暴雪放慢SC2的开发进度,抽调人手制作大菠萝3 ?
http://www.battleforums.com/newscomments.php?id=28We received news today from an anonymous source from inside Blizzard, confirming that development of StarCraft 2 will be largely postponed until Blizzard's recently announced, and long-awaited Diablo 3 is ready for the market.
引用: is still being worked on, but only by a minuscule amount of people compared to what put on the Diablo 3 team.
This has yet to be confirmed officially by Blizzard, and I personally doubt they will respond. Because this information was leaked unintentionally through a casual conversation with one of our staff members, we can not reveal the name of our source publicly - so to protect this individual and his/her position within Blizzard. Nor can we say that this came directly from Blizzard.
Nonetheless, this may be good or bad news to you. Personally, I don't mind - both games are equally sought after in my opinion
内线说:“(SC2)的开发还在进行,不过相比起(暴雪)分配到大菠萝3开发组的人力来说,人数少很多” 很好很好 正中下怀 据说。。。。SCII差不多了。。。据说。。。。所以。。。。 呵呵 不管怎么样SC2会先上马的