soai3dm 发表于 2015-12-7 10:24

N网果然解封了 这是为什么呢?(更新 觉得小黑发任务很烦的 请进来)

本帖最后由 soai3dm 于 2015-12-8 17:52 编辑

马上去搬运一些MOD回来给大家用 不过都是未授权的。。。。我就懒得跟原作者申请了

MOD: 狗肉替换 link: 点我
MOD: 迷你核弹修复 点我
MOD: 很烦小黑发任务对吗? 点我

妈妈说用户名不能太长 发表于 2015-12-7 10:40


samelidifinte 发表于 2015-12-7 10:41


soai3dm 发表于 2015-12-7 10:43

本帖最后由 soai3dm 于 2015-12-7 12:08 编辑

MOD描述 : 狗肉 换成 合成仁
英文名称 : Synthmeat原链接:

This mod is the first thing I've ever done with fo4edit, or tes5edit for that matter, so there may be bugs. This replaces dogmeat with a Generation 1 synth, and allows him to use weapons. Otherwise it does not change his functionality. Don't try equipping him with armor, it tends to make other parts invisible.


更新时间: 2015-11-30版本 1.0

搬运自N网 没有经过作者同意。

soai3dm 发表于 2015-12-7 10:44

samelidifinte 发表于 2015-12-7 10:41 static/image/common/back.gif

你说得没错 的确是自己去搬就可以了

fengzt123 发表于 2015-12-7 10:50


相遇那天 发表于 2015-12-7 10:51

楼主帮忙搬一些 优化类的mod吧

sgouki1018 发表于 2015-12-7 10:54

妈妈说用户名不能太长 发表于 2015-12-7 10:40 static/image/common/back.gif




相遇那天 发表于 2015-12-7 10:56


dking1999 发表于 2015-12-7 11:12


真不是小Q 发表于 2015-12-7 11:19

我看了下貌似有英克雷的 X01涂装 可惜没帐号~~

soai3dm 发表于 2015-12-7 11:20

相遇那天 发表于 2015-12-7 10:56 static/image/common/back.gif

民间的BUG补丁意义不大 还是等官方的比较靠谱毕竟补丁一出 这些MOD 都得取消

我自己是不建议用了而且关键的bug 不是MOD可以解决的 比如存档损坏 地雷消失, 我甚至遇到过发电机整台不见了
我没有打任何建筑MOD和发电MOD 照样消失 然后这个存档就坏了 就因为这个发电机

chensircn 发表于 2015-12-7 11:42

N网抽风又不是一两天了 再说还有很多人无法直链呢 感谢楼主搬运 标记好原址就OK啦~

乐平 发表于 2015-12-7 12:37


ymf007 发表于 2015-12-7 14:02


soai3dm 发表于 2015-12-7 14:07

Fatman Mini Nukes Ignore LoS

搬运自N网 没有经过作者同意

So I'm attacking a raider camp, and feel like blowing shit up. Launch a bunch of mini

nukes, only to find out I hardly killed anything because a sheet metal wall and some

shrubbery blocked all the damage. If only the pre-war population had such strong defensive

measures to escape total atomic annihilation!

This mod fixes this gross injustice. It simply adds the 'Ignore LoS' flag to the fat man

explosion. Not tested with MIRV.

NMM (Nexus Mod Manager) has been updated for Fallout 4, download button is at the top of

the page.

作者有一次去杀掠夺者 扔了一堆核弹到人家窝里去了,然后发现啥都没杀成;
因为游戏里面小小的一面破墙壁,破木板太无赖了,格挡了一切爆炸伤害。(PS: 但是却允许你透过木


该MOD修改了这个不合理的设计,原游戏里面的设计是 核弹是有视力的,看见什么就攻击什么 将伤害施

加上去,但是因为被墙壁挡住,所以伤害不了盲区的敌人。 这个MOD的原理是取消核弹的盲区设定,即



这个MOD就不需要图片了 {:3_48:}

y123ao6 发表于 2015-12-7 14:30

dking1999 发表于 2015-12-7 11:12 static/image/common/back.gif


a654538719 发表于 2015-12-7 14:34


妈妈说用户名不能太长 发表于 2015-12-7 15:35

sgouki1018 发表于 2015-12-7 10:54 static/image/common/back.gif



soai3dm 发表于 2015-12-8 17:51

Disable Minuteman Radiant Quests


Have you ever wanted to travel across the Commonwealth and not have Preston breath down your neck about helping every settlement in the game three times a day from the same raider camp that was bothering them an hour ago? Well have I got the mod for you. This just disables the Radiant Minuteman quests so you don't have to worry about them anymore.

But don't worry, you can still help people without Preston constantly reminding you, so you can still finish the game with the Minutemen if you so choose.

There are two versions of this mod, one that simply disables the quests "Raider Troubles at ______", "Kidnapping at ______", "Returning the Favor" (Which you can do manually, as shown in the second video), "______: Greenskins" (Not racist at all), "Clearing the Way For ______", "Taking Point: ______", "Ghoul Problem at ______", "Rouge Courser at ______", and "Resettle Refugees at ______". These are all the radiant quests you can be assigned that don't show up under Misc. Quests, and now you can play the game with the minutemen without ever seeing them.

The second version does the same as the first, but also tries to disable the "Defend ______ location" quests that pop up every now and then under your Misc. Quests section. It tries to, but these quests are a lot more complicated when it comes to disabling, as they don't work off of a simple single value. I've tried disabling them, and I personally haven't had them show up with testing, but I also have well defended settlements.

And yes, this mod was made with FO4Edit from scratch.

你是不是很想撕了小黑的嘴? 你是不是觉得某几个农民天天被绑架女儿 or 老婆 很烦? 是不是觉得几百公里外某个地铁车站有几只尸鬼 这里的居民就吵吵着要你去抄人家的家 , 很无语? 现在有了这个MOD 你就不用烦心了.

有3个文件三选一别全选了 (原文未更新 实际文件已经出了3个)
文件名 我已经加入了中文 方便大家阅读理解不喜欢的话 自己删掉中文部分即可,并没有修改MOD本身任何内容。

同样的,没有经过作者同意 不好意思了。

soai3dm 发表于 2015-12-8 17:56


greednao 发表于 2015-12-8 18:07


soai3dm 发表于 2015-12-9 09:45


tianyamingyue 发表于 2015-12-9 12:02

顶下吧,小黑任务 刷某些队友好感还是有用的,关键是要加个拒绝选项让他去死就好了

soai3dm 发表于 2015-12-9 12:41

tianyamingyue 发表于 2015-12-9 12:02 static/image/common/back.gif
顶下吧,小黑任务 刷某些队友好感还是有用的,关键是要加个拒绝选项让他去死就好了 ...

你说得没错 其实最好的解决方案是小黑说话的时候,多个选项 【让她们自己搞定】
然后不会导致村子设备全坏 也不会死人 单纯地减产就可以了,比如被掠夺后,导致3天没有产出,好感下降。 我觉得这个小惩罚足够。
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查看完整版本: N网果然解封了 这是为什么呢?(更新 觉得小黑发任务很烦的 请进来)