fslove 发表于 2016-1-8 17:16

夺位者 1.2版

本帖最后由 fslove 于 2016-1-8 17:18 编辑

New help / tutorial system
- WorldMap: A new NPC is at the start of a new game
- Battle: A help button is available above the end turn button
15 new items
2 new potions
New type of runes with special effects
5 new NPC
12 new achievements
20 slots in the inventory instead of 16
The map is now revealed during your exploration and doesn't appeared explored at the entrance of the floor anymore.
Enhanced map generation algorithm
The tavern is now at each floor's entrance
There is now a castle on each floor which will challenge the player and offer great rewards
Merchants now have specific items to sell
Enemies global balancing has been enhanced
Scout (Zoe): can only get 1 PA per attack even if she kills 2 or more enemies
Bug fixes:
Fixed: Time advances by itself
Fixed: Item manipulation
Fixed: UI bugs
Update: Sound engine

包含1.2补丁,硬盘版解压即玩,和ALiAS硬盘版 不同,这个是直接破解,没有任何load程序,无法运行ALiAS版本的试试这个.steam原版,原版英文,自行打汉化补丁。

嘉【奉孝】 发表于 2016-1-8 17:17


ynsb5994 发表于 2016-1-9 04:36


foxlingyun 发表于 2016-1-9 08:52


552489892 发表于 2016-1-9 12:08


wfz 发表于 2016-1-9 14:46


3dm438 发表于 2016-1-10 11:59


hihi427 发表于 2016-1-10 14:44

没有dlc啊 ..........

snbiws 发表于 2016-1-14 22:22

完全 看不懂啊也没有汉语的

新月小风 发表于 2016-1-15 19:32

DLC没破解 - -
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查看完整版本: 夺位者 1.2版