1.0.3更新内容 个人揣摩翻译,见笑
个人揣摩翻译,见笑。 广告:MOD整合分享http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/thread-5745026-1-1.html Release 1.0.3 Notes, 5/15/20181.0.3版本,2018年5月15日更新
[*]Fixed some hitches when destroying units and buildings during combat.
[*]Memory management improvements around 'Mech destruction.
[*]Fixed an issue that could cause MechWarriors to become permanently stuck in the High Spirits or Low Spirits state.
[*]Fixed an issue where saving the game immediately after salvaging enough parts to complete a new 'Mech could cause that new 'Mech to disappear upon reloading that save game.
[*]Fixed an issue that could cause allied units in Escort missions to fail to move into the extraction zone under certain circumstances.
[*]Fixed an issue where choosing to store a 'Mech with an active work order, then cancelling the warning popup, would cause the screen to become unresponsive
[*]Fixed a few issues with starting location spawn points on procedural missions.
[*]Fixed hair shader to better support brighter colors in character creation, tweaked some hair and beard textures, and added some brighter color swatches.
[*]Added new portrait presets and customization options.
[*]Fixed an issue that prevented completion of the "Rock 'Em" and "Sock 'Em" achievements.
(修复了一个会阻止达成"Rock'Em" 和 "Sock 'Em"成就的问题)
[*]Fixed an issue that could prevent completion of the "Complete Roster" achievement.
[*]Fixed an issue that trivialized completion of the "Laser Show", "Bullet Farmer", and "Raining Fire" achievements.
(修复了一个会抑制完成"LaserShow"、"Bullet Farmer"和 "Raining Fire"成就的问题)
[*] Added a warning popup that appears if the Steam API fails to initialize on game start.
(在STEAM平台中,增加了一个当启动游戏时STEAM API初始化失败的弹窗提示)
[*]Added text to the video settings screen to indicate that some settings will not be applied until the next game load.
[*]Added an option in video settings menu to show unsupported display resolutions (defaults to off).
[*] Support for non-standard Steam install directories (directory paths with special characters like "=" in them.)
[*]Fixed artifacting issues present on a subset of "Mercenary MechWarrior" custom Backer Emblem rewards.
[*]Made the Backer Atlas "SBA" prefab available for the Atlas II-HT (in addition to being available for the standard Atlas AS7-D.) Made the Shadow Hawk "Umbra" prefab available for the Shadow Hawk 2H. Made "Valhalla" prefabs available for their respective chassis variants.
(使Backer Atlas "SBA"机型的预制装备能用于Atlas II-HT和Atlas AS7-D标准型?使Shadow Hawk "Umbra"机型的预制装备能用于Shadow Hawk 2H?使"Valhalla"机型的预制装备能用于它们各自的基础体???)
[*] Alternate prefab 'Mechs are now considered stock, and display in the Stock 'Mechs list in Skirmish Lance Config.
[*] Copying an alternate prefab 'Mech now correctly preserves the 'Mechs variant appearance.
什么时候修复了不能显示中文的问题才玩,哼 不用揣了, 人家都降版了, 也就是说汉化黄了 更新文件这么大,为啥根本没优化性能。。 任务有修正~不错不错~