Hello Everyone!
Today we’ve released Besiege’s biggest update, the Multiverse Alpha!
Put your war machines to the test and face off in custom battles against your friends, Co-operate to lay waste to your own custom fortresses and annihilate armies of unfortunate knights, and show off your creative genius in the new level editor!
We are happy to release the first version of the Besiege Multiverse update: The multiplayer and level editor addition to the medieval siege machine physics builder currently in development.
The level editor is a powerful tool with a whole bunch of features that will allow you to create fun and interesting levels with your own custom objectives. We realize that it may be a little daunting at first glance so we’ve created an introductory guide for the editor which should hopefully help you get to grips with it: http://forum.spiderlinggames.co. ... -level-editor.6467/
Developing the massive update to Besiege has proven a long journey but we’re pleased to finally be giving you guys a chance to sink your teeth into it! Besiege is very much still in an Alpha state so there are likely to be bugs but we’ll be working hard to fix them.
Thank you all for your patience during this process and we hope that it brings you many hours of fun!
Everyone here at Spiderling wishes you a Merry Christmas!
看看怎样{:3_125:} 支持任務
画面很精美 【日常任务】每日签到 感谢分享~~~
不错 不错 添砖加瓦 besiege围攻 【日常任务】每日签到 没玩过{:3_92:}