QQ.XiaoBing 发表于 2015-12-6 20:14


本帖最后由 VIP玩家 于 2015-12-7 19:48 编辑

Better Settlers by Thom293 N网原址:http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4772/?tab=1&navtag=http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/ajax/moddescription/?id=4772&preview=&pUp=1作者原话:WARNING THIS IS A BETA. I HAVE TESTED IT AND DON’T THINK IT BREAKS ANYTHING, BUT IT IS STILL A BETA.YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
If it matters, I made it with FO4Edit.

Please put up your own screenshots.I would love to see them!

I got tired of the vanilla settlers and wanted some diversity.I also wanted to give them better starting equipment so I didn’t have to waste time upgrading all of their equipment.This mod makes settlers tougher, have more diverse clothing, better starter weapons, and a chance for stimpacks.There are also now equipment classes that give them a chance at much better combat equipment.I tried to keep it lore friendly and didn’t give them high level stuff.The screenshots are pretty self explanatory. All of the clothing combinations in the screenshots are randomly generated on spawn.

THIS ONLY EFFECTS GENERIC SETTLERS.Companions, Children, and Named settlers (like the Longs and Finches) are unchanged, and will be equipped and behave as in vanilla.

There are two files.Only download and use the patch if you want your settlers to be mortal (like in my mod Mod: Mortal Settlers).Read at the bottom for details.

Better Settlers is incompatible with the below, but I will make patches.
To make your game EASIER, Please see my other Mod: Immortal Settlers.
To make your game HARDER, Please see my other Mod: Mortal Settlers.
I also recommend Settlement Raiding Mod by markprice4675.I used his mod to test mine.Its fun to use to create your own battles.

Changes are detailed below, but its probably just easier to look at the screenshots.

Changes to all Generic Settlers:
Slightly tougher – approximately 3 x health/stamina (Raider Psycho toughness).
All have a chance to roll for 0-2 stimpacks.
All roll for and are equipped with one of the following equipment packages (all weapons and armor have a chance for mods):

Class I
This is basically your vanilla settler with the following changes:
About 12 more outfits (for 20 total) – Please see screenshots for all options.
About 12 more hats (for 20 total) (25% change to roll a hat) – Please see screenshots for all options.
No extra armor (other than the stuff they can roll in vanilla – Spike, Cage, Drifter)
Option for 1 weapon: .38 Pipe Gun, .45 Pipe Revolver, Tire Iron, Lead Pipe or Machete. (guns are more likely).

Class II
Can roll for piecemeal leather armor + civilian undergarment.Will usually roll at least two pieces of leather.
Option for 1 weapon: Double Barrel Shotgun, 10mm Pistol, Revolutionary Sword, Baseball Bat, or Sledgehammer. (guns are more likely).

Class III
Full set of leather + military undergarment + eyeware (4 options)
Option for 1 weapon: Hunting Rifle or Submachine Gun.

Class IV
Full set of metal armor + military undergarment + metal helmet + eyeware + “good guy” bandana (4 options)
Only spawns with Combat Rifle

Settlers should spawn approximately: 60% CLASS I, 15% CLASS II,15% CLASS III, 10% CLASS IV (NOTE THEY WILL ALL STILL BE CALLED SETTLER IN GAME
UNTIL I GET MOAR GUUD AT MODDING).Note that it is chance based and split between all of your settlements, so it may
appear like you are getting too many of one type of spawn, but it should hold to the above numbers, overall.

I have many other changes and additions planned, but they will take some time due to engine limitations and the fact that I am somewhat a
novice.Also, its hard to make lots of changes without the creation kit.I am open to suggestions so please feel free to make them.

Also PLEASE report bugs and I will try to fix them.

The Mortal Settlers Patch.

This mod DOES NOT change the protected status of generic settlers.They will behave as in vanilla unless you install the "Mortal" patch.I made this specifically as an extension of my other Mod: Mortal Settlers.So I am uploading a patch to make "Better Settlers" mortal.Read the other mod closely before you decide to use the patch, as it will make your game HARDER.

Do NOT use this with Mortal Settlers.They are incompatible.Use the patch here instead.

How did you test it?

Loaded mod, played game until a bunch of settlers showed up and they behaved normally.
Also spawned a lot of settlers with console and tested their equipment.
Everyone behaved as expected in vanilla.Only their looks and equipment changed.

What are the known issues?

I think I fixed both of them, but just in case:
There was a bug with one hat and one outfit.The hat bug makes people bald.The outfit bug makes them naked.
If you find a bug or wonky behaviour, please report it and I will try to fix it.

Are there compatibility issues?

This will conflict with any mod that changes settler stats, or their levelled lists.

BE WARNED.Although I will feel terrible, I take no responsibility if this breaks your game.BE WARNED.

If you have bugs, fixes, suggestions, etc, please post comments and I will try to address.

Make sure you have made all the necessary configurations to enable mods in Fallout 4.
If you haven't, check out this guide to learn how: FALLOUT 4 - Enabling Modding for PC by Gopher.

I seriously recommend installing through the Nexus Mod Manager. The installation wizard guides you through the steps, and it minimizes the potential for future errors.

With Nexus Mod Manager (NMM):
1. Download the mod by clicking "Download with manager".
2. Activate the mod in Nexus Mod Manager

If you are using The Mortal Settlers Patch, it must go after "Better Settlers" in your load order or it will not work.

With Nexus Mod Manager (NMM):
1. Deactivate the mod by double-clicking it.
2. Mark the deactived mod and uninstall or delete it.

drdanzel - I copied his installation instruction section!

WARNING THIS IS A BETA. I HAVE TESTED IT AND DON’T TH好吧,作者原话这么长,我就简单的概括一下:就是稍稍增强和改变移民过来的难民的装备,该补丁与以下两个NPC补丁可能不兼容(这两个补丁都是该作者的作品):1.Immortal Settlers(游戏的NPC更穷,就是杀死NPC不会掉什么东西)2.Mortal Settlers(NPC更富有,杀死NPC掉的东西会多点)该MOD只针对一般移民NPC,对游戏特定的(如义勇军的黑皮)是无效的。用了MOD有以下变化:1.武器选择:枪。38管,45管。左轮手枪,轮胎铁,铅管或弯刀。更多样化的服装和帽子(枪更可能)2.全套金属铠甲+军用内衣+金属头盔+眼镜+“好人”的头巾(4种选择选择)楼主英语太渣详细还是看上面的Class1 2 3 4分类具体效果 自行体会楼主会持续关注更新欢迎热心人士汉化~0.7更新日志:Gave settlers "Lifegiver 3" and "Adamantium Skeleton 3" perks so they cannot be crippled anymore and heal between battles. (就是说给移民这2个红字的perks也就是说他们血量更高更抗打,英语太渣,看来还是必须玩下英文版啊)附件(0.5删除不再上传):1.(这个补丁排序必须在下面两个之上)2.                                          3.最后一句话,对于那些用代码保存成txt文件,游戏bat xxx刷传奇怪捡传奇装备给自己的移民装备的玩家可以无视这个MOD了。上图:

q121081407 发表于 2015-12-6 20:15


QQ.XiaoBing 发表于 2015-12-6 20:18

q121081407 发表于 2015-12-6 20:15 static/image/common/back.gif


葡萄香槟一起喝 发表于 2015-12-6 20:19

本帖最后由 葡萄香槟一起喝 于 2015-12-6 20:20 编辑


15969821578 发表于 2015-12-6 20:20

CTRL+A 可破……{:3_111:}

3211229514 发表于 2015-12-6 20:23


夜空的旋律 发表于 2015-12-6 20:27


5193632 发表于 2015-12-6 20:30


pp453d48486 发表于 2015-12-6 20:32


pyaler 发表于 2015-12-6 20:34


yoyotv323 发表于 2015-12-6 20:42


yi1888 发表于 2015-12-6 21:12


QQ.XiaoBing 发表于 2015-12-6 21:14

yi1888 发表于 2015-12-6 21:12 static/image/common/back.gif

现在BETA吧   我不会拿来汉化   

千宫纱 发表于 2015-12-6 21:34


andrewkane 发表于 2015-12-6 21:47


524323895 发表于 2015-12-6 22:01


x心雨 发表于 2015-12-6 22:02


blackerlt 发表于 2015-12-6 22:10

pyaler 发表于 2015-12-6 20:34 static/image/common/back.gif


megilay 发表于 2015-12-6 22:10


blackerlt 发表于 2015-12-6 22:10


QQ.XiaoBing 发表于 2015-12-6 22:12

megilay 发表于 2015-12-6 22:10 static/image/common/back.gif


QQ.XiaoBing 发表于 2015-12-6 22:13

blackerlt 发表于 2015-12-6 22:10 static/image/common/back.gif


lxl198905 发表于 2015-12-6 22:18


gxydio 发表于 2015-12-6 22:27


QQ.XiaoBing 发表于 2015-12-6 22:31

gxydio 发表于 2015-12-6 22:27 static/image/common/back.gif


XborRF 发表于 2015-12-6 23:15

本帖最后由 XborRF 于 2015-12-7 04:16 编辑



色膽包天 发表于 2015-12-7 01:43




顺爷 发表于 2015-12-7 03:27

官方什么时候出个DLC 能好好管理集落的啊。。。真心好烂的系统。。。

星、辉 发表于 2015-12-7 10:10


mgsin301 发表于 2015-12-7 12:04

资瓷资瓷~~顺便测试了一下,,, 只是“居民”的显示会变成 settler 而已,对话什么还是中文   而且我觉得脸变干净挺好的可以和进犯据点的枪手MM有的一拼http://att.blacksheepgame.com/att/album/201512/07/120347hiwastj8a1zd3s8a.jpg

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查看完整版本: 【NPC修改】授权搬运~12.07更新丰富的移民0.7,难民初始装备增强,标题要长~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~