pe782665271 发表于 2016-2-13 16:04



伊东美咲 发表于 2016-2-13 16:32


zctang304 发表于 2016-2-13 16:45

本帖最后由 zctang304 于 2016-2-13 16:57 编辑

伊东美咲 发表于 2016-2-13 16:32 static/image/common/back.gif

[*]Fixed Map sometimes not showing or showing the wrong region. 修复地图显示错误区域,或不显示的问题。
[*]Fixed ALT-TAB in combination with Exclusive Fullscreen occasionally hanging the game or entire system. (Steam Only) 修正全屏独占下alt tab可能导致游戏无响应甚至系统死机的问题
[*]Fixed graphics glitches on NPC clothing on NVIDIA 6x0 and 7x0 hardware. 修复6系,7系N卡在角色服装上的图形问题。
[*]Fixed rare crashes with a "DX11 Internal Heap" error. 修正罕见的DX11 Internal Heap崩溃问题。
[*]Added separate mouse sensitivity control for X and Y axis, allowing users to equalize sensitivity. 添加独立的鼠标X,Y轴灵敏度。允许用户均衡灵敏度。
[*]Added option to reduce in-game camera shake, for users that prefer this. 为某些又需要的用户添加了一个减轻游戏中镜头晃动的选项
[*]Added audio-cue for finding secrets in the relic viewer.添加了在本能模式下找到隐秘物品时的音效提示
[*]Fixed game changing system screen saver settings for some users. (Steam Only)修正了游戏可能改变系统屏保设置的问题
[*]Added additional error handling and messaging in case the GPU driver is crashing or unresponsive. 当显卡驱动崩溃或者无响应时增加了额外的错误提示和信息
[*]Various performance improvements for GPU-bound situations. CPU bound scenarios are not impacted. 一些GPU相关场合的性能改进,CPU相关的情况并未受影响
[*]A variety of other smaller optimizations, bug-fixes, and tweaks. 一些其他小优化,出错和调整

伊东美咲 发表于 2016-2-13 17:06


pe782665271 发表于 2016-2-13 19:31

zctang304 发表于 2016-2-13 16:45 static/image/common/back.gif

[*]Fixed Map sometimes not showing or ...

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