本帖最后由 alwin37 于 2015-11-23 18:11 编辑http://pan.blacksheepgame.com/s/1bnqN7PX
沙发,我是第一个,好贴要顶 沙发我自己的。
This retexture will replace the hotrod flames paint, as well as this all hotrod paints will become shiny as they all use the same one (at least until i can change it when nifskope works) - i would also like to make the fusion core in the back emit blue light but i dont think that is possible either.
To be able to use the mod you will only need the X-01 armor and the flames hotrod paint job from the magazines.
(/console commands)
To be able to install mods, refer to: http://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Fallout_4_Mod_Installation
Once done either use NMM or place the files into the fallout 4/Data file.
To uninstall, delete it, orginal texture will be used again.
(The jet pack added, it will replace any other jetpack texture and its _s texture too)
(only possible issue is it being too shiny, leave comments if you want it less shiny or something) (ps, i will probably not retexture other sets of power armor, but if its requested, we'll see.)
Anyway, Enjoy (woo! First iron man retexture) ...只是改了颜色 还以为真的是钢铁侠呢
最后张图X01得意的笑了 有人发过了~ 不想穿动力甲 但是喷火飞行器很不错啊 需要爬楼的地形用着好方便
不知道以后有没有MOD 可以改成服装也能喷 和钢铁侠一样 两只手喷;P 覆盖火焰涂装的啊,白的那个鲨鱼,可以2个都有了~ 你知道我们想看到的不是这个 完全看不出来这是钢铁侠 这个涂漆是哪个涂漆改的呢?还是新的呢,获取方式是什么 有人搬运过了 额。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 435935 发表于 2015-11-23 15:10 static/image/common/back.gif
不冲突吗 好违和啊,还是继续用铅涂装 可怜的 3L http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4979940&extra=
发之前好歹看一下有没有发过吧。我都在标题写上原标题了- - 感谢分享,先赞一个! 动力套只适合MK1和mk38这类的战衣 楼主的帖子标题不符合MOD发表格式。。建议更改下。要不然以后有人下载根本找不到 和鲨鱼冲突不。 虽然不像 , 但这个MOD 太帅啦 你知道我想看到的不是这个 支持一下。。。。。。 我觉得不久,就要出现 反浩克装甲的动力装甲了。。。。。 只有我一个人觉得钢铁侠没涂装之前比较好看么? x1的头,,,哎,就是因为这个我才不爱穿她的:dizzy: 1111111111111111111111111