了在nw-se方向的墙壁上建造墙壁时的错误价格评估
- 修复了一个罕见病例,患者在抵达时从救护车担架起床
- 修正了当部门关闭时,看门人将车推倒的情况
- 修复了在几个特定情况下(例如等待病床,仍然在另一个部门身体上)从远离关闭部门运送的患者
- 修正了一些在某些情况下无法获得的手术(血浆去除术,止泻药)
- 修正了文本中的一些拼写错误
- 为寻路添加了另一个回退传递 - 卡住的患者将忽略访问权限而不是完全卡住