As happened in our thread about the newest d3 screenshots, there were questions on the b.net forums about the star of the new shot from Tristram(?), since it/he/she looks strangely naked and light-skinned. Bashiok jumped into the thread to clear up that confusion, while adding a bit of mystery as well.人们对这次公布的来自崔斯特瑞姆(貌似?)新截图中的【亮点】很感兴趣,因为他/她/它看起来好像穿的很少很单薄。Bashiok在做出了明确的回答后,又制造了一些神秘。Blizzard Quote: (Source)
It's a "naked" female witch doctor, she's twisting around to her right on a wind up of a skull of flame cast (previously called fire bomb). I don't think that's the most interesting part of the screenshot though.
但究竟真正的亮点是什么呢? 那些清道夫? 那个躺在截图上方的倒霉蛋? 还是因为这是在黑天? 他没有说。
具necromancer推测, 可能亮点是:玩家的出生地将设定在崔斯特瑞姆。 这图是哪来的·又出新的影像了? 感觉很暗,看不清啥 越看越像泰坦了 很期待,看来到时得换下配置了··很期待!! 看不清啥 看不清,有更清楚的吗 暴雪真会选图=。= 图片不清楚
fenxi 画面不错