启动后进入游戏,控制台输入set dkFollow to 1,他会出现在你面前,如果没有,请快速移动到其它地方
等人出现后,控制台点击人物并出现代码,输入 bat dkstyle
Essentially all you have to do is type this into the console (setconsolescopequest followers)
then you type (forcerefintoalias companion) and for the second one (forcerefintoalias dogmeatcompanion)
thats it i would make a bat file but couldn't get it to compile in game so this is the only way i know how to sharethis have fun!
请求英语大神翻译 但求一图,{:3_93:} 唉,那句没图什么的话我就不说了{:3_99:} Because the quest for followers only allow two aliases thats the current total limit for the game at least until the toolkit is released.
Also use this (setplayerteammate 1) to be able to trade with the npc.
There are also temp followers which can be turned into pretty much complete followers by starting their quest and then not finishing it and using setplayerteammate 1 to trade with them travis is an example of that currently I have 3 followers let me know of any other temp follower quests i would totally be interested!
Make sure to have the person you want recruited selected in the console before doing forcerefintoalias! You can select someone in the console by clicking on them with the console menu open! If you have selected the npc right it will say ep or pp beside the reference id in the console window!
Some npcs do not have the animation files to be able to follow so needless to say they will not work!
To remove the alias or companion in other words use ( emptyrefalias companion ) and ( emptyrefalias dogmeatcompanion ) after putting in
( setconsolescopequest followers )but to be clear i have yet to test that command.
If your recruiting an npc who is in combat with you type ( tcai ) in the console then type ( setrelationshiprank player 4 ) and ( setplayerteammate 1 ) so he likes you and also will have the command menu. make sure to type tcai again after you are done recruiting him tcai stands for toggle combat ai so if you use it no one will fight use it again combat will be renabled.
Sometimes you have to disable and enable the npc in the console for it to start following you ! I recently got the prototype sentry bot at the robot disposal facility to follow me around!
So i have an update to the mod Travis can be replaced with a regular companion i have preston garvey, cait, and an sentry drone following me so here goes First get to the point where travis is following you then type into the console
( setconsolescopequest ms14 )
then click on your npc you want in the console then type
( forcerefintoalias travis)
then type
( setplayerteammate 1 )
then type
( addfac 23c01 )
its the same process but with the addition of the faction command it will force the follower to use follower dialogue of course it will not make a non normal follower have dialogue just normal ones like preston or dogmeat.
I am currently looking into an npc called glory to replace her too!
剩下的原文也求翻译,感激不尽 嗯,爱用用,不用X的话我也不想说 C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\823-2-1447650199.jpg 没图么? 但求一图, 楼主发下原址呗? 10毛10毛10毛10毛10毛10毛 就是告诉你只能通过控制台调出人物
下面是解释的原因 素敵 发表于 2015-11-24 20:42 static/image/common/back.gif