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[*]新的环境闭塞设置,HBAO +
能有大神详细的翻译一下吗!看起来这补丁解决了很多问题啊!有一项好像是解决了义勇军重复任务的问题! 这鸡饭.. 小黑的無限任務可說是這作最大亮點啊 :lol:lol:lol 沒裝 MOD 簡直是鬼也怕了他
奇怪的是潛艇任現在不可以在開始前先去鋼鐵廠拿線圈 ? 為什麼呢, 本來連對話也有選項 "早已經到手" 什麼的, 任務設計上是預算有這情況了
修正了不能指派補給線至滿人的據點 算是這作比較不方便的 bug 了
狗了 HBAO+ 好像是 N 卡的東西, 還有一個 New weapon debris effects 也說明是 N 卡專享. B 社收了多少錢啊 :lol:lol:lol 看样子修复了不少BUG... 貼英文原版
New Features
New ambient occlusion setting, HBAO+
New weapon debris effects (NVIDIA cards only)
Added status menu for settlers in your settlements
Added ability to rotate an object you are holding with left/right triggers and pressing down on left thumbstick lets you switch the rotating axis
Improved "ESDF" keys remapping support while in Workshop mode
Gameplay Fixes
General memory and stability improvements
Improved performance when looking through a scope
Fixed issue where player could warp to a different location when aiming
Companions can no longer get stuck with radiation poisoning
Fixed an issue where Vault 81 residents would not dismember correctly
Big Leagues perk now displays calculated damage correctly
Fixed issue with third person camera not displaying properly after exiting certain crafting stations
Fixed an issue where subtitles would occasionally not update properly
Effects will properly be removed on companions when items are unequipped
MacReady’s Killshot perk now calculates headshot percentages properly
Fixed an issue with NPCs getting stuck in Power Armor
Fixed a rare issue with companions getting stuck in down state
Second rank of Aquaboy now calculates properly
Fixed an issue with resistance not always lowering the damage correctly when added by mods
Enabled number of characters available when renaming an item (XB1)
Fixed issue with player becoming dismembered while still alive
Robotics expert is now usable in combat
Stimpaks can now be used on Curie after the transformation
Playing a holotape found in wilderness while switching point of view no longer causes the screen to blur or controls to be locked
Quest Fixes
Fixed an issue with "Taking Independence" where the minutemen remaining from the battle against the Mirelurk Queen would not gather in the Castle
Fixed an issue where invulnerable characters would get stuck in combat
Fixed an issue where Preston would send player to a settlement instead of a dungeon as part of a Minutemen quest
Fixed an issue where Synths could attack the Castle while the player was friends with the Institute
Fixed an issue where killing a caravan would leave a quest open
Fixed an issue where Dogmeat would stay at Fort Hagen after "Reunions" was completed
Fixed an issue where the player couldn't talk to Desdemona to complete "Underground Undercover"
Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck exiting the cryopod
Fixed an issue where the player could no longer get Preston as a companion
In "The End of the Line," fixed an issue that would prevent the player from killing the leaders of the Railroad
Fixed an issue with Minutemen quests repeating improperly
Fixed an issue where the player couldn't get back into the Railroad headquarters after being kicked out of the Brotherhood of Steel
After finishing "The Big Dig," fixed an issue where Hancock would no longer offer to be a companion or help with the "Silver Shroud" quest
Fixed an issue with obtaining the Dampening Coils from Saugus Ironworks before going to Yangtze
During "Unlikely Valentine," fixed an issue where the player could be blocked from entering Vault 114
In "Confidence Man," Bull and Gouger can now be killed
During "Taking Independence," fixed an issue that would prevent the radio transmitter from powering up
In "Human Error," fixed an issue where killing Dan would cause the quest to not complete properly
Fixed an issue with "Tactical Thinking" where leaving dialogue early with
Captain Kells to reprogram P.A.M. could cause quest to not completely properly
Workshop Fixes
Fixed a bug that would cause settler counts to appear incorrectly
Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from setting up a supply line in settlements with a high population
Improvements to snapping pieces together while in Workshop mode
Fixed an issue that caused powered items to stop functioning permanently if its power source was ever removed
Player can now build workbenches in their Diamond City house
Building wires no longer uses up copper
Fixed issue with certain settlement attacks not generating properly
Fixed an issue with settlement happiness calculations
Settlers assigned to weapons stand will now stand next to it
Diamond City house now shows provided power
Repairing items will now correctly consume resources
Fixed an issue where companion would ignore commands at workshop locations
Fixed an issue with crops appearing destroyed after saving and reloading 幸福度BUG修复了?我要新开档试试 额,机翻。意思应该是,新武器效果 (只有N卡有) 去做白老鼠了
根據版本比較, 這些檔是被更改或新建立的
回去檢垃圾 ~
机翻看的晕头转向,呼叫大神翻译..... 1.2 的 esp 移除問題仍在, b 社玩真的, 只好等新的 f4se 了
HBAO+ A 卡也開到, 不過是效能殺手
不明原因, 載入明顯比以前慢上至少兩三倍, 我已經是 SSD 的了 {:3_111:}坐等小白鼠 只想知道FPS有沒有改善... N 卡不清楚, A 卡開 HBAO+ 完全是找死 汉化补丁已经支持了~
本帖最后由 dkcocona 于 2016-1-16 07:37 编辑
坐等小白鼠汇报 同伴会被辐射影响了吗? B 社才不會那麼好心, 加入新功能就等同加入大量 bug, 現在載入隨時一分鐘也未完, 以前很少過半分鐘的, 完全沒掛 mod 也一樣慢. 唯一萬幸是再慢也好, 暫時沒出現過跳出或當機
現在看 N 卡開 HBAO+ 會不會像 A 卡那麼慢. 或是像 nvidia 說會比開 SSAO 還快. 修正的任務看似很不錯, 城堡那傢伙雖然沒坐下來但至少也回去廣播了.
總結是沒事不要去升級 “银裹尸布”好评,。。。。:lol
最关心的重复任务地点问题貌似有修正。。。。。 楼主 v1.1.30可以直接升v1.3.45吗? 修正了民兵的任务重复不适当{:3_103:} 小白鼠呢?上! bebe2803 发表于 2016-1-16 08:23 static/image/common/back.gif
B 社才不會那麼好心, 加入新功能就等同加入大量 bug, 現在載入隨時一分鐘也未完, 以前很少過半分鐘的, 完全 ...