alan_fox 发表于 2018-9-5 22:44

有辨法强行打开游戏内的 Debug Console 吗??

本帖最后由 alan_fox 于 2018-9-5 22:48 编辑

1.0.2 版有辨法强行打开游戏内的 Debug Console 吗??

打开后有许多指令可以用,如设置员工等级 SetStaffRank

ModifyBalance", "Changes bank balance by some amount", "ModifyBalance Amount, e.g. ChangeBalance -100
EarnMoney", "Change bank balance by some amount, and counts as earned", "EarnMoney Amount, e.g. EarnMoney -100"
SetSpeedMax", "Sets the speed to max", "SetSpeedMax
SetSpeedMin", "Sets the speed to min", "SetSpeedMax
SetSpeedDefault", "Sets the speed to default (1x)", "SetSpeedMax"
SpawnPatient", "Spawns a patient next frame", "SpawnPatient
SpawnSomePatients", "Spawns some (default 16) patients", "SpawnSomePatients
SpawnOnePatientWithEachIllness", "Spawns one patient with each illness", "SpawnOnePatientWithEachIllness
SpawnGhost", "Spawns a ghost", "SpawnGhost
SpawnGhostAtCursor", "Spawns a ghost at the cursor", "SpawnGhostAtCursor
Die", "Make all characters dead", "Die
Poop", "Make all characters have an accident", "Poop
Sick", "Make all characters throw up", "Sick
Thirsty", "Make all characters suddenly super thirsty", "Hungry
Hungry", "Make all characters suddenly super hungry", "Hungry
PixelateCharacter", "Makes the selected character pixelated", "PixelateCharacter
ApplyCharacterMask", "Apply Character Mask", "Apply Character Mask
SpawnMonoBeast", "Spawns a MonoBeast at the cursor location", "SpawnMonoBeast
RadioSkipToEnd", "Skips to the last 10 seconds of a song.", "RadioSkipToEnd
ModifyReputation", "Changes special reputation by some amount", "ModifyReputation Amount, e.g. ModifyReputation -100
CreateStaffChallenge", "Instantly creates a new staff challenge", "CreateStaffChallenge"
DumpStaffWorkScehdule", "Dumps out a log of all jobs in the work scheduler", "DumpStaffWorkScehdule
SetDayOfMonth", "Sets the day of the month", "SetDayOfMonth
SetMonthOfYear", "Sets the month of the year", "SetMonthOfYear
SetYear", "Sets the year number", "SetYear "

SetDebugFlyCameraEnabled", "Sets whether debug fly camera is active", "SetDebugFlyCameraEnabled
LoadLevel", "Loads a level with a given ID", "LoadLevel LevelID
GenerateAssetIDCSV", "Generates the asset ID CSV file", "GenerateAssetIDCSV
Language", "Set the current language", "Language
CreateChallenge", "Instantly creates a new challenge with the index into the ChallengeManager playlist", "CreateChallenge <name>, e.g. CreateChallenge Earthquake
LogCurrentChallengeScore", "Logs the current challenge score breakdown", "LogCurrentChallengeScore
StopAllChallenges", "Stop any further challenges from starting", "StopAllChallenges
TogglePatientSpawning", "Toggles patient spawning on/off", "TogglePatientSpawning
Unhappy", "Make all characters suddenly unhappy", "Unhappy
SetAttributeOnAllCharacters", "Sets an attribute on all characters to some amount", "SetAttributeOnAllCharacters e.g. SetAttributeOnAllCharacters Hunger -100
OpenHospital", "Open hospital", "OpenHospital
CloseHospital", "Close hospital", "CloseHospital
UnlockLevelIllnesses", "Unlocks all illnesses that are defined for this level", "UnlockLevelIllnesses
UnlockAllIllnesses", "Unlocks all illnesses", "UnlockAllIllnesses
RunPatientSpawnSimulation", "Runs a spawn simulation X times to help balance weights", "RunPatientSpawnSimulation
DeleteCollaborativeProjectFiles", "Deletes the remote storage for your collaborative projects", "DeleteCollaborativeProjectFiles
AbandonCollaborativeObjective", "Abandons current collaborative objective if there is one", "AbandonCollaborativeObjective

DebugKillCharacter", "Kill the character currently selected", "DebugKillCharacter
DebugDestroyCharacter", "Destroy the character currently selected", "DebugDestroyCharacter
SetCharacterToiletFull", "Set the selected character's toilet attribute to full", "SetCharacterToiletFull
SetCharacterBoredomFull", "Set the selected character's boredom attribute to full", "SetCharacterBoredomFull
SetCharacterEnergyEmpty", "Set the selected character's energy attribute to empty", "SetCharacterEnergyEmpty
SetCharacterHungerFull", "Set the selected character's hunger attribute to full", "SetCharacterHungerFull
SetCharacterLitterFull", "Set the selected character's litter attribute to full", "SetCharacterLitterFull
SetCharacterThirstFull", "Set the selected character's thirst attribute to full", "SetCharacterThirstFull
SetCharacterHappinessEmpty", "Set the selected character's happiness attribute to empty", "SetCharacterHappinessEmpty
SetCharacterHappinessFull", "Set the selected character's happiness attribute to full", "SetCharacterHappinessFull
RemoveCharacterSkinOverride", "Remove Character Skin Override", "Remove Character Skin Override
AddStaffXP", "Increase the selected staff member's XP", "AddStaffXP
SetStaffRank", "Set staff member's rank level", "SetStaffRank
SetStaffRequiresTraining", "Set staff member requires training", "SetStaffRequiresTraining
StaffResign", "Make the selected staff member resign", "StaffResign
StaffThreatenToLeave", "Make the selected staff member threaten to leave", "StaffResign
ApplyDamage", "Applies damage to the room item", "ApplyDamage
SetMaintenanceLevelFull", "Set the selected room item's maintenance attribute to full", "SetMaintenanceLevelFull
UpgradeItem", "Upgrades the selected room item", "UpgradeItem
CompleteDiagnosis", "Completes diagnosis and sends patient to treatment room", "CompleteDiagnosis
AssignQualification", "Assign qualification to staff member", "AssignQualification
ClearQualifications", "Removes all qualifications on the staff member", "ClearQualifications
MarkForPromotion", "Sets the selected character as ready for promotion", "MarkForPromotion
AssignTrait", "Assign trait to character", "AssignTrait
ClearTraits", "Removes all traits on a character", "ClearQualifications
SetHiresFlavourTrait", "Assigns the specified flavour trait key to the first doctor in the hire menu", "SetHiresFlavourTrait <TraitNumber> <Gender>
AssignGuiltTrip", "Assigns the specified guilt trip key to a character", "AssignGuiltTrip <TraitNumber> <Gender>
EditHospital", "Edit hospital layout", "EditHospital
BuyPlot", "Buy a specific hospital plot", "BuyPlot
SellPlot", "Sell a specific hospital plot", "SellPlot
OffsetLandscapeItems", "Offset all landscape items", "OffsetLandscapeItems X Y
NukeLandscapeItems", "Deletes all landscape items containing tag", "NukeLandscapeItems <tag>
DestroyItems", "Destroys all room items containing tag", "DestroyItems <tag>
NumItemsWithTag", "Prints number of items matching debug tag", "DestroyItems <tag>
DestroyAllRooms", "Destroys all rooms", "DestroyAllRooms
LoadRoomLayout", "Load room layout config file", "LoadRoomLayout
SaveRoomLayout", "Save room layout config file", "SaveRoomLayout
SpawnRequiredStaff", "Spawn required staff", "SpawnRequiredStaff
ReloadRoomLights", "Reload Room Lights", "Reload Room Lights
AutoReloadRoomLights", "Auto Reload Room Lights", "Auto Reload Room Lights
PlaySoundEventEndlessly", "Play and loop a Sound Event Endlessly", "Play and loop a Sound Event Endlessly
SetWorkLifeBalance", "Sets the staff work life balance slider", "SetWorkLifeBalance <type> <rank> <slider>
LogStaffRecord", "Logs the current staff record for the current year", "LogStaffRecord
RetroEveryone", "Make all characters have retro effect", "RetroEveryone
DisableAllCharacterVisualModes", "Disable all visual modes on all characters", "DisableAllCharacterVisualModes
SaveScenario", "Saves current level scenario", "SaveScenario
ShowHospitalEventLog", "ShowHospitalEventLog", "ShowHospitalEventLog
PushCursorVaccinate", "Activate Vaccinate Cursor", "Activate Vaccinate Cursor
ToggleLevelCamera", "Toggles level camera on/off, to be used when other cameras are available", "ToggleLevelCamera
ToggleDebugLevelCamera", "Allows greater pitch angles on the level camera", "ToggleDebugLevelCamera
DisableAA", "Disable Antialiasing", "DisableAA
EnableSMAA", "Enable Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing", "EnableSMAA
EnableFXAA", "Enable Fast Approximate Antialiasing", "EnableFXAA
EnableTAA", "Enable Temporal Antialiasing", "EnableTAA
DisableLargeRT", "Disables Large RT for capturing", "DisableLargeRT
EnableLargeRT", "Enable Large RT for capturing", "EnableLargeRT <scale>
ToggleShadowCulling", "Toggle the shadow culling optimisation", "ToggleShadowCulling
AssignQualification {definition.NameLocalised}", "Assign qualification <staffName> to staff member", "AssignQualification
AssignTrait {definition.GetShortName(Character.Sex.Male)}", "Assign trait " + ((UnityEngine.Object)SharedInstanceUtils.GetSharedInstance(definition)).name + "to staff member", "AssignTrait
"AwardStar", "Awards star to current level", "AwardStar
AwardSilver", "Awards silver to the player", "AwardSilver
UnlockEverything", "Unlocks everyting in the game i.e. levels, rooms, items", "UnlockEverything
UnlockAllLevels", "Unlocks all levels in the game", "UnlockAllLevels
LockAllSilverItems", "Locks all silver items in the game", "LockAllSilverItems
UnlockAllSilverItems", "Unlocks all silver items in the game", "UnlockAllSilverItems
LogFoundationValue", "Prints information about the foundation value", "LogFoundationValue
ToggleAddWallBackFace", "Toggles adding a wall back face programmatically", "ToggleAddWallBackFace
ToggleUseDefaultWallPrefabs", "Toggles using default wall prefabs for performance testing", "ToggleUseDefaultWallPrefabs"

lvcong404 发表于 2018-9-6 10:11

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查看完整版本: 有辨法强行打开游戏内的 Debug Console 吗??