Mr.Catalyst 发表于 2018-1-18 13:53



江明然 发表于 2018-1-20 00:16

不知道 有个介绍就好了

leongwanwai2 发表于 2018-1-22 18:51


The latest version of BRT is now live with the following changes:
Added remaining Chinese translations 完善中文翻譯
Burst Mode now functions correctly on a single mouse-click 修復三連射
Stopped AI spawning under stairs on Urban map 修復城市地圖AI BUG
Fixed an issue with AI difficulty selection when in Chinese language修復 中文翻譯中AI難度選擇一個bug
Fixed an issue with selecting the language at startup修復某個選擇語言的bug
Can now force BRT to start in Windowed mode with the "-windowed" launch option through Steam > Battle Royale Trainer > Properties > Set Launch Options menu現在可以通過增加 -windowed 令BRT窗口化開啟

The latest version of BRT is now live with the following changes:
Totally changed mouse sensitivity setup. Most sensitivity settings will have changed so you may need to adjust your sensitivities after this update! 修改鼠標敏感度設置
Chinese language support added for most menu items. 增加菜單中文翻譯
Improved textures and foliage on the Woodland & Urban scenarios. 提高城市和森林的材質質量
New footstep system and different effects for different ground surfaces. 新的腳步音效及在不同地面有不同音效
Crouched/standing display on HUD 蹲站狀態顯示
Rebindable Free-look key. 自由視角按鍵可以自定義
"Restart level" button added to options menu. "Restart level"按鈕加入選項中
Fixed some animation issues when jumping. 修復跳起時一些動作bug
Louder bullet impacts & quieter bullet flyby effects.修改了子彈音效
Can no longer select no primary weapon. 現在必須選擇主武器

leongwanwai2 发表于 2018-1-22 18:54

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