Bethesda Softworks Announces Creation Kit and First Downloadable Content for Fallout 3Editor to be Available in December; Downloadable Content coming for January, February, and March
November25, 2008 (ROCKVILLE, MD) – Bethesda Softworks®, a ZeniMax Mediacompany, today announced plans to make both its editor and downloadablecontent available for its award-winning game, Fallout® 3 in the comingweeks. The official editor for Fallout 3, called the G.E.C.K. (Gardenof Eden Creation Kit), will be available for free download in December and will allow Games for Windows® users to create and add their owncontent to the game. In addition, the first official downloadablecontent, Operation: Anchorage, will be available exclusively for theXbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and Gamesfor Windows® in January, and more downloadable content coming inFebruary and March.
“We’ve always seen the original world ofFallout 3 as a foundation for even more content. Some created by us,and a lot more created by users,” said Todd Howard, game director forFallout 3. “It’s fun to create your own character, but it can beequally fun to create your own adventures. We can’t wait to see whatthe community does with the G.E.C.K.”
The release of theG.E.C.K. provides the community with tools that will allow players toexpand the game any way they wish. Users can create, modify, and editany data for use with Fallout 3, from building landscapes, towns, andlocations to writing dialogue, creating characters, weapons, creatures,and more.
Three downloadable content packs will be coming toXbox 360 and Games for Windows Live starting in January that will addnew quests, items, and content to Fallout 3.
Operation: Anchorage:Enter a military simulation and fight in one of the greatest battles ofthe Fallout universe – the liberation of Anchorage, Alaska from itsChinese Communist invaders. An action-packed battle scheduled forrelease in January.
The Pitt: Journey to the industrialraider town called The Pitt, located in the remains of Pittsburgh.Choose your side. Scheduled for release in February.
Broken Steel:Join the ranks of the Brotherhood of Steel and rid the CapitalWasteland of the Enclave remnants once and for all. Continues theadventure past the main quest. Scheduled for release in March.
贝塞斯达宣布Creation Kit(创造工具包)和辐射3的首次下载内容。
08年11月25日,相关部门宣布计划在未来的几周里放出他们的获奖游戏——辐射3的编辑器和下载内容。官方的辐射3编辑器叫做G.E.C.K(伊甸园制造器),十二月将可以免费下载到,将允许用户创造他们自己的游戏内容,并将它们加入到游戏中去。同时,1月份将提供首次的官方下载内容Operation: Anchorage,更多的下载内容将在2、3月相继放出。
"我们一直将辐射3原本的世界视作更多内容的一个基础。这些内容有一些是我们做的,更多的是用户自己做的。”辐射3游戏总监Todd Howard说。“创建你自己的角色很有趣,但创造你自己的冒险同样有趣。我们已经迫不及待想看到用G.E.C.K做出来的作品。”
G.E.C.K. 的放出提供给玩家朝他们的构想无限扩展游戏的机会。用户可以创建、修改和编辑辐射3中任何数据,从建筑,风景,城镇,地点到自己编写对话、创建角色、武器、生物等等等等。
Operation: Anchorage:(代号:安克雷奇)进入一个军事模拟器,参与辐射编年史中最伟大的一场战役——从天朝布尔什维克入侵者手中解放阿拉斯加·安克雷奇。一场惊心动魄扣人心悬的战役将在1月打响。
The Pitt(皮特小镇)一趟去叫做Pitt(匹兹堡大学缩写,恶搞?)建立在匹兹堡的遗迹中的匪徒工业小镇的旅行。选择你的立场。预订在2月放出。
Broken Steel(破裂的兄弟会)加入钢铁兄弟会的行列,彻底铲除废都的英克雷余党。继续之前主线任务的冒险之旅。预计在3月放出 沙发?看不明白!OY~!! 好多英文,让我慢慢看一下~~呵呵~~或者要用多点时间 FO3版的CS吧,换了名字而已..
期待阿,让MOD来的更猛烈一些吧! G.E.C.K 也就是伊甸园制造器。。。。 3DM准备出G.E.C.K汉化版吧, 我们有理由相信,这个强大的编辑器的魅力已经超越了nude补丁........ 不知道好学么?好学的话自己想做一套天朝武器写实mod,宣传图都找好了。 不明白!!!汗 9楼的内容让我想起了孢子的宣传广告.....................很好很强大,令人期待,貌似离后宫团不远了 这样来说 b社的商业头脑很强 把玩家群吸引过来 不管满不满意的 都会试着用geck 这种东西是给高手准备的。复杂的关联项和深涩的汇编语言,永远都是普通万家不可逾越的大山。不过很期待高人的杰作。 清凉美女补丁有望了............ 总之意思是这个游戏是可以玩很长时间了 很好很强大,令人期待! 不是汇编,只是脚本而已。 期待大规模战场的混战补丁...... 必然要出的东西 感谢9L的翻译,FO3注定会越来越强大。
总算等到了 跟我想的差不多,大部分玩家都已经通关了,MOD也正在预热,这个时候放出工具正好