N网搬运 Fallout 4 Enhanced Color Correction
本帖最后由 woaitianmo 于 2015-12-14 14:53 编辑N网原址:http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5060/?
作者描述:Fallout 4 Enhanced Color Correction (F4ECC) is a mod that aims to increase the quality of the visuals in Fallout 4 without drastically changing the look of the game. I liked the vibrant colors in the vanilla game, but at times areas felt "washed out" and a bit bland looking. This mod stretches the value range, making the shadows deeper and the highlights more vibrant. As a result, brighter areas feel more alive and darker areas are a bit darker. Additionally, F4ECC subtly boosts certain colors. Because of this, shadows have additional saturation and characters have more liveliness by introducing a subtle red tint.
为啥我自己都看不到图了 干坏事了 用reshade该下对比度和饱和度就行了吧
不过还是顶一下,不是所有玩家都用reshade的 太好了,以前的晚上根本没法玩,只能睡觉... 感觉就是更黑了 还是原版好看.......... 我只是感觉更黑了而已。。。 。。。所以就是更黑了? 支持 不错 支持 不错 星、辉 发表于 2015-12-14 21:08 static/image/common/back.gif
165686417 发表于 2015-12-14 18:40 static/image/common/back.gif
鸟姐胸部编年史 发表于 2015-12-15 10:03 static/image/common/back.gif
这是要刺瞎眼睛啊,上次装了更黑的夜+PP灯光,那个招罪,眼疼头晕.还是不要那么黑才好 ...
dddddddddddddd 感谢楼主的搬运,效果不错 本帖最后由 moonfuyu 于 2016-10-24 12:05 编辑
n网1.1W的赞 而我们这里还没到第二页