《森林(The Forest)》Public Alpha v0.55B 3DM免安装未加密版 【最小的体积】附赠游戏更新内容【英文+谷歌中文翻译】
http://pan.blacksheepgame.com/s/1qY2grk4 本帖最后由 tangzhyuz 于 2017-2-20 03:27 编辑V0.55
This patch adds hotkey item selection. You can now place your backpack onto the crafting mat, and assign weapons or items to one of four slots outside of backpack which can be used for quick selection.
For multiplayer, we improved chat visibility, and added 3 new vest and 3 new hoodie clothing variations
We added a new late game cannibal type, these are more powerful than the regular cannibals and wear masks made from skin of plane passengers. We also added more cannibals to the villages around the world, and added a new check box for creative mode which will allow you to turn on/off enemies whenever you want.
Along with this we fixed a bunch of bugs, especially with regards to how traps work, Added in a new bone arrow type, Improved some animations for multiplayer characters, made items in inventory easier to select by improving their collision and lots more, the full list visit below.
V0.55 Changelog
Suitcases around the plane crash site no longer respawn
Snow now lands on water in the north area instead of going through
Frost damage will no longer occur while player is jumping or actively climbing a rope
Fixed spoilt oysters not drop-able from the inventory
Updated armor mannequin stealth armor model
Fixed a couple rare errors that could prevent a few wall chunks from showing up in saves that suffered data loss after a patch
Fixed painted cannibal leader switching to wrong texture on death
Fixed animals moving at different speeds depending on current frame rate
Fixed arrows sometimes floating when shot into terrain
Fixed skin animal animation sometimes not playing if skinning is started immediately after picking up a spear
Improved support for updating greeble zones data from old saves, should prevent cases of deprecated data causing error spam and causing severe lag
(Multiplayer) Frost damage will no longer be applied to players who are in a downed state
(Multiplayer) Moved chat to the left of the screen to avoid overlapping with building ingredients
(Multiplayer) Added a dark backing to the chat to improve readability
Traps will now correctly load to the correct state
Traps will now restore to correct state after being repaired
(Multiplayer) Fixed some issues with noose trap visuals for clients not syncing
New gameplay option: Allow Enemies (Creative mode only)
Fixed drop spoilt food option in inventory not available on food that was picked up already spoilt
Fixed bed missing collision and bed not being repairable
Caves – fixed some small holes/gaps
Trapped animals remain in traps after save/load
Fixed Squirrels and Lizards not always being inside trap when caught
Added new late game mutant tribe wearing skinned face masks
New arrow type: Bone arrows! Combine 1 stick + 5 Feathers + 5 bones to create 5 bone arrows
New item quick select feature. Combine weapons on the crafting mat with the backpack to assign. Default keys are 1, 2, 3 and 4 on keyboard. Holding “AltFire” (block) while playing on a gamepad now switches the D-pad to quick select item slots
Fixed enemies floating over spikes or moving when caught in the happy birthday trap
(Multiplayer) Added new clothing: Vest with 3 texture variations
Fixed upgrading weapons not cleaning up everything correctly causing other items around or on the crafting to be hard to target afterwards
(Multiplayer) Improved walking and running animations on other players when holding all types of weapons
Player no longer reaches for an arrow after firing the bow with no more arrows in backpack
Fixed enemies using wrong burnt texture when dropped on a fire
Fixed creepy enemies switching to burnt texture when hit with a flying axe attack
Player dropped logs now spawn slightly away from player to prevent physics interaction issues
Fixed poison arrow effects not being applied to enemies correctly
Fixed sticky bombs not attaching to enemies or animals
Fixed tortoises sometimes not going into their shell when hit
(Multiplayer) Fixed birds sometimes not playing flying animation for clients
Fixed player incorrectly blocking if block is pressed immediately after picking up a spear
Fixed player able to continue repair hammer attacks even after switching to another weapon
Fixed player not attaching to rope properly if rope trigger was underwater
Cave9 – added more sound effects, and more stalactite models
Added more cave fish to cave water zones
Fixed clients not dealing correct damage from flying axe attack
Fixed saving of items added to metal doors weights
Fixed log sled glitching through terrain if grabbed and holding logs at the same time
Fixed spears and arrows not sticking into some large tree stumps around the world
(Multiplayer) Fixed arrows collected from bodies not being removed for other players
Fixed animals sometimes not being caught in traps
Fixed some stippling settings on some large logs/dead wood
Replaced damaged buildings 3D icons by 2D versions
Fixed jumping into water while lighting a cloth wrapped weapon causing lighter interactions to break
(Multiplayer) Fixed a case of player variation not initializing at start of game
Fixed player not disconnecting from treehouse rope if treehouse was destroyed
Fixed player not disconnecting from raft oar properly if raft was destroyed
(Multiplayer) Added new clothing: Hoodie with 3 texture variations
Improved accuracy of hovering detection for some items in inventory
First 4 weapons/projectiles equipped are automatically added to quick select free slots
Fixed saving & loading exploded rocks walls in caves
(Audio) Added break wood sfx when fires are destroyed
Fixed plane recording wrong position sometimes in new games
洞穴 - 固定一些小孔/间隙
新箭头类型:骨箭头!组合1棒+ 5羽毛+ 5骨头来创建5骨箭头
Cave9 - 增加了更多的音效,和更多的钟乳石模型
【固定】平面记录错误的位置有时在新游戏 V0.55b – hotfix
Posted on 16 February, 2017
Hey Everyone,
Here are some small fixes to this mornings patch release
Fixed some usable items such as meds or armor being infinite if added to hot select slots
Fixed issues with hot key items being visible whilst swimming or climbing ropes V0.55b - 修补程序
修正了热门项目在游泳或攀登绳索时可见的问题 V0.55c - 修补程序