game321521 发表于 2018-6-27 21:05

【转贴】环世界 1.0 更新内容!及下载地址!

转自rimworld吧 吧主内容

-Added bridges. You can build bridges over rivers and non-deep lake/ocean water. Bridges support all but the heaviest structures, and can burn. Also added "Soaking wet" which leaves a mood debuff for moving through water. Counter this with bridges
-Improved raids:
--New group kinds (e.g. snipers only)
--New arrival modes: Multiple groups attacking at once and enemy pods landing scattered all over the map
--Balanced raid points to ensure smooth progression
--Split mechanoid scyther into scyther (close combat specialist) and lancer (fast sniper)


-Improved caravaning:
--Better AI: Pack animals now follow colonists to speed up the packing process
--Added Caravan tab with caravan loading progress
--Redesigned "Form caravan" window: stats like carried mass, caravan speed, days worth of food, and visibility are now explained better
--Caravans now automatically forage for food while traveling
--Added "Remove from caravan" command: remove people or animals from the caravan even if it hasn't left the map yet
--Added "Load into caravan" right-click option: designate extra items to be picked up by the caravan before leaving


-Improved faction relations system:
--New faction relation type: Ally
--Maintaining good faction relations is now more important than before
--Offer gifts to improve faction relations (either by using transport pods, sending caravans, or giving gifts to their traders)
--Visitors of allied factions will now occasionally leave gifts before leaving


-New buildings:
--Watermill generator
--Autocannon turret
--Waterproof conduit
--Butcher spot
--Double sleeping spot


-New scenario: Naked Brutality - start naked with no items
-New traits:
--Tunneler - Don't mind never seeing the sky
--Great memory - slower skill decay
--Tough - take less damage
--Gourmand - eat a lot, random eating binges, cooking skill bonus
--Sickly - get sick often
--Quick sleeper - take less time to sleep
-New incident: "Wild man wanders in"
-New terrain: Soft sand - doesn't allow building medium or heavy structures

-新的剧本:野蛮人 - 不穿衣服并且不携带物品的开局
-新地形:细沙 - 不允许轻型以外的建筑在上面建造

-New items:
--Flak pants
--Prosthetic heart
--Bionic spine
--Bionic heart
--Bionic stomach
--Archotech eye
--Archotech arm
--Archotech leg
--Tornado generator
--Patchleather - poor-quality leather made from any combination of other leather

--古代科技 眼
--古代科技 臂
--古代科技 腿
--缝补皮革 - 用任意其他皮革随意混合缝补的低劣品质皮革

-New designators: Mass-forbid and unforbid
-New main tab: Wildlife. Allows easy counting, finding, and designating of wild animals
-New type of attack: Kick sand/water in eyes
-You can now smooth natural rough rock walls into high-quality walls
-Trained animal skills and tameness now decay over time. Animals can revert to the wild, depending on their natural wildness
-Workbench bills can now be assigned to specific colonists
-Added "Show what will buy" window which shows all items a trader will buy
-Trees color now depends on the current season


-Added toggleable auto-rebuild functionality: automatically place blueprints whenever a building is destroyed
-Added an animal disease incident that mirrors the human disease incident
-Added tainted-apparel thing filter
-Animals can now be renamed
-Added "Save translation report" button for translators. It generates a report about the currently-loaded language data stating which translations are missing, which are unnecessary, and lots of other useful information.
-Checkboxes are now "paintable": you can mass-select all checkboxes by clicking and dragging the mouse over them
-Workbench bills can now be copied and pasted


-Colonists now opportunistically haul things while working if their current target is roughly in the same direction
-The player can now request AI-core quests from allies
-It's now possible to craft prosthetic and bionic body parts, grenades, and molotovs
-It's now possible to mass-cancel all designations with a designator's right-click menu
-It's now possible to forbid/unforbid all items and rearm all traps with a designator's right-click menu
-You can now drag and reorder colonists in the colonist bar
-Social interaction log now has flavorful randomized text instead of the same repeated interaction text every time.



-Joy need is renamed to 'recreation'
-Battles in the Combat tab are now named
-Totally reworked how plants grow. Wild plants after several in-game years should now look more or less as good as at the beginning
-Items of the same type in the Items tab are now grouped together
-Items in the Items tab can now be sorted by mass, market value, etc.
-Instead of shooting them, hunters now execute downed creatures with a neck cut (except explosive creatures)
-Removed tornado incident
-Blunt weapons now have a chance to stun the target


-Split tribal warrior into warrior (mid-range melee) and penitent (poverty melee, similar to drifter)
-Changed deep moving water to chest-deep moving water: walkable but slower than shallow water
-Turrets now require "barrel change" after firing a lot. This consumes steel
-Misc interface tweaks: colonists forming a caravan now have a special icon in the colonist bar, hovering over stats in the stat window now shows their details, added copy to clipboard button in the Combat tab
-Downed colonists in hostile maps are now automatically kidnapped by the enemy (if there are no more healthy colonists nearby)
-Caravan members can now tend to themselves if self-tend is on
-Insects will no longer attack the colony when harmed by raiders
-Hives will no longer spawn close to enemy bases
-Changed "Beds" research to "Complex furniture" which is now required to build things like end tables and dining chairs


-Item deterioration rate now takes into account several factors, including being outdoors, being unroofed, and being in water
-No more random deaths from meteorites falling on colonists
-Insects will now go into hypothermic slowdown instead of getting hypothermia
-Caravan speed now depends on the carried weight
-Caravan members now slowly gain social recreation when the caravan is not moving
-Ambush maps now retain information about the caravan's exact sub-tile position, which means that caravans will now continue their journey from the same position after being ambushed
-Death letter now contains information about last, relevant events
-When a health condition in the Health tab is clicked we now seek to appropriate combat log entry
-It's no longer possible to build roof over trees
-Hydroponics now default to grow rice


-Growing trees now requires research and you can now only grow trees which grow naturally in the local biome
-Kind and Psychopath traits will no longer appear together
-Alphabeavers incident now only occurs in biomes with sparse plants
-Plant cut/harvest time now depends on the plant's growth
-Removed scyther blade
-Mechanoids now always die on downed
-Nutrient paste dispensers are now orange when they can be used by prisoners
-Doing passionate work now affects mood instead of recreation
-Deep drills now yield stone chunks if no resource is below
-Drills which run out of valuable resources are now automatically forbidden


-Firefoam poppers will now pop whenever there's a fire in a 3-cell radius
-Exotic goods outlander traders will no longer trade furniture
-Some traders will now buy only some types of animals, not all
-Food poisoning now has three stages it moves through over the course of a day
-Adjusted doctors and patients work priorities a bit so they do urgent work first
-Important world objects are now easier to see when the camera is zoomed out
-Improved pathfinding: colonists should now generate better paths
-Removed "Green thumb" trait
-The player now must choose a route for the caravan before sending it
-Caravans will no longer rest just before reaching their destination


-Heavily reworked how caravan movement speed works. Every tile now has an easy-to-understand, well-explained "movement difficulty" stat
-Bedrolls now have quality ratings
-Removed Electric armor
-Most crafting benches are now uninstallable and reinstallable
-Removed shiv since it's basically a low-quality knife
-It's now possible to craft knives at crafting spots
-Inspired colonists now get a special icon in the colonist bar
-Colonists will now take pemmican to inventory (like meals)
-Frag grenades are no longer a valid hunting weapon
-Ores mined by non-colonists (e.g. insects) now spawn forbidden


-Alerts now also look at caravan members where appropriate
-The permadeath savefile is now also renamed when the colony is given a name
-Improved sapper AI somewhat
-"autostart.rws" is now automatically loaded on start in dev mode, for faster testing
-Combined ribs into rib cage
-Animals' melee damage now scales with life stage
-Plants in the plant selection menu are now sorted by category and name
-Reworked the "advanced map options" dialog layout, extreme game-breaking map sizes are now disabled by default and must be enabled in the options
-Minerals and ancient dangers will no longer appear on encounter maps
-Graves now show the person's date of death


-"Vest plate" is now called "Flak vest"
-Tribal factions can now do sapper raids
-Added medical care column to the Assign tab
-Removed Shoddy and Superior item qualities
-Adjusted quality impact on various stats to be less extreme and more steady in most cases
-Rebalanced and refactored quality generation. Masterwork/legendary level items never generate on enemies, traders, bases. Masterwork/legendary items are extra hard to craft - generally you can now only get them by inspiration or from quests
-Generalized "Inspired art" inspiration to "Inspired creativity" which now applies to all crafted items
-Removed the distinction between allowed areas and animal areas
-Wearing new apparel now takes time. Colonists now take off the colliding apparel first (which takes time) before wearing the new one
-Inspiration expiration time is now shown on the inspect pane


-"Improvised turret" is now called "Mini-turret"
-Added minimum crafting skill to various weapon and apparel crafting recipes
-Removed the requirement to pay fee to initiate the item stash quest
-Caravans now get name based on their best negotiator
-Colonists can now wear armor vests with tribalwear
-Minor starvation (below 25% severity) no longer causes miscarriages
-Pets and bonded animals no longer disturb sleep
-When reforming a caravan, we now list colonists' inventory separately so the player can choose what to take and what to leave
-Enemies no longer use single use rocket launchers during caravan ambushes
-Some letters now show information about the related faction relations in the bottom right corner


-It's no longer possible to request military aid from factions which can't use transport pods (they can still give aid spontaneously)
-Various floors now require research. Split hospital beds into "Sterile materials" and "Hospital beds" research projects
-Trading with factions now affects goodwill (1 per 500 silver traded)
-Settling very near another faction base will now cause faction relations loss every quadrum because of anger due to territorial encroachment
-Fulfilling trade requests now gives +5 goodwill
-Destroying a faction base of a mutual enemy now gives +15 goodwill
-All traders are now unwilling to buy tainted apparel
-Caravans who are not moving now have a lower chance of being attacked
-Improved animal fleeing behavior
-No humans now spawn with charge rifle. Charge lance is now usable by humans and craftable. Mechanoids now always destroy anything they drop (including minigun, which was previously recoverable)


-Projectile impacts now wake up nearby people and animals
-Explosive weapons now explode when set on fire
-Wood-powered fires and coolers no longer vanish when fuel is exhausted, they wait to be refueled
-Animals now respond quicker to their master drafting/undrafting
-Fixed issues with animals sometimes randomly opening doors in combat and allowing enemies in
-Improved following behavior so animals following their master will now try to stay close to him
-The prostophile thoughts now accept any artificial body parts, not just bionic
-Traders will no longer accept typical short-life meals (paste, simple, fine, lavish)



game321521 发表于 2018-6-27 21:06

-Combat log tab should no longer cause lags
-World region names will now display all non-English characters correctly
-Swapped machine pistol and SMG graphics to be correct
-The refugee from the "Downed refugee" quest will now automatically join the colony when approached
-Fixed issues with colonists pathing through blueprints and frames which could interrupt the construction process
-Fixed issues where random buildings in enemy bases were sometimes made of super valuable materials
-Colony wealth now correctly takes into account items in containers (e.g. transport pods)
-Tame animals now affect incident points and wealth
-"Open save data folder" and "Open mods folder" buttons on Mac/Linux now show a dialog box with the folder location instead of failing entirely
-Average armor calculations in the gear tab are now more accurate
-No more faction relations impact if a friendly person is caught in crossfire when firing at a mutually hostile target
-Fixed issues with everyone still remembering the resurrected person's death
-Combat music will now play when there's a fight in any map, not just the player home map

-Many other minor fixes



mmagina 发表于 2018-6-28 13:59


啊先生 发表于 2018-6-28 21:10


kevon 发表于 2018-7-24 17:07


Big head 发表于 2018-8-23 21:14

game321521 发表于 2018-6-27 21:06
-Combat log tab should no longer cause lags
-World region names will now display all non-Engl ...


killingnoEnd 发表于 2018-9-19 19:35


2567351453 发表于 2018-10-3 11:10


天循331 发表于 2018-11-23 22:50


whl576430198 发表于 2018-12-24 22:00


z744097206 发表于 2019-1-20 22:05


hongyiming333 发表于 2019-1-26 06:15


死者之魂 发表于 2019-5-19 13:00


1550803695 发表于 2019-5-29 20:37


饭爱饭饭 发表于 2019-6-4 17:16

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