PIPBOY 消失了 手臂上干脆就是没有
没有同学遇到这种情况么? 你應該是清掉了身上的PIPBOY, 然而這集PIPBOY的代碼還沒人知道, 要不可以試試打HELP PIPBOY, 然後ADDITEM再EQUIPITEM 第三人称PIPI小子消失MOD? {:3_124:}改性别了吧 我只是来水经验的~ 我只是来水经验的~ 我只是来水经验的~ 我有一次用捏人命令不小心点到自己好像,然后就悲剧了....最后是读档了
我只是来水经验的~ sunin3dmgame 发表于 2015-11-29 00:53 static/image/common/back.gif
tab選單能開否?不能就讀檔吧,我之前也是如此,或是指令help pipboy 0 查找代碼看看能不能添加 我只是来水经验的~ Ok so i found out what to do (What worked for me)
First open the console and type "player.equipitem 001909D6"
then enter a powersuit of some sort
Enter into the console "player.removeitem 001909D6 1"
Exit the powersuit and try to open the pipboy, now you should see just your arm with no pipboy on it.
Finally type into the console "player.equipitem 00021b3b 1"
Now it should work (hopefully) because it did for me.
感谢大家找到原因了 感谢大家 楼主不是发了方法了吗= =你们英语真的差。。。
Ok so i found out what to do (What worked for me)
First open the console and type "player.equipitem 001909D6"
then enter a powersuit of some sort
Enter into the console "player.removeitem 001909D6 1"
Exit the powersuit and try to open the pipboy, now you should see just your arm with no pipboy on it.
Finally type into the console "player.equipitem 00021b3b 1"
Now it should work (hopefully) because it did for me.
首先打开控制台,键入“player.equipitem 001909d6”
进入控制台”player.removeitem 001909d6 1”
最后输入到控制台”player.equipitem 00021b3b 1”