MHW The Hatched Lux Event DLC mod
本帖最后由 yggwl 于 2018-9-13 08:20 编辑今天在N网上看到这个MOD,英文不好,不知道是什么东西,希望有大佬能帮我解释一下
Hatches Lux Event DLC MOD by 6M6D6
Background Story for the Event:
When we killed Xenojivaiva and backpedaled his corpse, the Nergiganten wound him up and got to Arch Demon Nergigante!
Then left the Confluence of Fates again. There Wyvern built his nest and laid an egg.
The Pure Energy there changed his DNA.
He hatched out of his egg blindly and soon afterwards discovered his pure power he could not handle.
In doing so, he brought his parents out of danger in a huge blast blast about their lives.
He was too small to fly and had to eat his parents' cadaver to survive.
One day he was strong enough to leave His nest high in the Confluence of Fates.
Now we have to stop him before he reaches his full height and destroys everything ... Good Luck
EVENT-Quest all in the 10 star Optional Quest:
-Revenge of the grilled Poogie`s Hunt 2 Poogies & Fish
-Destroy the Hatched risen Sinister Hunt a the ????Lux
-Fiery spicy Breakfast Hunt a Hellfire Jagras
-Silence I kill you... Hunt a Echo Dodogama
-The Eater of Xeno`Jiiva Hunt a Arch Demon Nergigante
-The new hangman of the Rotten Vale Hunt a Rotten Jho
-Plastered from the Acid Hunt a Acid Odogaron
-Hatched Lux Set (Gamma)
-Arch Demon Set (Alpha & Beta)
-Arch Demon Mask (Gamma)
-veiled Poogie Helmet (Gamma)
Lux Armor set (Alpha)
Luc Claw (weapon)
ADD Unleash weapon Mod:
ADD EVENT Weapons:
Thunderbold GS
Thunderbold Duals
Rotten Jho Duals
Poogie Destroyer S&S
Thunderbold Slasher LS
Dragonater Pike Lance
Thunderbold Slasher Longsword
ADD Monsters:
-Arch Demon Nergigante
-Echo Demon Dodogama
-Hellfire Jagras and small jagras
-Rotten Jho
-Acid Odogaron
-Hached Lux
-Thunderbold ????lux
ADD EVENT look Astera&3 Fleet:
-Optical Changes
ADD to Guildcard:
two new Guildcard Backgrounds
ADD to Info/Text/Items
-lot of changes to fit the Monsters and the loot
-Hunter Notebook Changes
-Quest Text Changes (read is importend)
-Event waepons / Armor new text
你可以理解为新的DLC 这么牛逼的?求详细,要是ok我就和朋友用这个联机。 本帖最后由 szhlying 于 2018-9-13 10:13 编辑
看了下应该算是一个mod合集,有自制新任务和装备改造 应该是自制任务加自制装备的MOD,其实我比较在意这个MOD是替换原有任务和怪物模型,还是另外添加,现在好多任务mod不想装就是因为它们替换了原有的任务,这样子搞迟早要有冲突,这两天我已经看见两个替换“新大陆的白凤”的任务mod了 街头╮卖回忆 发表于 2018-9-13 11:02
应该是自制任务加自制装备的MOD,其实我比较在意这个MOD是替换原有任务和怪物模型,还是另外添加,现在好多 ...
我看n网讨论是说另加 一个玩家自制dlc 有没有大佬汉化一下什么的 主要是这个MOD合集里具体有什么,我翻译不了,所以不敢换,有没有大佬帮忙翻译一下,谢谢 谷歌翻译看得云里雾里,不敢用 今早下来试了一下,他的自制任务都是10星的,你没看错,10星。
但是质量嘛.... emmmmm...不敢恭维 他替换了装备的模型,然后居然出现了BUG,害的我把整个NPC删了 求翻譯 N网没办法。我是下不了了.谁可以放上来 A/gy春田滑滑 发表于 2018-9-19 00:56