《极品飞车 无间风云》最新游戏影像!new!
http://video.chnren.com/static/t/newplayer.swf?vid=4PasKvTDU9r&flag=0The opening cinematics and initial race sequence from Need for Speed Undercover (2:46)
Electronic Arts has released a new gameplay trailer from Need for Speed Undercover, the next installment in the Need for Speed franchise slated to be in stores North America on November 18 and in Europe on November 21. Featuring international movie star, Maggie Q, as the lead character in the big-budget live-action sequences, Need for Speed Undercover takes the franchise back to its roots and re-introduces break-neck cop chases, the world’s hottest cars and spectacular highway battles
昨天无意中逛优酷看到的 警车们看起来有点傻........ 这个是X-BOX360 好逼真的画面。。。
好期待啊。 不像是9里面一下子就把警车撞飞了 更真实了!~~ November 18th north america 北美18号 不是这里的19号么???怎么是明天??? 不知道车怎么样啊,9的漂移不是很好,期待12的~~ 不是说主角是卧底吗怎么还被警车追呢?