最新的更新0.7.8已经支持繁体中文了,大家也支持一下steam正版吧Today we are publishing a new version still focused on stability and optimization. This is a leap forward in relation to optimization and performance and should make things easier for those who have little memory in their PC’s. You will also see a significant increase in the downloading speed between stages. Besides, we are including new languages translated by our community. We want to thank Ikami Taiwendo & team, Golden Pen Team, Armand ARONDEAU & Maxime MAUSSION, Diabolos & TuTou for for their incredible help localizing the texts. Today we are adding French, Traditional Chinese, Russian and Catalan. English, German and Spanish were already available.
As follows you will find the most remarkable changes of this new version:
- NEW: French localization
- NEW: Traditional Chinese localization
- NEW: Russian localization
- NEW: Catalan localization
- NEW: Name of the characters when clicking on them
- UPDATE: Memory optimization
- UPDATE: Performance improvements
- UPDATE: Rival AI improvement —now it’s harder to be ranked #1
- FIX: Problems with network events
- FIX: Problems when moving to a different place
- FIX: Problems with collaborators
- FIX: Static sliding characters
- FIX: Characters looking at the wall
- FIX: Some problems related to courses
- FIX: Problems with windows one on top of the other
- FIX: Problems with vlogs and interviews
- FIX: Problems with window mode
A new update will be made by the end of next week in BETA and on the following Monday we would open it to everybody if everything works alright.
Thank you for your support!
等到出简体中文就去支持一下,现在只是面向湾湾 呵呵哒~~~~ 占楼。。。 sunhmt 发表于 2016-6-3 12:45
貌似翻译的就是用的台湾的,作为官方繁体 还没有出新模式吗
主要单模式两下就有点腻味了 嗯 谢谢哒 已经玩的没意思了,快出其他职业吧。 我靠,太棒了,0.7.5的时候入的正,更新了不想再打汉化,停了一段时间没玩儿了~ 出联机就入啊,还有星露谷,单机也就自己玩玩 玩游戏主播已经腻歪了,还是等后面几个生涯更新了再入正了。 还太早,现在入正以后就懒得玩了,等更新的差不多再买 asdl33199887 发表于 2016-6-3 18:23
所以说,等有简体中文了再说。现在台湾风评太差,不打算和他们扯上关系. 我怀疑这是用我们论坛汉化转的= = STEAM上没显示支持中文啊 苹果二宝 发表于 2016-6-10 15:42
有的,更新上面有繁体中文,游戏设置里面可以换繁体 怎么调成中文的啊???????????????????
啊先生 发表于 2016-6-15 18:29
游戏设置里面就可以调啊 asdl33199887 发表于 2016-6-15 20:20
还是等简体中文吧 一在游戏里面更换繁体中文 就特么在那读取页面不动了 刚买的正版 现在已经支持简体中文。我已经如正。等不了那么久了。