理由是battleeye即使是线下模式也强制运行不修改也满好的,gta5的赛车图很多世界纪录都是几秒的,至少这游戏是真实的 那同样是网游的全境封锁一堆外挂是怎么达成的... SPIKE_Jr 发表于 2018-7-1 08:39
Instead of speculating based on the beta version of the game alone, we purchased and spent several hours exploring the final version of the game to come to our decision. While this game is being marketed as a "Single Player Campaign" it is actually an online ONLY game. There is NO WAY to play while disconnected from the Ubisoft servers. While, yes, you can play alone at least in the campaign missions, you are still playing in a server created "instance" being monitored by Ubisoft. This transitions seamlessly into full on MP components. We checked and re-checked several things in the game including HEALTH, XP, CREDITS, HEALTHKITS, GRENADES, etc and all of them reside on the server. The only thing we were able to hack was certain types of ammo and making some weapons not require reload. In our opinion it's not worth the risk of our member's accounts being banned for these two simple options. There is also no way to discern the SP from the MP components as they all have the same type of protections and anti-cheat scanners in place. As everyone knows we do not intentionally create trainers that work in a multiplayer environment. While some of our trainers MAY work in MP or CO-OP modes, this was never our intention and is most likely due to the game devs not putting in any server sided checks to prevent simple memory hacks from being used. Those things we cannot control. If a game has a single player OFFLINE mode available and is clearly distinct from the MP mode, we will make a trainer for it. This was the case with Rainbow Six Siege. We never attempted to create our trainer while online and never tested it online either. In R6 Siege YOU are the server in solo play. That is not an option here.While we understand that some people will be disappointed that we are not releasing a trainer, it's more important for us to stand by our policies and also not put our members at risk of losing their $60-$100 game investment over a couple of ammo options.
简单说来,就是个人资料(飙酷2里就是赛车,性能那些,全境里就是武器种类,子弹那些)存储的方式不同导致无法修改,飙酷2是将所有用户资料存储在云服务器上,本地文件只是读取和扫描这些文件是否有被修改,而全境是部分资料在用户电脑本地,云端读取他并可以创建副本使用罢了,所以虽然都是全程联网,但是飙酷和全境的未加密难度是不能相比的 赚点金币赚点金币,世界杯从精英输到初级 不想修改数据,只想减速(类似子弹时间),用CE可以吗? tianxia4067 发表于 2018-7-5 14:13