我赵昊啦 发表于 2016-10-21 02:08





(建筑方面) 现在造楼梯的时候有更多的变化了,一段楼梯可上可下,以前是只能要么上要么下。
(建筑方面) 如果修复建筑的时候手上材料不够,不会显示修复图标。
(建筑方面) 降低每一个建筑物链接之间的最小角度。
(建筑方面) 现在在建墙壁的时候,如果把鼠标凑到一面同类型的墙壁上的话,会有自动链接到该墙壁末端接口的效果。




(建筑方面) 放到晾肉架上的肉,可以在它还是生肉的时候直接拿回来了。
(建筑方面) 改进了晾肉架。

(建筑方面) 新建筑:大型木筏,特点是有2个浆,需要2个人才能正常的划船。
(建筑方面) 新增:大型储木棍架子,在造储藏木头的篮子的时候,按R可以切换到大型储木架,消耗24个木棍,可放40根木棍。

Caves – 不能再在洞穴里面拿起地图碎片了。
把肉类放火上烤,现在需要90秒才能烤熟 以前是60秒。
(多人模式下) 用托盘和人交换东西,会显示肉在上面的腐烂情况了。


Increased view distance on some cave climb down areas/surrounding rocks
Sheen billboards are now more consistent/brighter
Set bushes and small plants to no longer spawn under lakes/ponds
New textures for bush08
Plant 21 vertex colour fix

(建筑方面) 修复了aiming back and forth between fences and floors breaking wall & fences placement in autofill mode
(建筑方面) 修复了dock not having a max point limit
(多人模式下) 修复了edible items shared with tray not always usable
改进了look of small tree and added touch bending
修复了missing area not available message at end game door
修复了fire mutants not aiming projectiles at target correctly
改进了far shadow and offscreen particles performance
(多人模式下) 改进了accuracy of animation transitions for enemies and players as client
修复了thrown rocks not dealing damage to animals
修复了limbs not matching host body when chopped off.
修复了a bunch of text ‘can’t carry anymore’ items missing correct pluralization
修复了bunch of items having incorrect item name capitalization
修复了dropped climbing axe floating
(多人模式下) Fixed(again) snow trees turning into regular trees when cut
修复了missing Combine prompt in inventory item tooltips for a bunch of items
修复了cave fires incorrectly rotated
修复了club selected material in inventory having wrong texture plugged in and a bunch of other selected materials looking wrong when hovered over
修复了touch bending on Sapling 5
Caves- 修复了angled magazines on cave floors
(多人模式下) 修复了player switching to previous weapon after being revived
修复了player camera getting permanently offset sometimes when skinning an animal very close to a wall
修复了creepy mutants sometimes running away from player when in shallow water inside caves
修复了flares and tennis balls not having splash effect when hitting water
修复了berry pop in for blueberry and snowberry bushes
修复了cowman blood seams
改进了ai pathfinding around cliff edges and plane crash sites
修复了bombs/dynamite/talky place on wall system interacting with invisible triggers, thus allowing to sometimes place the item mid air
改进了resolution on plane seats/tray
修复了gamepad not automatically selecting the first UI element of opening panels (such as the received MP invite one or pause menu in game)
(建筑方面) 修复了placing rock fence stub looking slightly different than placed version
(建筑方面) 改进了system that prevents autofilled walls and fences from placing over existing ones
(多人模式下) 修复了coop players sometimes spawning on top of each other inside the plane
(多人模式下) 修复了players spawning in wrong pose when first joining a coop session
(多人模式下) 修复了other players and enemies visible during the player death sequence
(建筑方面) 修复了a bug with hole cutter causing some buildings to leave a broken ghost behind when targeted, increased amount of buildings it can remove, and 修复了some errors/crashes with removing some structures
修复了thrown rocks not dealing damage to enemies
(多人模式下) 修复了weapon upgrades not showing on remote player if he hasn’t opened inventory once since starting game
(多人模式下) 修复了defensive wall reinforcement possibly not loading for clients in bigger games or laggy conditions
(多人模式下) 修复了excessive distortion when building receive damage
(多人模式下) 修复了some issues with tree save states being different between host and client depending on where client was when trees were cut down or game was saved
(多人模式下) 修复了severe lag when client joins a game that has garden with planted seeds located far away from all current player locations
(多人模式下) 修复了and smoothed out world object sync sweep that occurs when a client joins a game

我赵昊啦 发表于 2016-10-21 02:09






迪维尼 发表于 2016-10-21 06:40

有汉化补丁吗 支持下:lol

wangzun3 发表于 2016-10-21 13:28


����小杰 发表于 2016-10-22 02:08


草泥马96 发表于 2016-10-26 20:47


很随意~ 发表于 2016-11-3 21:17

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查看完整版本: 赵昊-[机翻别发了]迷失森林0.48版本更新日志手工汉化