极品飞车9成为经典意味着之后没有哪一代能超过他了 隔几年经济形势好转了,玩家开始怀念这个系列了,到时候就有能出新章了 其实用11的引擎和设计和画面+++前几代的操作手感
其实11很不错,主要是操作上真实度上去了,没有快感 一味的追求开发速度,反而忽略了游戏性啊,不过12还算可以的啦~ 理想的NFS=9的手感、比赛模式、警察+12的地图+11的白天+10的黑夜+8的炫目光影
显卡需求不超过极品飞车12、硬盘需求别超过GTA4就行了。。。 不出不出吧 一代比一代没意思 太让我失望了 如果他也跟星际争霸似的,7、8年出一代,我想品质就不至于这么差了…… 原帖由 coolkie_li 于 2008-12-15 17:48:00 发表
7,8年一代,我想黑盒出不到第二代就得关门 这个说不定,也许几年后还会继续推出 又是從NFSCARS發布的第二段消息...
More information has been passed along my mailbox, this time the source is from 'Joystiq'
We've received a tip from someone a purported EA employ who wishes to remain anonymous. According to this source, the Need for Speed series isn't shutting down -- but EA Black Box, the development team behind recent entries into the series, "most likely" is. The source explains that EA not only scrapped their plans to open up a new studio in Vancouver, but that they also decided to close Black Box, moving the NFS and Skate teams to their much larger Burnaby studios.
The source further details the fate of Need for Speed -- he claims that one of the next entries into the series will be developed by the EA-owned Criterion Games, and will likely use the engine of their racing series, Burnout. He also claims that there are three different teams within Black Box that are responsible for developing Need for Speed titles (which is how they're able to release a new NFS title every year) -- though these three teams will likely consolidate into one, leading to less NFS releases, more continuity between said releases, and, ultimately, drastic downsizing for the NFS teams.
This could mean a two year or more development cycle rather than alternative team development each year back to back. There is good news and bad coming from this. There is still no real word yet from our Direct Source.
http://www.nfspc.tw/bbs_detail.php?pageNum_bbs_detail_re=1&main_id=21606 原帖由 dooooooom 于 2008-12-15 17:26:00 发表
显卡需求不超过极品飞车12、硬盘需求别超过GTA4就行了。。。 最重要是CPU不要那么高~~~ 就算停一两年~几年后极品也会强势回归~现在极品12更要珍藏了~虽然我玩的是英文版 ....这个应该不可能吧~
不太相信~~ 敢把9代从新做一次么。。。。。。。。。。
回复 16# lzycysky 的帖子
确实…… 如果这只鸡还能下金蛋,我想开发商是不会放弃的,可能会改个名字重新来,或者休息N年后再来续做,如《辐射3》那样。 9果然是神作啊.只喜欢9,其他通通54掉! 原帖由 dooooooom 于 2008-12-15 17:01:00 发表这和玩家不断提高的要求有关。
其实论游戏我并不认为9是历代最好的,但9是最后一款支持集成显卡的,就冲这个,支持一下你的说法 绝望!!!!! 13不是个吉利的数字啊 对EA还是存有一点期望的
就像期望大宇出仙剑5一样 这个....last meal? 这个不太可能
8代销量最高,8代才是最受欢迎的(当然在中国并不是这样),因此LZ这个消息的可信度并不高 这种无聊的拉贴消息!本少爷是从来都不相信的!!! 不是吧 极品还是我每代必玩的游戏 不能取消哈