单机 1.003版请教商店物品购买数量如何调整?每次购买每件物品只能购买1个,没法调整一次购买数量么?如:天使上衣 10件。
6级可以买吗 装备与符文盒子只能一次买一个。 ly1347007495 发表于 2018-9-18 20:58
将红飞 发表于 2018-9-18 21:08
开了数量不能选。关了CE,重启游戏就行了 chen99 发表于 2018-9-18 21:13
风华黄泉 发表于 2018-9-18 21:17
一次只能买一个 我是用的按键精灵 买一次就可以自动挂机买 所有的符文我全齐了:lol
6个人物的符文全都齐了 就只差宠物了 宠物一个都没打出来 我已经放弃打宠物了 254278251 发表于 2018-9-18 22:24
6个人物的符文全都齐了 就只差宠物了 宠物一个都没打出来 我已经放弃打宠物了 ...
- "EtcChance". Set to 0.
- "MoneyChance". Set to 0.
- "PetCodeMin". Set to the Pet (Meow etc). Not sure if all Pets are in the game.
- "PetCodeMax". Set to the Pet (Meow etc). Not sure if all Pets are in the game.
Allows the following to be modfied for some Consumable drops.
- "RewardID -> Slot 1". Set this to the type of Consumable. Format is:
2000X - Ore of Enhancement
3010X - Rune of Massacre
3011X - Rune of Hunter
3012X - Rune of Sage
3013X - Rune of Assassin
3014X - Rune of Vampire
3015X - Rune of Patience
3016X - Rune of Vengeance
3017X - Rune of Giant
3020X - Rune of Destruction
3022X - Rune of Harmony
3023X - Rune of War
3024X - Rune of Guardian
3025X - Rune of Time
4101X - The Fragments of the Spider Queen
4102X - The Fragments of the Mysterious Bird
4103X - The Fragments of the Iron Monster
4104X - The Fragments of the Ice Giant
4105X - The Fragments of the Sea Reaper
4106X - The Fragments of the Ancient Oracle
4107X - The Fragments of the Fallen Witch
4108X - The Fragments of the Black Dragon
4301X - The Fragments of the Hybrid Evil
4302X - The Fragments of the Machine Arbiter
4303X - Flame Dragon Particle
4304X - The Fragments of the Flower Queen
4305X - The Fragments of the Frozen Tyrant
4306X - The Fragments of the Ruthless Beast
4701X - The Fragments of the Rampant Knight <- Might corrupt savegame. Backup first!
4702X - The Fragments of the Guardian Dragon <- Might corrupt savegame. Backup first!
Replace X with the grade. Rune grade maximum SR. Fragment grade maximum S.
1 - Grade C
2 - Grade B
3 - Grade A
4 - Grade S
5 - Grade R
6 - Grade SR
7 - Grade UR
- "RewardChance -> Slot 1". Set Slot 1 to 1000, other slots to 0.
- "EquipChance". Set to 0.
- "RareChance". Set to 0.
- "PetChance". Set to 0.
- "EtcChance". Set to 1000 to force the ETC drop
- "MoneyChance". Set to 0.
254278251 发表于 2018-9-18 22:21
一次只能买一个 我是用的按键精灵 买一次就可以自动挂机买 所有的符文我全齐了
大佬 你的按键精灵怎么设置的?可以发我一份吗?点箱子好累人[email protected] 谢谢
540019803 发表于 2018-9-22 14:33
大佬 你的按键精灵怎么设置的?可以发我一份吗?点箱子好累人 谢谢
脚本只有你自己录制 我录制的脚本你拿去没用 因为我这个脚本里面的坐标对应不上你电脑上面的坐标 所以我录制的脚本你拿去没用