搬运 鸡屋畜棚自动放风mod(适用最新1.2beta版游戏)
本帖最后由 永世之恋 于 2017-4-25 11:05 编辑原帖:http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/smapi-1-8-automated-doors.131380/
Automated Doors has been updated! It now works with SMAPI 1.8+/Stardew Valley 1.1.
A default config will be generated for you, opening doors at 0620 and closing them at 1810.
You can enable / disable individual buildings if you'd like.
{"timeDoorsOpen": 620,"timeDoorsClose": 1810,"openOnRainyDays": false,"openInWinter": false,"buildings": { "Andrei": { "Barn96013": true, "Coop98020": true }}}
Each player's buildings will be stored under their own name, if multiple people play on the same computer.
This has only been tested on Windows.
:'(:'(:'(没人 感谢楼主分享 我试了下路过栏栅,栏栅门不会自己打开:L 我试了下路过栏栅,栏栅门不会自己打开:L 天地逸尘 发表于 2017-3-17 22:41
栅栏门的话 你下载自动闸门那个 6666666666666 感谢楼主分享 谢谢老哥分享~~~:loveliness::loveliness::loveliness::loveliness::loveliness: 感谢分享