本帖最后由 basic1238x 于 2017-3-7 20:04 编辑N网原址:http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15267/
Many thanks to him XD请小伙伴们去endorse一下吧 (*´∇`*)ノ
Version 1.51.5版
Corrected an issue with the black and white katana not having correct textures. 修正了黑底印白花太刀贴图的显示错误。
version 1.41.4版
Added new colors to the legendary form for the katana.为太刀添加了新的可选改造颜色,同时使用传说级的改造脚本。(✲ 译注:即保留传说级改造的效果,但是可以有不同的可选贴图。)
You can now change the colors of the ito (handle wrapping) and the samegawa (stuff under the wrapping). 你现在可以更改手柄(✲ 原文つかいと-柄糸)和印花(✲ 原文さめはだ-鲛肌)的颜色了。
The ito can now be black, blue, brown, red, and white. The samegawa can now either be black or white. 手柄可选的颜色包含黑、蓝、棕、白四色,印花可选黑金二色。
Each upgrade does still cost one fusion core. For this I am sorry but I have not yet figured out a way to make a mod rely on another mod. 改造仍然需要核融合核心。真的很抱歉没能换为更真实的材料,不过我找不到别的修改方法了。
version 1.31.3版
Fixed the tanto upgrade so it no longer says removes rust from katana. 修正了短刀的改造描述,此版本起不会再有称为“除去太刀上的灰尘”的问题了。
Also, you can now craft the sword set into a placeable item in your home. 同时,添加了可在工房内建造的装饰品刀架。
Removed some files in the mod that didn't need to be there to clean up the files. 清除了一些不必要的组件,以减少文件体积。
In this version, I have added two new weapons to go along with the katana.此版本中,我另外添加了两个新武器,她们和太刀一起出现。
I have added a wakizashi and a tanto. I have also added the swords to the players prewar home. 添加的新刀是肋差弦月和短刀冷无月。都可以在你的家中找到。
So after you exit the bathroom from making your character you can see these bad boys displayed on a rosewood sword stand. 所以你离开最初的浴室后你立刻就可以在墙上的刀架上找到她们。
After you exit vault 111 and you return to the players prewar home you will find all three swords on the dresser in the master bedroom on the same sword stand.离开111号避难所并回到在庇护山丘的家中后,你可以在卧室的衣柜上找到这三把刀。
Though as before its been 200 years and the swords and the stand could use some TLC. Its up to you to restore these beautifully crafted blades back to their legendary status. 即使已经过去了200年,这些刀仍然可以使用,并且能否使她们重新焕发光彩就要看你的了。
I have now updated this mod and is now a completely standalone sword. The mod adds a katana sword to the players home as before and it is in poor rusted condition. 我更新了这个mod,现在它是独立的了。这个mod在你的家中添加了一把情况及其糟糕的太刀。
This sword belonged to the player before the bombs hit and were once a legendary katana. Now after 200 years its an old rusted sword. 这把刀在核爆之前就已经属于你了,并且有着一段淹没在历史中的传说。只是现在它已经生满铁锈。
There are now restoration upgrades that the player can do to restore the sword to its former glory.不过你可以亲自动手改装这把刀,以恢复她往日的荣光。
Each restoration can be done at a weapon work bench. Each restoration cost some materials and a level of blacksmithing. 每次改造都需要你有铁匠等级,而且在普通的铁匠台上就可以完成改造。
Each time the player adds a restoration upgrade the sword will change in damage and in appearance. 每次改造都可以提升伤害,并带给刀一副全新的外观。
The first one is at level 1 just removes the rust from the blade to allow for more damage. 第一次改造需要1级铁匠,这会打磨掉原本的铁锈,并造成更大伤害。
Next, at blacksmithing level 2, the sword blade is honed to remove all the pitting to give a sharper edge and the fittings are replaced.第二次的2级铁匠改造会磨光刀刃,进一步打击敌人。
Finally, at level 3 blacksmithing the blade is fully polished to return the sword to its legendary form. In the legendary from it does the legendary damage, legendary bleed, and armor penetration. The final form does require a fusion core.最后,3级铁匠的终极改造可以解封刀刃并重现她昔日的传说威力。此时她会对敌方造成大量伤害,同时附带流血伤害和穿甲效果。这一步需要你有一个核聚变核心。
(✲ 译注:翻译完这一大堆咱觉得好中二啊´_>`)
Small fixes to note in the update. 另外的一些更新备注:
1. Changed out the habaki (blade collar) textures and normals on the 3rd and 4th version1.改变了はばき(✲ 译注:原文如此——刀上的一部分,手柄前和刀刃相交的突出的部分之一)在二次和三次改造时不同的颜色贴图
2. Changed the spec map on the tsuba (sword guard) to make it less shiny.2. 更改了镡(✲ 原文つば——同样是手柄前和刀刃相交的突出的部分之一)的spec贴图,以便使其看起来更为闪亮。
3. Add four texture sets to change the look of the sword as you upgrade it. 3.增加了改造时的贴图,以便能更方便的看到预览。
4. Up the damage just a little bit. I found myself dying a lot as I tried to engage stronger enemies so I added 5 damage to the base model to help balance it.4.提升了少量伤害。原因是我使用时发现最初的伤害太低了,几乎打不死人 ,因此提高了5点初始伤害来平衡。
Would really like feedback from people on the damage as I do not know what is a good balance point. Any and all comments are welcome. 我真的很期待有关伤害的反馈,以便使我搞清真正适合的数值是多少。
Please endorse if you like this mod. 喜欢的话请给个赞吧w
Please feel free to upload your screenshots of your character with the sword. 欢迎你上传你和这把刀的自拍。
If you are using the old version please uninstall it before you install the new version in the NMM or you can also just delete the blossom katana esp file.如果你已经使用了旧版,请先卸载掉原本的再安装新版。或者你也可以直接删掉esp文件。(✲ 译注:极度不推荐,这会在data文件夹里留下很难清除的冗杂数据(:з」∠)_)
Just uploaded this mod to Bethesda.net for xbox1 11Aug2016于2016年8月11日上传到了Bethesda.net
This is my very first mod. So I hope that I did everything correctly and I have tested it out. The sword works fine for me and I do not know of any bugs or issues with the sword. 这是我的第一个mod,所以我已经预先测试了一遍,而且最少我这边未发现不兼容或者别的任何问题。
This being my first mod I have had lots of help and want to thank everyone that has helped me.完成我的第一个mod过程中我得到了很多人的反馈,在此予以真诚的感谢。
Special thanks to the following people for helping me above and beyond normal help.特别感谢以下两位给了我关键帮助的人。
2k材质: q8w2
4k材质: 0ert
{:3_113:} 不喜欢这类东西,但是支持下作者和你的努力。 谢谢分享 {:3_113:}辛苦啦! 谢谢分享 回复是一种态度
跟我说错误居然还是发出去了噗 帮顶 非常感谢!!! 楼主幸苦了 这么棒的武器居然沉底了,为了更多人能用到要顶起啊~ 跟我说错误居然还是发出去了噗 近战流啊:) 很装逼啊 看不见刀啊
很好,谢谢楼主 感谢。正缺一把趁手的冷兵器, 感谢楼主 给大爷跪了
谢谢楼主 gxlzfx,233 回复是一种态度→_→
汉化是内置了吗? 66666666666666 感谢楼主!下来看看都是什么。 666666666666666666666666666666666