去到下載業bullet time perk_選這個版本比較好,bullet time toggleable<---你開caps lock都會慢鏡,但有BUG
Toggle version: (Main file)
>>This is a workaround for a toggleable bullet time effect. <<
[*]The bullet time effect kicks in when you are walking. It means that you can toggle it by
pressing your walk/Run-switch key.
[*]Standing still, sitting, running and sprinting can't give you the effect.
[*]It consumes 16 action points per second and stops once you're out of AP.
[*]Important: You need to put at least one point in any Tier 1 perk to unlock this "trait."
Perk Version: (Optional)
You can activate bullet time through perks:
[*]Big Leagues (rank 1): An AP-free bullet time can be triggered by your melee power attack
and lasts 3 secs.
- v1.1: Engaging in combat also gives you a 3-sec bullet time effect.
[*]Gunslinger or Commando (rank 1): Bullet time is up when you aim down (iron sight).
The effect will consume 16 AP per second and takes at least 16 AP to keep up.
[*]Sniper (rank 1): Aiming down with a scoped weapon automatically triggers it.
这个解说我给三分 翻译我给8分 楼主辛苦,千秋万代,一统江湖。
繁体汉化完成 这个慢动作太烦人了
在据点建个建筑吧 一直咿呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
楼主辛苦:D:D:D 近战进警惕就慢动作是指拿近战武器的时候还是只要潜行进警惕? 请问是什么bug啊 这个我昨天搬过了,不好用。