披着人皮的魔鬼 发表于 2018-11-17 09:28


- Selecting ICU treatment automatically switches patient's department to ICU
- Doctors prescribe more treatments for symptoms causing discomfort
- Implemented new music track for events and critical situations
- Implemented immediate transport by the same ambulance when sending away patients who just arrived and are waiting for a free trauma center
- Simplified some steps in tutorial 3, fixed undesired collapses during the tutorial
- Improved a lot of text boxes and tooltips to better support localization and longer texts
- Removed unused message types from options
- Fixed main treatment for a diagnosis sometimes not applied for patients with wrong diagnosis
- Fixed looping sounds sometimes not paused with the game (for example when popups pause the game)
- Fixed hidden patients shown in patient's table with some filters
- Fixed shifts not shown for janitors in table of employees
- Fixed sofas stuck reserved when deleting doors while a character is already walking to the sofa
- Fixed a few specific errors causing characters getting stuck while deleting rooms during collapses or medicine and food delivery
- Fixed patients stuck when their room got deleted right when they were about to be released
- Fixed a couple more hidden errors

(Next week)
- More languages including Russian are expected to be included in next week's patch

披着人皮的魔鬼 发表于 2018-11-17 09:29



jawly 发表于 2018-11-17 11:31

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