《补丁·修改器》《 消逝的光芒:加强版Dying Light: Enhanced Edition 》游戏十九项修改器{ Mrantifun }
本帖最后由 dlts2661798 于 2016-9-25 09:57 编辑http://att.blacksheepgame.com/att/forum/201501/28/000108cmckmcsx8latllxz.jpg
【 使 用 说 明 】
3、按 Alt + Tab 切换至电脑桌面并运行修改器
【 注 意 事 项 】
2、运行修改器无反应的请用管理员权限运行修改器(右键 - 属性 - 兼容性 - 勾选用管理员权限运行)
[*]F1 - Inf.Health(无限生命)
[*]F2 - Inf.Stamina(无限精力)
[*]F3 - Inf.Durability(无限耐力)
[*]F4 - Inf.Items(无限材料)
[*]F5 - Inf.Money(无限金钱)
[*]F6 - Inf.Throwables(无限可抛物)
[*]F7 - Mega Exp(最大经验值)
[*]F8 - Fast Kill(快速击杀)
[*]F9 - Inf.Pick Locks(无限开锁装备)
[*]F10 - Inf.Ammo - No Reload(无限子弹 - 无需装弹)
[*]F11 - Kill All Zombies(击杀所有僵尸{慎用})
[*]F12 - Unbreakable Lock Pick 开锁
[*]N1- UnDetected By Night Zmobies未被发现通过僵尸之夜
[*]N2- Super Speed 快速移动
[*]N3- Active Day Time Editing
[*]N4 - Set To Morning立刻到早上
[*]N5- Set To Night 立刻到晚上
[*]Inf.Car Health
[*]Inf.Car Fuel
下 载
链接: http://pan.blacksheepgame.com/s/1o8o5z4Y 密码: 2hfw
感谢分享 :loveliness::loveliness: 感谢分享 非常棒。。。。。。。。。。。。 :loveliness:辛苦了!!! ........... 这还真是神速啊,支持了 66666666666666666666
赞一个 :D 感謝阿,背包無限大需要阿 更新
增加两种修改 汽车血量和油量
Go Options, Online and set VAC Secure off to prevent VAC banned
You should back up your game save.
You must open your inventory once for the items cheat to work.
You must open your inventory once for money cheat to work.
Mega Exp cheat includes all 3 Exp Systems in the game.
Kill all zombies will kill any zombie up to 50 feet from you.
You must have 2 units of an item for the items cheat to work .
Start game first then the trainer. 支持下。。。。。。。 补链接啊!链接挂都挂了 没了诶...怎么办
... xiexiegggggggggggggg 补个链接链接: http://pan.blacksheepgame.com/s/1o8o5z4Y 密码: 2hfw 666,感谢楼主分享!{:3_110:}