回复 5875# wch 的帖子
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你以为呢。。 ???????????????????????????Lab 3-1Edit Path Map and Define Controlled Units
In this lab, you’ll edit your path map to include the “&” reference and define where to put your model files. You will also make several model elements controlled units so they are subject to version control.
Before You Begin
? Do not begin this lab until you’ve completed the appropriate information in Module 3: Using Rose in a Team in the Student Manual.
In Lab 3-1, you’ll do the following tasks:
1. Edit path maps.
2. Designate controlled units.
3. Unload a controlled unit.
Lab Outcome
? Edited path map with CURDIR and LAB virtual directories mapped and defined controlled units
Lab Artifact
? Lab3_1.mdl file
Task 1: Edit Path Maps
For this task, we will define both “&” as CURDIR and the virtual path where we’ll copy our lab files. We also want to delete any existing path maps, if necessary.
Steps Comments
1. Make sure Lab3_1.mdl is open. From the File menu, click Edit Path Map. The Virtual Path Map window is displayed.
2. Click Clear, and then OK to delete all symbols from the Path Map. There should be no path maps listed.
3. In the Symbol field, type CURDIR.
4. In the Actual Path field, type &, and then click Add.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to define LABS as your virtual path and ROSE2002 as your absolute path. See the figure below.
6. If you or your instructor has not already done so, copy your lab files from your CD to the drive and directory defined above. Make sure you follow the instructions on the CD to ensure your files are not read-only.
7. Continue to Task 2 to define controlled units.
Task 2: Define Controlled Units
For this task, make the following packages controlled units:
? Use-Case Model
? Actors
? Use Cases
Steps Comments
1. Expand the Use Case View package, and then right-click Use-Case Model.
2. Click Units | Control Use-Case Model, and then type Use-Case Model in the File name field. Notice you are saving the file as a .cat file.
3. Repeat steps 1and 2 to make the other two packages controlled units. The Actors and Use Cases packages are under the Use-Case Model package. Save the file using the same name as the package name. See the figure below.
Task 3: Load/Unload a Controlled Unit
Steps Comments
1. Expand the Actors package to view the model elements under it.
2. Right-click Actors, and then click Units | Unload Actors. Notice that the actors in the package are no longer loaded or available in the current model. See the figure below.
To reload the controlled unit, double-click it.
3. From the file menu, save your changes.
Try These Activities
If there is time, explore the following features:
? Manually write-protect one of the loaded controlled units.
? Go to the File menu and save your changes as a model workspace. Note the file extension (.wsp). The workspace is a snapshot of loaded controlled units and diagrams.
? Return to your Student Manual to finish Module 3: Using Rose in a Team.
回复 5879# wch 的帖子
不用了回复 5881# wch 的帖子
什么东西回复 5883# wuyu51 的帖子
实验内容。。 原帖由 wch 于 2009-3-4 18:15:00 发表闪人。。