- Cannot find "Paladin General" for completing Lee quest Fixed
- Milten leaves the summoner's cave; Nobody in Vengard throne room after kiling the beast. Fixed
- The pranksters are fighting each-other. Fixed
- The ork warriors from Cape Dun have their bodies doubled Fixed
- Urbanus artifact quest Fixed
- Orc camp appears only after Inog gives you the quest Fixed
- Menu disappears when roasting meat Fixed
- Paladin Helmet is still present in game Fixed
- Theodor Sack of wheat blocker Fixed
- Milten remain blocked in the woods Fixed
- Floating box in Vengard Fixed
- Floating oil lamps in Vengard Fixed
- Theo's chest is properly placed Fixed
- Ogit leaves Montera Fixed
- Erthag and Ogit are walking trough the walls of a building. Fixed
- Hard coded english strings -now in the string table. Fixed
- Duplicate models removed Fixed
- Army of Gotha fighting among themselves. Fixed
- Erhag and Urbanus start fighting with each other Fixed
- NPCs fighting with each other during Hamlars escort mission Fixed
- Fixed Focus Names over 90%
- Text issues resolved over 90%
- German VO issues resolved over 90%
- NPC's in a group will not fight each other Sorry, your download attempt has been rejected.
我下载不了 楼主直接放出下载包吧 链接已修复~ 我貌似可以下, 好东西,收藏了